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Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-06 10:21pm
by Sidewinder
E3 teaser trailer wrote:E3: Halo 4 start of a new trilogy, coming Holiday 2012
8 hours ago - 1:08 PM on 06.06.2011 | Hamza CTZ Aziz 108 comments
Microsoft's keynote just wrapped up with a teaser for
Halo 4. In it we see Cortana (who sounds like she's voiced by someone else) wake Master Chief out of cryo-sleep. The ship the two were on at the end of
Halo 3 is exploding and Master Chief quickly makes an escape to the outside of the ship.
Master Chief picks up a new gun, which looks like a mini-grenade launcher type weapon and we see that the spaceship is being attacked/pulled in by some giant ship.
Halo 4 is the mark of a new trilogy for the
Halo series and it'll be out Holiday 2012.
Will it be good, or will it be another case of "milking the cash cow," one that'll end in tears for
Halo fans?
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-06 10:57pm
by CaptHawkeye
So yeah i'm just going to pretend i'm totally cool with them ruining Halo 3's perfectly sufficient finale. Because ya know, it's not like Bungie intended for the Chief's future to be a mystery.
Oh and suddenly he has a fucking jetpack.
As a Halo fan I can solidly say I won't be going anywhere near this tripe. Bungie may have been a studio of incompetents but at least they were passionate incompetents.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-07 02:27am
by DPDarkPrimus
I've a feeling it's going to be a train wreck.
Especially with the "Anniversary" edition of the first Halo coming out like one month before it.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-07 02:59am
by Agent Fisher
Uh, DPDP, Halo CE Anniversary is this fall. Halo 4 is next year.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 12:13am
by Xess
I'm a pretty die hard Halo fan and even I think this is stupid. I just don't see how this can be good, maybe I'll rent it.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 01:19am
by Kingmaker
Halo 4: Start another fight!
This could be good, in the sense that it is literally possible for Hale 4 to be good game. However, considering the realities of the Halo franchise (an unremarkable start with a downward slope), it will almost certainly be a mediocre cash-in with little to differentiate from the generic modern FPS aside from the word "Halo" on the box.
Any bets on what it is going to be? More flood? The last of the forerunners, freshly awake and feeling pissed? How about the foreforerunners?
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 08:29am
by Zac Naloen
I'm going to go out on a limb and refuse to speculate on any potential quality behind this game until I've seen more of it than a 1 minute trailer.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 09:56am
by Admiral Drason
Tell you the truth I'll probably get it not because its Halo but because I'm a sucker for games where space marines are doing battle with crazy alien/ cyborg/ zombie/ alien nazi cyborg zombies from hell who also are communists. The game wont be complete and total garbage since I'm assuming MS is going to want to have at least some quality controls on its most prized AAA brand. (wait as I eat my own shoe in a year and a half)
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 10:20am
by DPDarkPrimus
Agent Fisher wrote:Uh, DPDP, Halo CE Anniversary is this fall. Halo 4 is next year.
Yeah, game dates overload there. Still, why should I be excited about Halo 4? No one of importance who worked on the first three games will have had a hand in this.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 11:31am
by Sarevok
If they crossover into Marathon this is going to rock.
On the other hand since Bungiee is not involved that slim chance is now unlikely as ever.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 11:34am
by Losonti Tokash
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Agent Fisher wrote:Uh, DPDP, Halo CE Anniversary is this fall. Halo 4 is next year.
Yeah, game dates overload there. Still, why should I be excited about Halo 4? No one of importance who worked on the first three games will have had a hand in this.
Which is pretty much the best thing to happen to a Halo game.

Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 05:06pm
by Almightyboredone
I'm sure it's going to be similiar to most the recent games; decently polished mindlessness. If it has Coops, I'll probably end up getting it at some point.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 06:41pm
CaptHawkeye wrote:Oh and suddenly he has a fucking jetpack.
Zero Gravity.
I think I'll just give this a "meh.'
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 07:10pm
by Stark
Sarevok wrote:If they crossover into Marathon this is going to rock.
On the other hand since Bungiee is not involved that slim chance is now unlikely as ever.
That you think something so wholly unrelated to Halo's various problems will make a difference is laughable.
There's a chance Halo4 would be a good game based solely on the 'progress' made from Halo3-ODST-Reach, in that its nearly an actual good modern game. It's arguable whether this is what any Halo fans really want, of course. It's just a shame they're still using the amazingly lame MC/Cortana/PTSD plot.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-08 10:41pm
by CaptHawkeye
I will say that for the series, things only get better and better with every game. Problem is that was with Bungie. I can't help but feel that 343 would do little more than rehash the shit out of old design and canon to play it financially safe. I mean it's not like Bungie was perfect but you can't deny they were passionate.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 03:44am
by Laird
DPDarkPrimus wrote:Agent Fisher wrote:Uh, DPDP, Halo CE Anniversary is this fall. Halo 4 is next year.
Yeah, game dates overload there. Still, why should I be excited about Halo 4? No one of importance who worked on the first three games will have had a hand in this.
You are so incorrect, 343i is literally formed from 90% ex-bungie employees. A majority of them were people from the original Halo:CE team, alot are from the Halo 2/3 Era, and then 343i head hunted alot of bungies top brass.
Ever wonder what happened to Joe Staten? Take a guess.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 06:52am
by Sarevok
Stark wrote:Sarevok wrote:If they crossover into Marathon this is going to rock.
On the other hand since Bungiee is not involved that slim chance is now unlikely as ever.
