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recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-08 04:48pm
by Chardok
Okay, so it's no seekrit that I love games that require me to endlessly repeat a task and allow me to collect lots of useful or nonuseful doodads and thingamajigs. To that end, I will revesl that I (surprise!) really enjoy Earth Defense Force 2017 and games like it (Dynasty warriors, etc.)

So....any other games like that for this gen that I might've missed? (endless repetition of levels, building up stats/health/weapons to replay the same levels again only harder this time with aliens/monsters/zombies/etc?)

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-08 05:37pm
by Civil War Man
World of Warcraft.


Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-08 08:05pm
by Chardok
for serious, yo.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 04:21am
by Stark
Get Dins. Get outsmarted by a self-aware earthquake machine.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 06:33am
by Feil
Honestly, MMOs might be right up your alley, if you like playing games on computer. Warcraft doesn't meet the "this generation" stipulation, but there are bajillions of others that are newer and prettier looking. And as far as I can tell, they all involve repeating the same or similar tasks a million times to build up your character's stats and accumulate vast hordes of incrementally superior gewgaws.

Red Faction Guerrilla seems to match your requirements, and is available on your modern platform of choice, as long as your choice is not Nintendo. Lots and lots of similar-but-slightly-different missions, piles of semi-useful swag to buy with "salvage", which is money that falls out of buildings when you knock them over with your hammer, repeatable time trial missions, and so forth.

Any particular platform you're looking for?

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 08:04am
by 2000AD
Titan Quest: It's Diablo but in ancient Greece (and the egypt and then somewhere else, china IIRC).
Torchlight: It's pretty much 100% kill things, loot stuff, repeat, occasionaly hand in a quest which had you kill things.
Deathspank: More of the same while trying to be funny, your mileage may vary on whether or not it is funny.
Borderlands: All the repeat killing, repeat looting and excuse of a plot as all the above but as an FPS.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 08:49am
by Chardok
Well, of late I REALLY got into Earth Defense Force 2017, which is definitely like Blands except not as many weapons but it's definitely completely Over the Top when it comes to story (It doesn't take itself seriously at ALL) and also has a mechanic which for some reason I find irresistable (The is, you start the game with 200 or 300 life points and you use pickups that increase your life by one point for every pick up you get (Now, after beating the game on normal I have 2.5k life points)) I have no idea why that appeals to me, but it does.

Torch is really cool, and I WOULD pick it up on XBL but no coops on it so...blarrrrgh. Titan quest I've always heard good things about except that it is broken as hell in that everyone and their mother has hacked it so much that people carry around a +1230498 staff of awesomeblast with poison/AOE effects that do a bajillion damage at level 1. Deathspank I'll have to look into as I've heard Good(ish) things about it but it's also quite short.

As for MMO's - those are a nogo because it's not really the kind of thing I can drop into for 10 or 20 minutes, then drop out of and still feel like I've accomplished something. I own RFG, and I enjoy it, but I always end up playing it for a day or two before getting Re-bored with it.

Those are all great suggestions, though! Keep em coming! Are there any weird japanesey games I might've missed?

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 01:17pm
by Falarica
How about League of Legends, its a free game a bit like Defence of the Ancients.

Every game you play gives you experience and points to spend on new characters or runes that improve your character (Attack Speed, Mana/Health, Mana/Health Regen etc). The number of runes you can use depends on your account's level. You also level up within each game unlocking abilities that are reset when you play the next match allowing for different builds.

Lots of fun and each game takes about ~30 minutes and you can play as many as you want to level up as fast as you wish.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 05:39pm
by Stark
Dins will satisfy your OCD while actually being both good and coop. It's not like you play EDF with anyone anyway.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-09 08:34pm
by Lonestar

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-10 07:27am
by 2000AD
So are you looking for single player or multiplayer mainly?

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-10 05:07pm
by HeadCreeps
Chardok wrote:Those are all great suggestions, though! Keep em coming! Are there any weird japanesey games I might've missed?
-Practically any Gundam game; Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is set for Q2 of this year.
-most Strategy-RPGs from Nippon Ichi Software (notably, Disgaea)
-really, almost any SRPG, though maybe not Fire Emblem, as that series often discourages grinding
-practically any JRPG's endgame consists of repetitive optional grinding
-any newer Phantasy Star handheld titles _probably_ fit the bill, but I don't guarantee it. I know their older console/PC cousins surely work.
-Monster Hunter should fit as well. It has a lot of repetitive offline content if you don't want to play online.

If you've not played one of the titles, Disgaea consists of endless endgame. You can usually drop the final boss by level 40 or 50 in the natural game, but there are tons of post-game features which involve grinding your characters up to as much as level 9,999 and obtaining countless rare items for additional stats. And then you reset the character to level 1 for more stats.

I'm going to guess none of those are new to you, though.

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-11 09:53am
by Chardok
Actually - I wasn't aware that Disgaea was like that so I'll probably check that out. As for MH, I thought that was pretty much a DS exclusive and I ditched my DS a while back, sadly. I'll check it out now, though :P

PS STRAK - I do play EDF with someone - Ricky. I had to set the controls to easy as he hasn't quite got the camera controls down yet. But we have great fun mowing down bugs. His favorite level, though, is where the giant robots are making a beach landing supported by about a gazillion gunships. I am actually really looking forward to insect armageddon but it's soooooo far out (july! ARRRRGH!)

Thanks again for all the suggestions, y'all! :D

Re: recommend me el Game-O

Posted: 2011-04-12 02:03pm
by Jaepheth
I got Arcadia off of Steam when it was on sale. It's great fun.
Just you against the scoreboard.

I think it'll be fun to do a coop where one player pilots and the other shoots (ala The Last Starfighter) but you have to be physically at the same machine to do it.

Also, Minecraft.