So I can't figure out how to take screenshots of the menus and pre-mission setup. Prtsc and Fraps are failing at this. Anyone have suggestions?
Mission 1:
Objectives: Kill cultists, retrieve relic.
Tactical Squad 1
SGT Caveat Emptor Andronicus
Charred Docken
Paulus Scarabeus
Dimitri Kursk - Heavy Bolter
Gaius - "So how did we deploy again? No drop pod or anything... guess we walked? Oh look, tons of cultists in visual range."
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "..."
Charred Docken - "Huh what?"
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "
oh erm... FOR THE EMPEROR! CHARG- wait, forget that, let's just stand here and shoot them."
Dimitri Kursk - "Works for me, heh heh..."
And thus, did Brother Kursk fire the first shot of the holy campaign "SDN", seeking to deliver the Emperor's wrath upon all heretics and traitors.
Gaius - "You missed! I can't believe you missed! He was 20 range units in front of you!"
Dimitri Kursk - "GAHBRGRBLDIE!!"
Cultist - SPLOOSH!
Encouraged by their brother's first kill, the rest of Squad 1 opened fire.
Gaius - "I hold your DEATH in my hand!"
Charred Docken - "The Emperor commands you to DIE!"
Paulus Scarabeus - "Come meet your DOOM!"
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "Argh why can't I HIT them?"
And so, Squad 1 slew four Chaos Cultists, exploding their putrid bodies with great force and excessive sound effects.
One turkey-shoot later, the squad stacked up in front of the door.
Sergeant Caveat Emptor Andronicus successfully pulled the door handle (having missed once previously) and Brother Paulus Scarabeus took the first steps into the Chaos-infested temple.
Paulus Scarabeus - "Hmm, looks like nobody is directly in front of me... I'll just turn to the right-"
Paulus Scarabeus - "A Word Bearer Chaos Space Marine! Ooh, he's facing away, I could stab him in the back..."
Chaos Space Marine - "Wha-"
Paulus Scarabeus - "Yay explosives! Wasn't expecting THAT were you?"
The rest of the squad entered and took up defensive positions.

Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "Hmm, looks pretty empty... I'll check the auspex just to be sure."

Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "Oh Sweet Emperor that's a lot of little red dots!"
Brother Gaius led the right, followed by Sergeant Andronicus and Brother Scarabeus. Brothers Docken and Kursk took the left path.
Gaius - "Another Word Bearer! Eat lead, filth!"
Gaius - "Hmm, that didn't work so well..."
Chaos Space Marine - "FOR KAY-OSS!"
Paulus Scarabeus - "Oh no! That frag grenade obscured my vision long enough for that Word Bearer to hide behind one of these small pillars in the hallway!"
Gaius - "Fear not Brother, I'll find hi- oh that was quick."
Gaius - "Even though you're standing right in front of me, I think throwing a krak grenade would be the most appropriate tactical decision here!"
Word Bearer - "You're quite long-winded you know."
Gaius - "..."
Grenade - KRAK!
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "Here, I'll help too! At this close range I can't miss!"
Gaius - "No-"
Grenade - KRAK!
Gaius - "Well, I'm not dead, which is great! But neither is this Word Bearer. Oh look he's raising his knife to try and eviscerate me. I think I'll shoot him."
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "I contributed to this kill!"
Meanwhile, in the opposite hallway.
Dimitri Kursk - "Word Bearers and their oddly gelatinous cultist allies!"
Word Bearer - "Chaos shall CONSUME you!"
Word Bearer bolters -
Cultist Laspistols -
Dimitri Kursk - "Ow, those hurt! Now it's my turn - argh, weapon jammed!"
Charred Docken - "The Emperor commands you to DIE!"
Charred Docken's bolter - MISSMISSMISS
Dimitri Kursk- "Now I'm ANGRY! ARRGFBRLPDKX$#^U!"
Charred Docken - "Wow."
Dimitri Kursk - "Fall before the might of the EMPEROR! OK now I'll use a medkit..."
Back in the other hallway...
Paulus Scarabeus - "Look, ammo crates! Ooh, more grenades..."
The trio advanced, and encountered a lone Word Bearer guarding their foul Chaos altar and the relic.
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "I'm less likely to miss if I try stabbing him! CHARGE!"
Gaius - "I'm terrible at melee combat!"
Paulus Scarabeus - "I need an explosive knife!"
Caveat Emptor Andronicus - "RAAARRRGGHH!"
Word Bearer - "I die... for KAY-OSS!"
With the death of the last foul heretic, the squad retrieved the relic and returned to the strike cruiser.
Caveat Emptor Andronicus: 1 cultist, 1 Chaos Marine (Aspiring Champion!)

Gaius: 4 cultists, 1 Chaos Marine
Charred Docken: 9 cultists
Paulus Scarabeus: 5 cultists, 1 Chaos Marine
Dimitri Kursk AKA Brother Rambo: 10 cultists, 2 Chaos Marines. Promoted to Veteran Space Marine.