Initial Parameters and a few house rules that will impact character generation
Ability score generation is 4d6 drop lowest, and reroll ones. Dont worry, your enemies will be just as badass
Start at level three, starting cash is 6 months wages for your class minus any lifestyle deductions.
Hit points are being handled a bit differently than in the main text. Your hit-points are calculated as per the text, but they are vitality points. They represent the cinematic ability to partially dodge damage (taking a knife wound to the shoulder or something and have adrenaline take care of the pain). Wound points are equal to your con score. Telepathic attacks go straight to wound points whether they are lethal or non-lethal. There is no way for a mundane to mitigate a brute scan. The rules also do not adequately simulate a telepaths ability to turn a human target into a vegetable made of meat.
When non-lethal damage from telepathic attacks (or boosting to use abilities you cannot use easily) brings your wound points to below zero, any additional damage from that and subsequent telepthic attacks will cause Int, Wis, or Cha damage (telepath's choice). If you go unconscious, it is just damage. You will recover.
Lethal damage brings you to -1 wound points and you start loosing wound points as normal. However, the telepath will then start doing permenant Int, Wis, or Cha drain, turning you into a vegetable. If your body survives, someone may--mind you may--be able to return you to sentience by rebuilding your personality.
Telepathy is very fucking scary in this universe, and the baseline rules sacrifice some of that for game balance. Someone who wants to play a mundane in my game can do it, but be warned, it would be a VERY good idea to be practiced in anti-scanning techniques, and be very fast with a PPG. If your character starts feeling light headed, the person staring at you needs to be shot.
Additionally, D20 systems do a poor job of simulating having a good public education. Most of your characters will, provided you are human. Non-humans will get a separate list once each extant alien in the game is finalized. As a result you will gain two free ranks in the following skills regardless of your class. They do count against your Max Ranks based upon class. I basically assume that you have at least a secondary education and you know... live in this universe. As a result there are things you are just going to know. If you are a high school dropout, let me know.
Athletics (presumably you all took PE, frankly a typical 8 year old has a few ranks in this one)
Drive (Groundcars, which include the hovering variety)
Computer Use (technological society and all, I assume you have a basic grasp of how to find files etc)
Knowledge Skills:
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
History, Literature, Earth Culture (or appropriate homeworld culture for non-humans), Local Area of your birth, earth holdings (or Drazi etc if non-human).
One other knowledge skill of your choice. You had electives afterall.
Telepaths who belong to an organization that trains its telepaths such as the Psi Corps get 4 free ranks in telepathy, and two in Knowledge Telepathy. Everyone else (teeps and mundanes alike) has 6 free ranks to move around as they choose. You did all for example have hobbies, unless your parents were the Psi Corps, in which case you did not get to have hobbies.