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Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-15 09:20pm
by Executor32
Sometimes while playing a full-screen game, Windows detects a performance slowdown or some crap like that, and I'll get switched to the desktop because a prompt appears asking if I'd like to disable Aero. I've never noticed any performance issues whatsoever when the prompt appears, so it really is useless to me. Electing to ignore it and have it not ask again only applies to the current Windows session, though. Is there any way to permanently disable it?
Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-15 10:22pm
by Alyeska
I have been dealing with this for the last year as well. I've googled the issue and it seems there is absolutely no permanent fix.
Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-16 08:00pm
by Stark
Is this for specific games? I've never even seen it, even when playing relatively recent games, encoding video and torrenting at the same time.
Maybe it happens on games that are full-screen windowed games?
Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-16 08:13pm
by Executor32
It doesn't happen with every game, though it still happens often enough that I'd like to put a stop to it. There also seems to be no rhyme or reason to its occurrence, as I've noticed no excessive CPU usage or anything when it happens. Shortly before I posted this thread, it happened while I was playing Lego Star Wars III, hardly a performance hog. This is what prompted my posting this, since I've googled for it in the past and got no answers. I guess even when they're at their best, Microsoft still has to put in at least one completely useless 'feature' to annoy people.

Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-16 08:43pm
by Stark
Have you tried just going into performance options and ticking 'custom' instead of 'let Windows decide what's best'?
Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-16 10:40pm
by Exonerate
Try "Disable Desktop Composition" for the .exe under Right Click/Properties/Compatibility? I believe this disables Aero whenever you run the program and turns it back on whenever you end it.
Re: Disabling the "Disable Aero" prompt?
Posted: 2011-07-17 04:39am
by Executor32
I'd have to do that for every game it happens in, though, which is a lot of them. It's also the opposite of what I want to do, since I just want Windows to leave Aero on and stop bugging me about nonexistent performance issues. I'll try what Stark said, I hadn't thought of it and maybe it'll work.