I had no idea this game existed until Spoony did his Let's Play a while back. Honestly, the game looks like your average no-budget mediocre horror title that gets released on various platforms from time to time. What caught my attention, however, was that the game didn't get universally panned. In fact, some people say it's fucking awesome. "The Troll 2 of Videogames", one person said.
First of all, the game looks awful. The following shots are indeed running on an XBOX 360.

What the fuck is even going on in that last picture? Anybody who's watched footage of the game also knows that it looks decidedly uninspired and boring to play.
On the other hand, it has some pretty (unintentionally) hilarious cutscenes, and is so fucking odd that you can't help but be charmed by it. Oh, and it's $20 dollars, clocking in at 15-20 hours, so you can't accuse it of being too short lived.
Here's what Destructoid had to say about it:
Destructoid wrote: When we judge a game like this, how do we do it? Do we judge simply on gameplay? If so, the repetitive combat and long drives around town may very well mark it as a mediocre title. Do we judge it on story quality? If so, then we have a game that makes no sense and frequently makes light of murder and sexual deviancy. I say a game needs to be judged by how often it made you happy, how much you laughed or became excited, and how long you spend thinking about it after it was finished. If we judge it by those standards, then Deadly Premonition, my friends, is simply stunning. No other game has made me laugh so hard, laugh almost to the point of tears, laugh just by thinking about it. Deadly Premonition may well be the first game reviewed almost purely for its comedic value, but for a game so funny, it has to be done.
Deadly Premonition is beautiful. No, not graphically. Graphically it's atrocious. It's a beautiful trainwreck, and it's well aware of the fact. Despite this game being quite like everything ever made, there's nothing quite like the game itself. There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect.
So says Mr. Stewart!
Score: 10 -- Flawless Victory (10s are as close to perfect as you will get in a genre or on a platform. Pure, untarnished videogame ecstasy.)
Has anybody played it? Is anybody in North America willing to take the plunge for $20 to see if it lives up to the anti-hype?