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Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 02:08am
by Caiaphas
I recently rediscovered my old Freelancer CD, installed it, and to my delight found that I could play it on my laptop, which runs Windows 7. Unfortunately, I had forgotten my old multiplayer ID and how in the hell to sign up for a new ID, and when I tried to implement the Freelancer Mod Manager (v 1.31), none of my old mods would work. I tried installing FLMM v 1.51, but found that even if the mods worked, all of my save files would be deleted.

So then, a few questions.

How in the hell do I get myself a new ID? I try and type in a name, and half of the letters show up as hyphens. I try and type in a nice and short ID, something like S117, and it rejects it. Help, anyone?

The mod problem is fairly clear, I hope. Does anyone have any tips on how to fix it?

Thanks to all those who respond.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 03:02am
by Hawkwings
The multiplayer ID is an alphanumeric string automatically generated by your computer. None of this "username" and "password" stuff, just a long inscrutable series of characters. You really shouldn't need to touch it for anything, just go online and find a server. By the way, the Microsoft Global Freelancer List Server has been shut down. Use this for a workaround: ... workaround

Also, the Freelancer Account Manager, for "saving" your multiplayer account.

The issue that comes up with mods is because the savegames you have in the unmodded game are incompatible with the game once you mod it. Sorry, no way around this (unless you like bugging up the game).

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 03:10am
by Narkis
The Freelancer ID is more like a CD key than a nickname. If I remember correctly, the game auto-assigns one to you when you first hit multiplayer after a fresh install. Just accept the default one, there's no need to remember it

And as for your mod problem, there was a forum dedicated to Freelancer modding when I last played a few years ago. Lancer Reactor I think it was named. If it still exists, you'll probably have more luck there.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 03:26am
by Hawkwings
Lancers Reactor was shut down. Then it restarted. I've heard it's not too great right now.

By the way, I play Discovery Freelancer, one of the major mods out there. I'm on the official server, never bothered joining any of the others.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 12:38pm
by Caiaphas
But my problem is that none of my mods will work in the first place, and honestly, it's starting to irritate me.

Thanks for the tips on the mods, peoples. :mrgreen:

Oh, and how do you make the Discovery mod work? I tried it and it A) wouldn't work or B) royally f***ed up my game. Where do you put the file for the mod?


Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-24 12:54pm
by Hawkwings

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 03:19am
by Caiaphas
Thanks, Hawkwings. I'll see you in-game in a week or so, when I actually have some free time to play.

Does anyone else know of where to get the Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher besides the Bruchsal Base and the Bundschuh? I'm enemies with them right now, all of their enemies are my major trade partners (I'm not giving up a half-mill total profit per run for anything, not even a really badass weapon), so... yeah. Anyone know?

I think I have the mod problem fixed up. Thanks for the help, all y'all.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 04:32am
by Sarevok
Hey guys I would like to get back to Freelancer. I havent played the game since 2005. So I am very much out of the loop about the current situation of online play. Lets say I got a fresh install of FL. Where do I begin ?

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 05:22am
by OmegaChief
Caiaphas wrote:Thanks, Hawkwings. I'll see you in-game in a week or so, when I actually have some free time to play.

Does anyone else know of where to get the Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher besides the Bruchsal Base and the Bundschuh? I'm enemies with them right now, all of their enemies are my major trade partners (I'm not giving up a half-mill total profit per run for anything, not even a really badass weapon), so... yeah. Anyone know?

I think I have the mod problem fixed up. Thanks for the help, all y'all.
In the origional game, no there is no other place in the entire universe that you can get the Sunslayer I'm afraid.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 12:24pm
by Hawkwings
Sarevok: The most active servers are for Discovery Freelancer. See the link I posted earlier for install instructions, and you can poke around their forum too. The official server is an RP-heavy server, lots of rules which need some getting used to. Lots of frustration at times (getting ganked by outcast gunboats in the middle of Liberty, yeah fun...) but I do have fun playing there. Lots of idiot trolls, as with any online grouping of people. I'm co-leader of the Kusari State Police faction, thankless job I tell ya, but there are highlights.

