Army of Two: The 40th Day.

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Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Post by weemadando »

Was actually quite good. It tightened up a lot of the mechanics from the first game and got rid of a lot of the campness, which would be unfortunate except for the fact that it has one of the best morality systems I've seen in a game. I actually felt quite impacted by some of the choices and their outcomes, whether or not this is because I'm a pussy remains to be determined.

Well worth a play if you can find it for cheaps, as I'm certainly glad I waited until it was well and truly marked down.
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Re: Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Post by Stark »

It had a literally non-existent story, mechanics that were used twice, and nigh-meaningless gun customisation. The 'outcomes' of total randomness with no ability to make informed decisions was just garbage. Oh look you saved someone... NO WAIT HE IS AN ALIEN FIEND IN DISGUISE. How moving. :lol: Good thing that ultimate villian with less screen time than a nobody you kill in level 1 somehow attacked and destroyed a major city in the middle of China somehow.

It also came out a million years ago. You can also finish it and get 70% achievements in like three hours... so...
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Re: Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Post by RogueIce »

It was fun, but not worth a second playthrough for me. And of course, I played it splitscreen do if the AI partner is stupid, that was of no concern to me.

The story was about as whacked (if not moreso) than the first one. And that had Phillipine terrorists hijacking an aircraft carrier...somehow (yeah yeah, "leaked intel" and blah blah, but seriously, wtf?). And able to fly F-18s off of it.

So in short, it's best to ignore the story (of either game) altogether.

The gun customization was fun, although really when I got the HK416 I never looked back. But that could just be me.

As for the morality choices, I was kinda meh on the whole thing. Though I did feel bad for shooting the tiger. I really did. It didn't help that the 'reward' was one dinky part I never used anyway (granted the reward may have been better and I had simply already bought the parts it was going to give me by then...). The rest of the choices were kinda just there.

Though letting that kid get blown away so I could get the .50 cal sniper rifle was totally worth it. :D
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Re: Army of Two: The 40th Day.

Post by TheMuffinKing »

I though it was a solid game. I liked it better than the first one and found it to be entertaining, although I can't bring myself to buy it (until it's like $15 or something). Everything I liked and disliked has already been mentioned so yeah.
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