That you think something so wholly unrelated to Halo's various problems will make a difference is laughable.
Marathon unrelated to Halo ? What planet do you live on ?
Going back to the roots would be one great way of revitalizing the Halo franchise. It's the best thing that can happen barring a complete Marathon remake using modern graphics and game play. Part of the reason many Halo fans felt alienated by the time Reach rolled out is because Halo has come too far from it's origins. Marathon had one of the deepest storylines of a game series. Halo CE took a few elements and inspirations from it. And the result was stunning. It's time Halo goes back to recreating that original feeling of exploring an unknown universe with an ancient backstory.
There's a chance Halo4 would be a good game based solely on the 'progress' made from Halo3-ODST-Reach, in that its nearly an actual good modern game. It's arguable whether this is what any Halo fans really want, of course. It's just a shame they're still using the amazingly lame MC/Cortana/PTSD plot.
Master Chief IS Halo. If you don't understand this then maybe you should not be commenting on this. What you doing is like accusing Star Wars movies of focusing too much on a guy named Anakin Skywalker. Yes there is a huge expanded universe in Halo too like Star Wars. But the spinoffs will never achieve the same glory as the story of Master Chief. When people think Spartan supersoldier they imagine the Chief not Noble Six, Kurt or Linda. The very word Halo alludes to the original installation 04 and the battles that took place there. As Halo Wars and ODST shows spinoff material can bring in the money but they will never displace the original halo icons Master Chief and Cortana from peoples memory.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 03:46pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Laird wrote:
Ever wonder what happened to Joe Staten? Take a guess.
Hmm... he still works at Bungie, on a non-Halo project.
What do I win?
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 04:31pm
by Stark
Sarevok wrote:
That you think something so wholly unrelated to Halo's various problems will make a difference is laughable.
Marathon unrelated to Halo ? What planet do you live on ?
Hey, big man, learning to read might help you in life. Adding yet more fatboy-satisfying references to Marathon is not going to improve the franchise, since the story and setting is the least of its problems. If anything, Reach shows that they simply don't care about the story at all!
Going back to the roots would be one great way of revitalizing the Halo franchise. It's the best thing that can happen barring a complete Marathon remake using modern graphics and game play. Part of the reason many Halo fans felt alienated by the time Reach rolled out is because Halo has come too far from it's origins. Marathon had one of the deepest storylines of a game series. Halo CE took a few elements and inspirations from it. And the result was stunning. It's time Halo goes back to recreating that original feeling of exploring an unknown universe with an ancient backstory.
I hate to tell you this, dude, but Marathon sucked. Your fantasies about remaking it are irrelevant to Halo4.
Master Chief IS Halo. If you don't understand this then maybe you should not be commenting on this. What you doing is like accusing Star Wars movies of focusing too much on a guy named Anakin Skywalker.
You mean like how Lucas said that the story was finished after ROTJ, and how 99% of the post-ROTJ EU is complete garbage? Thanks for proving my point.
The Halo setting is big enough (and has captured a large enough audience) to survive without their Gordon Freeman standin. How many of the millions of Reach and ODST players do you think give a shit about MC's Cortana-fuelled PTSD? The level of pandering the Cortana character represents (anyone who has played Reach knows what I'm talking about) would have been worth avoiding, but they're going the same road of stamping out more finale-invalidating garbage (once again, highlighting that they don't care about the story at all).
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 06:18pm
by CaptHawkeye
Stark wrote: The level of pandering the Cortana character represents (anyone who has played Reach knows what I'm talking about) would have been worth avoiding, but they're going the same road of stamping out more finale-invalidating garbage (once again, highlighting that they don't care about the story at all).
"This is like the conical bullet"
But remember even though Cortana spent all this time in ONI's basement learning about Forerunner tech, she'll still have no idea what the Halo is or who built it.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-09 06:35pm
by Stark
JSF used to be a big Halo fan, and he literally did not believe me when I told him about Cortana in Reach. Then he played it and just shook his head.
If they'd spent more time on actual story (ie characters, themes, etc) instead of fanboy rubbish like SHE CHOSE YOU OOO SHES SEXY, Reach might have been better. That they failed so many 'heroic death scenes' in one game is truly remarkable. But Reach is right on the edge of being a good game, so mechanically there's a good chance for further improvement in Halo4.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-10 08:16am
by CaptHawkeye
I just think it's hilarious that all these fattynerds try so hard to give Halo an established canon, and it's totally pointless because it turns out Bungie will do whatever the hell it wants to. I honestly don't blame them either. A lot of the Expanded Universe stuff is horseshit and that's compared to a lot of the hilarious tripe Bungie already wrote. Reach literally shit all over Fall of Reach and I couldn't be happier.
Whenever some people tell me they think Reach is the worst game in the series, they literally can't name any reasons other than "it ignored canon/it was poorly written." On the former? Deal with it. On the latter, well shit writing and characterization are nothing new on Bungie's part.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-11 02:50pm
by Chardok
saw this:
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-11 05:04pm
by Stark
You're a decade too late if you think making fun of how backwards Halo was compared to all the other games in the series. Or isn't massively improved HUDs, more useful weapons, and suit superpowers enough for the repost brigade?
Shit when ODST had edge-enhancement night vision it was a giant lol MC had a flashlight. It's just old hat now.
Re: Halo 4 announced
Posted: 2011-06-11 05:07pm
by Chardok
Look - it's established canon that the reason MC didn't sport the VISR system is because the VISR system makes the user light up like a beacon, completely