Shep gets Dead Space (Technical Review)
Posted: 2010-10-29 09:31am
Original Dead Space Thread from back when
So I got Dead Space on PC for $9.99 through Steam's Halloween Special.
(Had to install Steam to play Fallout:NV; so I started looking thru their specials and Dead Space's concept of a derelict spacecraft was always intruiging to me).
So I downloaded it (7 GB) and started it up. Intro was pretty awesome, and the game ran smoothly on my system which is fairly old by now, even at 1920x1080, which is always a plus.
Another big plus was that it was subtitled -- that's something that's forgotten a lot by game developers these days.
So the intro was pretty awesome and all science fictiony. I like that kind of stuff.
Even if Doctor Big Tits was distracting me.

Doctor Big Tits is on the Left. Generic Military Hard-Ass on Right
Anyway; it's once the game starts that the problems begin.
"Wait, where's the toggle to go first person view."
"Ok; so it's a third person only game, like Metal Gear Solid..."
The difference was with Metal Gear Solid, you actually had a useable POV that wasn't always blocked by Solid Snake's body. Dead Space's POV is always permanently locked into a dumbass 'right over your shoulder' mode that only pulls back to generate a useable POV when you are running.
I tried to like the game, but the horrible camera controls basically made it unplayable for me -- along with the rather worthless GUI that tried to make it appear like it was 'floating in space'. I'm sure that was a great selling point in whatever Tech Demo that spawned this game, but as a game mechanic it's confusing and rather pointless.
Where do I need to go next to accomplish my next objective and move the game/plot along?
*hits B, Isaac holds out his hand and does some glowy shit from it that highlights a blue path on the ground*
All good and fine, until you have to whirl the camera view around a lot to find the path to go follow.
Gets better. Your character's body blocks a lot of the POV, which is such a great help in the dark corridors which inhabit this game, artificially inflating the difficulty.
Finally, there are a whole bunch of dumb puzzles that center around the 'stasis' mechanic which is a magitech slowdown device that your character can fire at stuff.
Even more fun is the way combat is handled -- enemies don't go down from basic center of mass shots. You have to basically dismember them which can be done if you're only facing one enemy at a time at the end of a long corridor, giving you the time needed to line up your shot in ha-ha-fuck-you-third-person-mode. It's when multiple enemies appear that the fuck-you-factor increases.
Oh, did I mention that you can't save at any point? The save system is basically an old style console save system with 'save points' scattered throughout the ship, with random restart points throughout the ship in case you die, so you don't have to repeat a whole first half of a chapter.
I think the best way to describe Dead Space is that it's got a whole clutch of "innovators" piled together. It probably would have worked if they had done it as a traditional FPS, since then the controls would not be confusing and you would be able to line up your shots to dismember graboids easier. But they must have gotten seduced by the whole "lets dispense with a traditional HUD and show everything floatying in space, with a inexplicable blue glowing spine on our characters back standing in for health." to tick off the INNOVATION thing when they whored it out to game review magazines.
At least I didn't pay that much more than the average $7 USD cost for a console game weekly rental so I wasn't completely fucked by this purchase.
EDIT: Oh, I just remembered. Of course they do the game mechanic of "oh noes, you got cut off from the rest of your team of explorers, so you have to explore and fix shit for the lazy bastards so they can explore deeper into the ship."
That was god damned old and lame when the original Alien vs Predator or was it AvP 2 did it during the Marine side of the game and had you dungeon crawl by yourself to fix shit for your worthless squad mates.
So I got Dead Space on PC for $9.99 through Steam's Halloween Special.
(Had to install Steam to play Fallout:NV; so I started looking thru their specials and Dead Space's concept of a derelict spacecraft was always intruiging to me).
So I downloaded it (7 GB) and started it up. Intro was pretty awesome, and the game ran smoothly on my system which is fairly old by now, even at 1920x1080, which is always a plus.
Another big plus was that it was subtitled -- that's something that's forgotten a lot by game developers these days.
So the intro was pretty awesome and all science fictiony. I like that kind of stuff.
Even if Doctor Big Tits was distracting me.

Doctor Big Tits is on the Left. Generic Military Hard-Ass on Right
Anyway; it's once the game starts that the problems begin.
"Wait, where's the toggle to go first person view."
"Ok; so it's a third person only game, like Metal Gear Solid..."
The difference was with Metal Gear Solid, you actually had a useable POV that wasn't always blocked by Solid Snake's body. Dead Space's POV is always permanently locked into a dumbass 'right over your shoulder' mode that only pulls back to generate a useable POV when you are running.
I tried to like the game, but the horrible camera controls basically made it unplayable for me -- along with the rather worthless GUI that tried to make it appear like it was 'floating in space'. I'm sure that was a great selling point in whatever Tech Demo that spawned this game, but as a game mechanic it's confusing and rather pointless.
Where do I need to go next to accomplish my next objective and move the game/plot along?
*hits B, Isaac holds out his hand and does some glowy shit from it that highlights a blue path on the ground*
All good and fine, until you have to whirl the camera view around a lot to find the path to go follow.
Gets better. Your character's body blocks a lot of the POV, which is such a great help in the dark corridors which inhabit this game, artificially inflating the difficulty.
Finally, there are a whole bunch of dumb puzzles that center around the 'stasis' mechanic which is a magitech slowdown device that your character can fire at stuff.
Even more fun is the way combat is handled -- enemies don't go down from basic center of mass shots. You have to basically dismember them which can be done if you're only facing one enemy at a time at the end of a long corridor, giving you the time needed to line up your shot in ha-ha-fuck-you-third-person-mode. It's when multiple enemies appear that the fuck-you-factor increases.
Oh, did I mention that you can't save at any point? The save system is basically an old style console save system with 'save points' scattered throughout the ship, with random restart points throughout the ship in case you die, so you don't have to repeat a whole first half of a chapter.
I think the best way to describe Dead Space is that it's got a whole clutch of "innovators" piled together. It probably would have worked if they had done it as a traditional FPS, since then the controls would not be confusing and you would be able to line up your shots to dismember graboids easier. But they must have gotten seduced by the whole "lets dispense with a traditional HUD and show everything floatying in space, with a inexplicable blue glowing spine on our characters back standing in for health." to tick off the INNOVATION thing when they whored it out to game review magazines.
At least I didn't pay that much more than the average $7 USD cost for a console game weekly rental so I wasn't completely fucked by this purchase.
EDIT: Oh, I just remembered. Of course they do the game mechanic of "oh noes, you got cut off from the rest of your team of explorers, so you have to explore and fix shit for the lazy bastards so they can explore deeper into the ship."
That was god damned old and lame when the original Alien vs Predator or was it AvP 2 did it during the Marine side of the game and had you dungeon crawl by yourself to fix shit for your worthless squad mates.