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Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 06:04pm
by Stark
Has anyone played this? If you can sit through the terrible DR1 summary movie, the developers have at least listened to some of the problems with DR1. Weapons have actual USEFUL secondaries now (notably the rifle has a nade launcher instead of useless helicopter mode), the pistol is nerfed, and there's more looting in general.
The area you get in the demo is amazingly boring, however, and many things people didn't like remain the same. Melee is slightly less of a suicidal prospect, but the interface remains largely unchanged and stasis is still cheese.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 06:16pm
by General Zod
Didn't realize it was out already, setting it up to download now.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 07:17pm
by Chardok
you know I'm D/Ling it toni...oh wait, I'm starting Uncharted 2 tonight. Fuck off.
Wait, no, It'll take my PS3 an hour to update the game then 15 minutes to install it. I'll D/l it tonight for sure. STRAK - is it sca..wait. Will I, as a fatty retard American with no taste, find it "Scary"?
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 07:33pm
by Stark
It's the same stuff as the first one; jump cuts, monster closets, etc. That said I doubt it's possible for the demo to have much atmosphere since it's a part of the middle of the game an we have no idea what's happening.
EDIT - Probably pretty scary if you're epileptic, since it has the whole 'strobe lights = tension' thing going on.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 07:44pm
by Chardok
Stark wrote:EDIT - Probably pretty scary if you're epileptic, since it has the whole 'strobe lights = tension' thing going on.
Yeah, that's scary for me. I HAAAATE that in games. It's too much stress and It literally wears me out. I can't stomach more than, maybe 30 minutes at a shot of a game that uses that mechanic.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 07:53pm
by General Zod
Chardok wrote:you know I'm D/Ling it toni...oh wait, I'm starting Uncharted 2 tonight. Fuck off.
Wait, no, It'll take my PS3 an hour to update the game then 15 minutes to install it. I'll D/l it tonight for sure. STRAK - is it sca..wait. Will I, as a fatty retard American with no taste, find it "Scary"?
There's a few "shock and awe" moments if you have surround sound but for the most part it's not all that scary.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 08:20pm
by Whiplash
I watched a playthrough of it. Is the whole stomping dead enemies thing new, because the guy playing seemed to do that a lot. Melee seemed useless, because the player could never land a hit and stopped trying after a while. There were a few jump worthy parts, but I wouldn't call it scary. I mean, the first time one of the necromorphs? jumped out of the wall it got me, but not so much the other 10 times. I remember seeing everything else that followed at E3 earlier in the air, so the rest didn't come as too much a surprise. It looks okay.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 08:22pm
by Losonti Tokash
No, stomping has always been around.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 08:24pm
by Stark
It was just useless. Now you can concievably stomp someone to death without dying every time, and it loots corpses too.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 08:29pm
by Chardok
wait stomping=loots?
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 08:36pm
by Stark
Look if you stomp a twisted amalgam of corpses obviuosly $400 cards come out.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-22 09:03pm
by Artemas
Chards has clearly never stomped someone in real life.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 01:27am
by adam_grif
I don't like that you have to stomp dead bodies to loot them now (except the baby monsters), but if I had to guess, it's so that enemies don't just drop an item as soon as you kill them, which tips you off to the fact that they are "really" dead, now you have to stomp them to find out for sure, and they might spring back up for a cheap jump scare if they are just playing.
I liked the demo. The zero G stuff was good, the Javelin gun was good, the new Pulse rifle secondary shocked me the first time I did it because I expected the old one. The funny thing is, the old one was only useless because there were no situations in which it was really useful to have, but with the addition of the swarm infant enemies, there actually was a situation when I wanted to use it, but it's not there anymore
The laser sights are locked in the centre like a crossshair now by default, but if you go into options, you can change the aiming to "classic" mode which shifts it back to the RE4/Dead Space 1 style laser sights, which I like better.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 07:19am
by Lagmonster
Cut the chatty bullshit already. For those of us who don't have the means to hook our XBoxes up to the Internet, does the demo provide an example of a game worth buying, or doesn't it?
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 08:02am
by adam_grif
IT DEPENDS. If you liked Dead Space 1 you'll probably like this as well. If you didn't try Dead Space 1 but you loved RE4, you'll probably like this. It's not exactly the scariest horror game around if that's what you're looking for, similar to later resident evils that dumped a lot of the atmosphere for an action gaming focus. This demo is the E3 demo, and seems to be the same build as well, so the final game is probably going to be a bit different.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 01:37pm
by General Zod
Lagmonster wrote:Cut the chatty bullshit already. For those of us who don't have the means to hook our XBoxes up to the Internet, does the demo provide an example of a game worth buying, or doesn't it?
The demo on its own? Not in the least. It's pretty boring overall. If the first game is indicative of anything I'd say rent it if you aren't certain.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 06:41pm
by adam_grif
What exactly was boring? You run down some corridors and kill some monsters, you solve a simple puzzle, you do some zero G maneuvering, you get swarmed by enemies, then the demo ends. It was like 10 minutes long, and fairly action packed.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 06:44pm
by Stark
The combat is by nature boring (especially since the areas are well-lit), and the interface makes solving the simple puzzle take longer than it takes to work out the solution, which is bad. But yeah, anyone who like DS will doubtless like DS2, since its exactly the same thing but with a few fixes.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-23 07:22pm
by General Zod
adam_grif wrote:What exactly was boring? You run down some corridors and kill some monsters, you solve a simple puzzle, you do some zero G maneuvering, you get swarmed by enemies, then the demo ends. It was like 10 minutes long, and fairly action packed.
