let's Play... What?
Posted: 2011-06-08 07:19pm
OK, so the Galactic Civilizations 2 LP is currently inactive. That's not me losing interest, that's me not having much time. I'll try to grab some in the next few days to put out another update. This is for the summer. Then, I'll have plenty of time. Plenty of time to start up a second LP while I'm at it. But I used up my only really obvious choice with GalCiv2. So, I'm going to list out the games I think i can make an LP out of, and there will be a vote, where you can pick your favorite two options. Two. Two votes each. Anyway:
1. Paradox Megacampaign. Anyone who's played many of the games of Paradox Interactive has probably heard of this one. You take the four of their games that happen in a series- in this case, Crusader Kings: Deus Vult, Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne, Victoria 2, and Hearts of Iron 3. Then you use fan-made (no, they really work) save game converters to carry over one game from one to the next, letting you run a single nation from 1066 A.D. to the mid 20th century. I propose we use Ireland, because it'll let us have some fun unifying the place, and drunken crusades should entertain people until we get some actual internal humor going.
2. Ascendancy. An old space strategy game from 1995, I think. Runs in DOSbox. Has twenty or so really nicely detailed races all with their own nice special abilities. Only problems: AI sucks, and there's no human race.
3. Fragile Allegiance. Another fun DOS game from the same time frame, in the glamorous world of deep-space asteroid mining. Only the nice corporations have Avatar style "security forces"... minus the restrictions against WMDs.
There are nukes. There are bio-weapons. There are big attack fleets. There are asteroid-killer missiles. There is taking a mined-out asteroid, slapping an engine on, arming it up, and going to war. Kill the hippy space elves! (Not really, but it'd be nice.)
4. Evil Genius. Anyone heard of Dungeon Keeper? That, but with James Bond. Maybe the Evil Genius could be Herr Doktor von Evilstein, after his work with the Zenobian space program, from PeZook's current LP? Also, the campaign is less "individual skirmishes all welded together" and more "long and continous operations out of a single base". With freezers for the pils of agent corpses we'll build up. Lots of freezers...
And these next two are... distinctly unorthodox. As in, they're MMOs. I'll explain how they might work afterwards.
5. A little game called Haven & Hearth. I've actually mentioned it on this board before. This one would presumeably be about the rise of a little empire. With killing, looting, and burning. Lots of all three.
6. Eve Online, with lots of crazed attempts to conquer the universe. And piracy, not the software kind. Arr, me maties!
As to how the MMOs would work... I was thinking like this. People who wanted in could either be disembodied little advisor voices that may or may not be collective schizophrenia, or I would set a time for play, during which people who wanted to join in directly, and me of course, would actually play the game. Regretfully, this would rule out some members of the board from direct involvement due to time zone issues. Also, as a note: H&H is free to play, and there's a way involving three characters with max research agents each can passively make Eve Online free to play as well, via genertaing enough cash to buy the time codes people sell in-game for currency. So they wouldn't costy much, if anything, for the players. Just thought I'd mention that.
Cast your votes! (I voted megacampaign and fragile allegiance, fyi, but evil genius is way up there too.)
1. Paradox Megacampaign. Anyone who's played many of the games of Paradox Interactive has probably heard of this one. You take the four of their games that happen in a series- in this case, Crusader Kings: Deus Vult, Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne, Victoria 2, and Hearts of Iron 3. Then you use fan-made (no, they really work) save game converters to carry over one game from one to the next, letting you run a single nation from 1066 A.D. to the mid 20th century. I propose we use Ireland, because it'll let us have some fun unifying the place, and drunken crusades should entertain people until we get some actual internal humor going.

2. Ascendancy. An old space strategy game from 1995, I think. Runs in DOSbox. Has twenty or so really nicely detailed races all with their own nice special abilities. Only problems: AI sucks, and there's no human race.
3. Fragile Allegiance. Another fun DOS game from the same time frame, in the glamorous world of deep-space asteroid mining. Only the nice corporations have Avatar style "security forces"... minus the restrictions against WMDs.

4. Evil Genius. Anyone heard of Dungeon Keeper? That, but with James Bond. Maybe the Evil Genius could be Herr Doktor von Evilstein, after his work with the Zenobian space program, from PeZook's current LP? Also, the campaign is less "individual skirmishes all welded together" and more "long and continous operations out of a single base". With freezers for the pils of agent corpses we'll build up. Lots of freezers...

And these next two are... distinctly unorthodox. As in, they're MMOs. I'll explain how they might work afterwards.
5. A little game called Haven & Hearth. I've actually mentioned it on this board before. This one would presumeably be about the rise of a little empire. With killing, looting, and burning. Lots of all three.
6. Eve Online, with lots of crazed attempts to conquer the universe. And piracy, not the software kind. Arr, me maties!
As to how the MMOs would work... I was thinking like this. People who wanted in could either be disembodied little advisor voices that may or may not be collective schizophrenia, or I would set a time for play, during which people who wanted to join in directly, and me of course, would actually play the game. Regretfully, this would rule out some members of the board from direct involvement due to time zone issues. Also, as a note: H&H is free to play, and there's a way involving three characters with max research agents each can passively make Eve Online free to play as well, via genertaing enough cash to buy the time codes people sell in-game for currency. So they wouldn't costy much, if anything, for the players. Just thought I'd mention that.
Cast your votes! (I voted megacampaign and fragile allegiance, fyi, but evil genius is way up there too.)