CaptHawkeye wrote:Player generated content tends to degenerate into dick waving contests. Guys would post modest ship designs and such and then a minute later some asshole would pour into the thread with his "zomg super ship made of 1000000000 of thar HEAVIEST GOOONZ on your ship!"
Designs like that are totally lacking in imagination and are living proof that min-maxers/munchkins/fucking losers will seek to kill the spirit of any game they can.
I won't deny that it happens. Often on the official forums some newbie will join up bragging about how they made TEH MOST UBER SHIP EVAR, only to get... completely shot down, because most people who play the game for longer than a month realise that slapping weapons all over your ship and adding lots of really big numbers to the HP and Weapon Damage fields quickly gets boring and silly.
I say most of the people, because some people never really learned this. Like Ein, who would plaster his ships in guns and glowy things and make them really hideously bright and garish. But hey, that was Ein. We kinda expect that from him.
Attempts have been made to try and make a method of determining "balance", or ship values. Someone tried making one which works off DPS and ship HP, but it didn't work because DPS doesn't count for much. Some weapons have AOE, some weapons hit multiple sections, and there's no easy way to factor things like weapon accuracy and range and bullet speed into the equation. So most balancing systems just... don't work, are highly restrictive or make things so complicated that it's more trouble than its worth.
Still, it's not that hard to make a balanced fleet, and a few times in the past there's been one or two people that decided to create fleets, balance them against one another, and then a whole bunch of other people join in and we end up with a "community standard" for balance. That comes and goes, though. Either way, most people don't stack numbers too heavily... usually.
Purple wrote:Thank you, really.
No really, I read this post, started playing and got addicted.
Err... you're welcome?
Purple wrote:I would send you a personalized thank you PM but that would probably be creepy.
A little bit, yeah.
Purple wrote:About building custom ships I have two things to say:
1. It is awesome. You can go and make a planet ship with a gazillion guns and nuke launchers with 10mil damage. But what is more awesome than that is having restraint. I have found great pleasure in making ship classes that are roughly equivalent in terms of performance to the real ones but customized to my style of play. It feels much better to make your own ship and play a fair fight with it than to just go and make up some Death Star fantasy.
Agreed. It might be amusing when you start off to make big huge lasers of death and stuff, but after a while that gets kinda tiresome and you want to make ships that you can actually... play with.
2. Why do people stick textures to their models? The original game style looks much better.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this point. One of my favourite things about the game is making ships which I think look good, and with the original section style, it's... well, somewhat more difficult to make unique-looking ships. With the newer styles of sections that some people have made, you can make ships that look more like... well, crazy sci-fi spaceships, rather than just cartoonish abstract sci-fi spaceships. It's a personal preference, really.
Anyway, it's... very much an acquired taste. I enjoy the game, but mostly I enjoy sticking sections together and making ships that I think look good. Some people don't like the fact that there's no limits on the Shipmaking, and I get that... it's just never bothered me much.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the subject.