Unfortunately, I am rather confounded by a lot of the dudes in my company set. Poor casting has rendered some of the weapons unrecognizable, but I should be able to manage by identifying duplicates once I get everything sorted out. The box includes no instructions and the pictures on the back aren't all that helpful, however.
- So, what identifies command team dudes? Some of them seem to be holding pistols, so I assume those are my officers. How is the rest of the command staff assembled?
- The army list says 99% of my fireteams are "Rifle/MG". I assume this means three 98k/G43 riflemen with an indigenous MG42 or MG34 (difficult to tell apart on some of these models). However, I have a lot of dudes with StG44s, and possibly a few FG42s. Logic says these would correlate to the "Assault Rifle Team" in the German arsenal list, but I do not see any assault rifle options in my FJ list. ???
- The box says it includes Panzerknacker alternate models, and there is an upgrade option for some of my teams. Right now I have a big pile of pewter sitting here and I have no idea which ones are "Panzerknacker". The Panzerfaust alternates and Panzerschrecks are obvious enough, but not the Panzerknackers as far as I can tell. ???
- I have some MG42 dudes who are more obvious about it, and seem to link up with loaders. I assume these are my HMG weapon teams (as opposed to the LMG guys in the standard teams). However... I have two such teams with Browning .30 MGs . Is this some weird Fallschirmjaeger historical thing I am unaware of?
- The list seems to indicate HMG teams also have an assistant loader. Do I just throw in any model for this? Only the gunner and loader appear to be explicitly modelled as such.
- The box says I have 4 command teams. Company command requires two. What do I do with the others? Don't infantry platoon packs include their own command team?