Idea Request: Search Types for the D&D Wiki I'm building
Posted: 2010-05-19 10:55pm
My Fellow Role Players.
For the last, well, pretty much since I heard how bad the 'Master Tools' was going to be way back in 2001/2002. I've been attempting to make a Database Program for Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition/3.5 Edition / The D20 System.
(That has had several 'restarts' due to various reasons...)
What will now be a combo Wikipedia/Character Creator.
I've entered the ENTIRETY of every published Wizards of the Coast D&D Product (including all tables, descriptions, etc), and quite a few from other publishers. (Sorry, copies are not avilable at this time. It's no where near that point anyways).
Basically, you load up something in this database, you get everything that was in the book for it.
In the case of something that was reprinted several times (i.e Numerosu prestige classes), the newest version is the 'active' version you'd find on a casual search. (i.e Spellsword Prestige Class, from Complete Warrior). The older versions (i.e Spellsword from Sword & Fist) would not be locatable on a casual search.
And in the odd case of a spell being reprinted several times, each for a different setting (i.e Weapon of the Deity), or additionals to a spells function list (i.e more Monster for Summon Monter/Summon Nature's Ally), those have been combined/added to the latest entry.
Anyway, at this point, I am currently doing two things
1 - Making search options for the 'Wikipedia' section (before I attempt a migration to a Wikipedia Software or Microsoft SQL Server or something similiar) (Don't worry, I plan to talk to Wizards of the Coast first)
2 - Beginning a systematic creation of tables.
So, I'm trolling for ideas for the Search Options.
What kind of search options would you like to see for a database/program/Wikipedia like this?
And please; Through out ideas. Even if you're not sure it's possible.
Here is what I currently have for search options.
Looking for a... (i.e Class, Magic Item), Of this Subtype (i.e Prestige Class) (Optional)
With this Name (Select results, i.e Spellsword) (Lists: Item Name + Book)
Keyword Search (Title only, Title & Body of Description)
Spell (and similiar) List, by Class (i.e Show me all Wizard Spells, show me all 2nd level Wizard Spells, show me all 4th level Psion Powers, show me all Totemist Soulmelds, etc) (Currently; Spells and Psionics are built. The other magical systems are not being used by my gaming group right now, and building those search options wouldn't take that long)
Here is what I'm planning to add
Find a Specific item ID (i.e I already know the Index #, just show me)
When searching for a Magic or Psionic (or like) item that takes up a body slot, filter/search by that.
(i.e show me all items that take up the Head Slot.)
Magic Items by price range (option for all Magic Item Searches)
Look up something by what a character has (Crude character sheet)
(i.e Pick character (enter password to look at), Show magic item list, look up that magic item. Etc)
Show me all monsters of a given.... (Size, Type, Subtype, Challenge Rating, from a Specific Climate/Terrain or Environment, Hit Dice, Specified Feat, Specified Skill/Rank, or Belonging to a Monster Group, like Demons, Devils, True Elementals, True Dragons, etc)
Here is what I'm thinking of...
Search for older version of item. (i.e okay, this is the Complete Warrior version of Spellsword, I want to see the Sword and Fist version, as we are playing 3.0). This would be an Y/N Toggle on all the searches.
So please, ideas!
For the last, well, pretty much since I heard how bad the 'Master Tools' was going to be way back in 2001/2002. I've been attempting to make a Database Program for Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition/3.5 Edition / The D20 System.
(That has had several 'restarts' due to various reasons...)
What will now be a combo Wikipedia/Character Creator.
I've entered the ENTIRETY of every published Wizards of the Coast D&D Product (including all tables, descriptions, etc), and quite a few from other publishers. (Sorry, copies are not avilable at this time. It's no where near that point anyways).
Basically, you load up something in this database, you get everything that was in the book for it.
In the case of something that was reprinted several times (i.e Numerosu prestige classes), the newest version is the 'active' version you'd find on a casual search. (i.e Spellsword Prestige Class, from Complete Warrior). The older versions (i.e Spellsword from Sword & Fist) would not be locatable on a casual search.
And in the odd case of a spell being reprinted several times, each for a different setting (i.e Weapon of the Deity), or additionals to a spells function list (i.e more Monster for Summon Monter/Summon Nature's Ally), those have been combined/added to the latest entry.
Anyway, at this point, I am currently doing two things
1 - Making search options for the 'Wikipedia' section (before I attempt a migration to a Wikipedia Software or Microsoft SQL Server or something similiar) (Don't worry, I plan to talk to Wizards of the Coast first)
2 - Beginning a systematic creation of tables.
So, I'm trolling for ideas for the Search Options.
What kind of search options would you like to see for a database/program/Wikipedia like this?
And please; Through out ideas. Even if you're not sure it's possible.
Here is what I currently have for search options.
Looking for a... (i.e Class, Magic Item), Of this Subtype (i.e Prestige Class) (Optional)
With this Name (Select results, i.e Spellsword) (Lists: Item Name + Book)
Keyword Search (Title only, Title & Body of Description)
Spell (and similiar) List, by Class (i.e Show me all Wizard Spells, show me all 2nd level Wizard Spells, show me all 4th level Psion Powers, show me all Totemist Soulmelds, etc) (Currently; Spells and Psionics are built. The other magical systems are not being used by my gaming group right now, and building those search options wouldn't take that long)
Here is what I'm planning to add
Find a Specific item ID (i.e I already know the Index #, just show me)
When searching for a Magic or Psionic (or like) item that takes up a body slot, filter/search by that.
(i.e show me all items that take up the Head Slot.)
Magic Items by price range (option for all Magic Item Searches)
Look up something by what a character has (Crude character sheet)
(i.e Pick character (enter password to look at), Show magic item list, look up that magic item. Etc)
Show me all monsters of a given.... (Size, Type, Subtype, Challenge Rating, from a Specific Climate/Terrain or Environment, Hit Dice, Specified Feat, Specified Skill/Rank, or Belonging to a Monster Group, like Demons, Devils, True Elementals, True Dragons, etc)
Here is what I'm thinking of...
Search for older version of item. (i.e okay, this is the Complete Warrior version of Spellsword, I want to see the Sword and Fist version, as we are playing 3.0). This would be an Y/N Toggle on all the searches.
So please, ideas!