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Taking a second run at a SW RPG - ideas?

Posted: 2010-05-22 07:55am
by Lazarus
Alright guys, last summer I took a stab at running an RPG with 5 of my mates, using the Saga Edition rules. It was good fun but over two nights we only managed to get through about 20% of the mission (it was the beginners pre-epIV one from the website with the 'rescue the imperial admiral' objective) because combat took so fucking long. So I read on penny arcade this week that it's pretty easy to run an rpg over email, so I'm gonna take another run at it, but this time using facebook and resolving combat without a board, so i have more control as GM and can speed things along, plus there's no time constraints, we all have iphones or equivalent so don't need to be sat at our comps to keep things going.

So, with that in mind, can anyone recommend any good missions?

Re: Taking a second run at a SW RPG - ideas?

Posted: 2010-05-22 09:26am
by Sinewmire
Personally speaking, the thing pen and paper RPGs have above and over computer games is originality and choice.

Make up your own scenario.

I recently ran my friends as a Sith apprentice and smuggler crew pre Phantom Menace set in the outer rim.