The problem of course is that the massive mainstream market who bought the Wii, well, they bought the Wii. And have played Wii Sports. But that's OK.
This isn't a big problem at all, considering that the attach rate is only a tiny bit lower than the PS3, as shown here. I'm sure you have loads of personal anecdotes of people buying a Wii and never buying games, but it's no software slouch, and the Wii pushes huge volumes of software because while the attach rate is lower, the install base is higher.
Nintendo doesn't NEED to launch a new console. Especially not until they have an idea of whether they can just keep on rolling in 3DS money.
1. Hardware sales of the Wii are down YoY by a substantial margin, most likely due to direct competition from Move and Kinect. This will not go away, those systems offer everything the Wii does and more, and they are getting aggressively marketed.
2. Nintendo is a publicly traded company, and they are not going to be content with just the 3DS even if it manages to be a DS level smash (i.e. world record breaking console sales), because they've spent the last 5 years with a DS level smash... and also a Wii level smash. It means they will shrink as a company and their profits will be plummeting.
New console soon = no brainer. It allows them to counter-attack the Kinect and Move by providing a superior system, it allows them to steal hype away from sony's NGP by becoming the new shiny box on the block, and it disrupts their competition. It also allows them to sell more consoles to the people who already own a Wii, which means more profits. That they will now be getting day-and-date versions of big multitplatform games now too will mean that they cut into their competitors sales and increase 3rd party sales on their own console.
They have a big opportunity to become the 360 and Wii of the next generation - to steal the casuals AND the hardcore, to sell to your grandma and also to the "I buy 30 new games per year" hardcore guys. This is what Microsoft wants to be with Kinect for 360 and what Sony tried to do with Move.
No shit. Of course they're looking at new ideas. But you'd initially talked about a console reveal or tease this year which is, to be kind, highly unlikely.
No I'm pretty sure I talked about Nintendo in 2012 and Sony+MS in 2013. The only console that will get revealed this year, if any, will be the Wii2 at either E3 or (more likely) TGS to give minimum response time for the competition.
No. I'm saying that Epic making magic tech isn't going to force the console makers into shoving out a new generation ahead of their schedule. Especially when the purpose of Epic's tech is to be scaleable so that people can make one game and the engine scales it to all platforms that they want to run it on.
Nope, it's that Epic are buddy buddy with Microsoft, and wouldn't be making a Tech demo if they didn't think they could actually do anything with it for the next 4 years. Epic doesn't make PC exclusives anymore, and like I said - the last time they did this was a year prior to the 360's launch, and they were showing off Gears of War assets. They explicitly stated they think this is what the next generation of consoles will look like, so they obviously know
something. A 2013 console with the power of a GTX 580 is perfectly reasonable, a little conservative even.
(I'm secretly hoping that Epic brings it out on Nintendo's next system as an exclusive, just to watch the internet meltdowns that would ensue. Would be legendary!)
Damn straight I found you out. I mean, you can somehow twist the fact that there are two franchises that people buy year after year in seemingly ever increasing quantities is somehow "bad" and holding everyone else back? There's got to be some issues in there.
Pretty sure I never said it was bad for the industry or holding people back

I called them idiots because they're apparently satisfied with a slight variation on same game every 12 months, at full 60 dollar price. They can burn the money for all I care, but I'd still call them idiots.