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Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 12:42pm
by Gunhead
So it has finally been completed and I guess this shows miracles do happen in the gaming industry. I'm not a huge fan of Duke Nukem, even if I did like Duke Nukem over doom and other FPS titles of it's time. Of course the big question is it any good? I'm cautiously optimistic and will definitely check this one out. Gearbox did Borderlands which is easily my favorite FPS title of all time, so I'm hoping they can deliver here as well. Twelve years in the making is a fucking long time. I remember when this was announced back in the day and all the hype that went with it and while a not a huge fan I'll say this: After twelve fucking years it better deliver. If this title comes out as a mediocre FPS for the day, I'll drop it from my to get list faster than you can say Duke Nukem.
Have at it then, here's to Duke Nukem forever being THE adrenaline rushed FPS with guns, chicks and huge explosions.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 12:53pm
by Aura
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 01:29pm
by TheFeniX
I was waiting for redone version of the
old theme. But oh well.
Some of the most fun I had in the original game was with dial-up co-op play and the 4 man (or 8 if you posted your IP) co-op we had going on the MS Gaming Zone. Really hope they include it for the new one, but I'm not holding my breath.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 01:31pm
by General Zod
You know, I don't even really care if the game is good or not at this point. I'm going to snap it up day-one just because of its sheer notoriety.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 01:45pm
by Agent Fisher
Hail to the King, baby!
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 03:33pm
by OmegaChief
Now here's a thread title I never thought I'd see outside of April 1st...
But yea, I think so many people are just going to buy this game just because it's DNF, it's pretty much guarenteeded money making.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 04:21pm
by Gunhead
I'm not sure this game is going to get bought just by the DNF factor, twelve years of fucking around must have a lot of people pissed off. Specially the people who bought into the hype, rehype and waited for a long time just to get it axed. Time will tell, so we'll know quite soon how it turned out.
Could a mod correct the thread title?
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 04:33pm
by General Zod
Gunhead wrote:I'm not sure this game is going to get bought just by the DNF factor, twelve years of fucking around must have a lot of people pissed off. Specially the people who bought into the hype, rehype and waited for a long time just to get it axed. Time will tell, so we'll know quite soon how it turned out.
Could a mod correct the thread title?
As long as Gearbox and 2k have some good marketing people will buy it.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 04:34pm
by Phantasee
Between this and Dr. Dre's Detox (allegedly*) coming out this year, I'm convinced that 2012 really will be the end of the world.
*He's released a single, but the album still doesn't have a release date as far as I know.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 05:55pm
by FSTargetDrone
I used to have machines that would probably be able to run this. Now, not so much.
Count me out, at least for this coming May.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 06:22pm
by PeZook
What's with the censorship?
Really, let's pretend nobody knows what's beneath the pixel salad!

Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 08:58pm
by Highlord Laan
PeZook wrote:What's with the censorship?
Really, let's pretend nobody knows what's beneath the pixel salad!

Gotta keep the brainless soccer moms and other such societal detritus happy and content in thinking that everyone else is as scared as the human body as they are. And think of the children, you filthy fornicating heathen.
If I have enough money at the time, I'll be snagging this ASAP. I loved DN3D, and I'm tired of the "Rar, grimdark realism" trend infecting the FPS genre nowadays. Enough realism, gimme a goddamed minigun and a room full of mooks to make into wallpaper.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-21 09:01pm
by adam_grif
Hey guys, guess what? Duke Nukem Forever is being released before Half Life 2: Episode Three. I bet if someone told you that circa 2006 you would have laughed in their face.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 01:55am
by ShadowDragon8685
adam_grif wrote:Hey guys, guess what? Duke Nukem Forever is being released before Half Life 2: Episode Three. I bet if someone told you that circa 2006 you would have laughed in their face.
Valve have all of February, March, and April to pull a surprise out of their asses. They've been incredibly tight-lipped, and HL2:Ep3 has certainly had long enough for even a Valve development cycle.
You shouldn't always bet on Duke. You never know when Gordon will come along, trip him up at the last minute with the crowbar and hog the glory...
That said, I am totally getting Duke Nukem Forever.
I wonder if those people who legendarily still have their pre-order tickets are going to have them honored or not?
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 03:00am
by Axiomatic
I'm quite torn on this; on one hand, a ruined urban environment? REALLY? I'm unsure there is a more overused FPS setting, to be honest.
But on the other hand, DUKE. OH MY GOD DUKE.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 04:01am
by DaveJB
In fairness, they were releasing images that showed that Duke Forever would take place in a battle-scarred Las Vegas as far back as 1999, long before New Vegas was a twinkle in the developers' eyes. In any case it looks like it might actually be something of a parody of modern FPSes, in much the same way that DN3D was a parody of mid-90s FPSes.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 04:19am
by wautd
It pains me to say that it looks better than I tought.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 04:42am
by 2000AD
Well it looks like the
The Duke Nukem Forever List will finally be finished. It's amazing how many things were completed in a quicker time than DNF.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 04:52am
by OmegaChief
There is a great tragedy in all of this though, namly we've lost our longest running vapourware joke! Unless of course Valve take it upon themselvesto make EP3 the new DNF.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 06:05am
by adam_grif
And why not? We've been waiting since 2007 and they haven't even officially acknowledge that it exists yet. Gabe is probably too busy thinking up TF2 hats or something.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 07:22am
by Lord Woodlouse
Gunhead wrote:I'm not sure this game is going to get bought just by the DNF factor, twelve years of fucking around must have a lot of people pissed off. Specially the people who bought into the hype, rehype and waited for a long time just to get it axed. Time will tell, so we'll know quite soon how it turned out.
Could a mod correct the thread title?
*shrug* In my mind people have no right to get pissed off about when something is released unless they have something invested in it.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 11:27am
by Rogue 9
You do of course realize that this means Armageddon is going down on May 2nd.

About fucking time.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 11:42am
by Tolya
Wow. The trailer is actually pretty cool. And I love the way they make fun of how long the game was in development.
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 12:20pm
by Solauren
"But how was the game Duke? Was it any good?"
"After 12 FUCKING YEARS, it better damn well be!"
Re: Duke Nukem forever has a releas date. May 3rd / 6th
Posted: 2011-01-22 01:00pm
by FSTargetDrone
2000AD wrote:Well it looks like the
The Duke Nukem Forever List will finally be finished. It's amazing how many things were completed in a quicker time than DNF.
It'd be amusing if the current publishers of the game actually did arrange for those pre-orders like the ones featured at that link to be honored. Might get some nice press out of it, at least.