If you want to play, make sure you read the rules carefully. Then I suggest you register for the forum, and sign up for a trading faction. They'll get you on your feet, in a tradeship, and making money. Using that, you can fund your other characters. I recommend joining the Kishiro faction, it's run by a stand up guy and they've got a good thing going. Nice trade routes too, just watch out for pirates and Bretonians (Kusari and Bretonia are at war). Capital ships suck by the way, every noob wants them and then they get owned by swarms of bombers (or even just two bombers) within hours of buying it. Then they go QQ all over the place. If you'd be interested in joining the Kusari State Police, well, I'd be happy to have you. Ours is a much more RP-heavy role than, say, the hordes of factions which seemingly exist only for PvP (I could name names, but I'll refrain for the moment).

some tools: Freelancer Datastorm pretty much shows you where everything is. It's a bit clunky, but serviceable.
Freelancer Companion is another good reference. This thing will calculate trade routes for you, but be aware that the most profitable ones often go through blockades or are for illegal goods.
finally, take a look at the wiki, it's got a load of information about everything.

Let me know if you've got any more questions. I'm not putting in a lot of playing time lately, but I can hop on and give you a hand if you need.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 01:47pm
by Feil
I tried Discovery a little bit a few years ago and hated it. Combat was worse than stock Freelancer and took /forever/ courtesy of players killing NPCs for nanobots and shield batteries. The so-called best fighting faction on the server couldn't beat me and my friends on our first day, and we got yelled at for 'griefing' because we didn't pussyfoot around every fight with our group's enemies with long dialogues before trying to actually play the game.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 02:19pm
by Hawkwings
Yeah, fighter battles take excessively long. And if you're in a big group fight on a laggy server, good luck and call your doctor, you'll need to get your wrists checked out.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 07:02pm
by Caiaphas
Heh heh heh. It's going to be fun annihilating them all. Put a couple Nomad Energy Cannons on, activate the pulse cannons, or for a nice little twist, six Sunblast Bs, and watch the havoc.

Seriously? They actually expect you to talk before a battle? All I ever try to say is "Surrender or die," before opening fire. Though admittedly, that is only with NPCs that show you absolutely no mercy.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 08:51pm
by Hawkwings
Mmm, nomad energy cannons are no, not unless you're an Order character. Sunblast B, sure, if you're the proper faction. The server rules require *some* RP before opening fire, plus a proper reason to of course.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 09:11pm
by Caiaphas

Where do I sign up for the Order? They got a recruitment base on one of the Freeports somewhere?

Also, who do you recommend I kill to get friendlier with the Bundschuh if I don't want to piss off the Houses or the Outcasts? I was thinking GMG and possibly Bounty Hunters, given that my reputation with them is pretty good.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-25 11:20pm
by Hawkwings
Yeah, discovery is an RP-heavy server. Be sure to read the rules. They're on the forum. Be sure to read the forum too, lots of game relevant stuff goes on there. You can even find, *gasp* recruitment threads for factions.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-26 01:22am
by Caiaphas
Muahahaha. :twisted: Die, Nomads, diiiiiiiiieee!

I'm sorry for how unclear that was. What is RP?

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-26 06:01pm
by Jade Falcon
I would assume RP means "Role Playing".

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-26 10:40pm
by Caiaphas
But in that case, why should I broadcast my intent? If I join one of the pirate groups or the Order, I'm a freakin' terrorist! It wouldn't matter if I told them, "I'm going to turn you and your ship into space debris," or not--once they see that I'm an enemy of the state, they'd open fire on me!

That and I'd rather be a smart terrorist than a dead one. Ambush = pwn. :twisted:

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-27 01:05am
by Hawkwings
Unfortunately in that case, server rules require you to give some RP and a reasonable amount of time for the other guy to react. It's the fairplay vs roleplay that rages on. It's not like you have to say "I pewpew u nao!", more like "You picked the wrong day to fly through my space." then give 'em a few seconds to possibly type out a response or start flying around/shooting, THEN you shoot them.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-27 02:47am
by Feil
About the most I can see justifying is to type '*Your sensors likely detect four incoming hostile-IFF fighters*' after you enter the system with your three buddies, then rock and roll.

Now I feel like playing some Freelancer.

Maybe we could go blow up Discovery for a while together, Ciaphas.

Re: Need Help With Freelancer

Posted: 2010-07-28 02:23am
by Caiaphas
Soon as I find some damn time to load up Discovery and figure out how the hell it works, we'll see.

Hold on... if I manage to join the Order, will you be my enemy?