The fact that most of the corridors were identical and empty don't really help much. There was also virtually no context whatsoever, which I suspect was deliberate but without some sort of story angle it's hard for me to give a shit why I'm running down these corrdiors.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-24 07:10pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Are there any significant changes in gameplay or is it just little tweaks?
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-24 07:10pm
by General Zod
Manus Celer Dei wrote:Are there any significant changes in gameplay or is it just little tweaks?
Nothing significant that you'd be able to tell from just the demo.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-24 11:00pm
by ShadowDragon8685
It's a crying shame they nerfed the Plasma Cutter/Heavy Blaster Pistol of DOOOOOM. I fucking loved that gun...
Of course, the fully-upgraded pulse rifle was made pretty much of god and win, since I'm of a jumpy disposition and aim doesn't come naturally to me when something's leaped out from a wall and is trying to bite my gonads off, so being able to stunlock the bastards with the pulse rifle and walk my shots over to their shoulders/groin was really, really helpful.
Also, the same thing can be said of the fully-upgraded flamethrower. I just hope they fixed it this time so you can use it in vacuum, because crapdamnit, Hydrazine will ignite in space!
It was always sad about Dead Space that the really cool, fun weapons were so damn useless - Awesome but Impractical. I mean, the Ripper sounds like it was made for this particular brand of zombie uprising. It's a circular saw that juggles its sawblades on the end of a tractor beam, or can just launch them like having a magazine of Half-Life style sawmill blades...
But it really, really sucked against necromorphs because you can't insta-kill them with a center mass shot the way you could with HL2's zombies, and getting anything but a center mass shot is nigh-on impossible, let alone sawing off limbs. Sure, you could do it with the primary fire - once, then the blade flies behind the monster and he runs up with his remaining three limbs to claw your nipples off.
If they only fixed that problem - making the fun weapons effective in the hands of someone who doesn't have freon running through his veins - then it'll be the awesomesauce. That said, if the Force Gun and Line Gun are coming back, then I'll call it a wash - when you have a kinetic shotgun and a gun that shoots a bolt of horizontal destruction, you don't need much else.
Who am I kidding. The moment this sucker's out for PC on Steam I'm buying it. I can't wait to see what happened to Izzy Clarke after stomping his way through hell and back only to get maybe-attacked by his girlfriend's maybe-partially-necromorphed corpse, or if he's just going maybe-insane.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-26 10:44pm
by Molyneux
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:It's a crying shame they nerfed the Plasma Cutter/Heavy Blaster Pistol of DOOOOOM. I fucking loved that gun...
Of course, the fully-upgraded pulse rifle was made pretty much of god and win, since I'm of a jumpy disposition and aim doesn't come naturally to me when something's leaped out from a wall and is trying to bite my gonads off, so being able to stunlock the bastards with the pulse rifle and walk my shots over to their shoulders/groin was really, really helpful.
Also, the same thing can be said of the fully-upgraded flamethrower. I just hope they fixed it this time so you can use it in vacuum, because crapdamnit, Hydrazine will ignite in space!
It was always sad about Dead Space that the really cool, fun weapons were so damn useless - Awesome but Impractical. I mean, the Ripper sounds like it was made for this particular brand of zombie uprising. It's a circular saw that juggles its sawblades on the end of a tractor beam, or can just launch them like having a magazine of Half-Life style sawmill blades...
But it really, really sucked against necromorphs because you can't insta-kill them with a center mass shot the way you could with HL2's zombies, and getting anything but a center mass shot is nigh-on impossible, let alone sawing off limbs. Sure, you could do it with the primary fire - once, then the blade flies behind the monster and he runs up with his remaining three limbs to claw your nipples off.
If they only fixed that problem - making the fun weapons effective in the hands of someone who doesn't have freon running through his veins - then it'll be the awesomesauce. That said, if the Force Gun and Line Gun are coming back, then I'll call it a wash - when you have a kinetic shotgun and a gun that shoots a bolt of horizontal destruction, you don't need much else.
Who am I kidding. The moment this sucker's out for PC on Steam I'm buying it. I can't wait to see what happened to Izzy Clarke after stomping his way through hell and back only to get maybe-attacked by his girlfriend's maybe-partially-necromorphed corpse, or if he's just going maybe-insane.
I don't know - I had a blast with the Ripper. When I managed to get maybe two meters' distance to set up the shots, I was kneecapping zombies left and right with that thing.
I swear - and I'm not sure what kind of AI bug led to this behavior, but I
swear that this happened during a playthrough - I actually saw a small group of Necromorphs
turn tail and run away when I pulled out the Ripper. They were terrified of that thing, and for good reason.

Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-26 10:48pm
by OmegaChief
Indeed, with the hold a buzzsaw a short way infront of you it was a good way to take out the limbs of attacking gribblies with ease, all you had to do was stand there and they'd run right into the blender.
Re: Dead Space 2 demo = lol
Posted: 2010-12-27 01:00am
by ShadowDragon8685
Molyneux wrote:I don't know - I had a blast with the Ripper. When I managed to get maybe two meters' distance to set up the shots, I was kneecapping zombies left and right with that thing.
I swear - and I'm not sure what kind of AI bug led to this behavior, but I
swear that this happened during a playthrough - I actually saw a small group of Necromorphs
turn tail and run away when I pulled out the Ripper. They were terrified of that thing, and for good reason.

Perhaps you employed a terrain advantage (a few short stairs) and that's what caused their undead morale to flag and flutter?
Dunno what would've caused that, but I can definitely imagine it, and I find it
I found the ripper to be fun, but it wound up getting Isaac's face chewed off too many times in my hands. I suppose it may take calmer nerves and/or better aim and/or less drifty controls than I played through it with.
Ahh well, there's always the good old Hydrazine Cutting Torch.