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Service manuals of acer Aspire 5230

Posted: 2011-08-08 04:30am
by someone_else
I wasted hours searching for service manuals for acer aspire 5230.

And everyone makes me download the service manual for the 5530. :banghead:

Now, are the two laptops similar somehow or are they just feeding me crap? (Acer aspire 5530 specs are kinda different)

I wanted to know if I could upgrade the GPU card or other components (and I know already where to look for a laptop gpu card on the net) but I don't know what gpu cards are compatible with that model. (the service manual should have that info, or at least did for the last 2 laptops I looked at)

Anyone can help?

Disclaimer: this is not intended as a gaming rig. Please don't annoy me saying it will suck with modern games, I know it already. :mrgreen:

Re: Service manuals of acer Aspire 5230

Posted: 2011-08-08 05:49am
by spooky spice
s'up that you need a manual, perhaps someone can help anyways?

Not necessarily me, but I do own an Acer Aspire something...

Re: Service manuals of acer Aspire 5230

Posted: 2011-08-08 06:49am
by someone_else
Just to be clear, service manuals aren't user manuals, this (7 mb pdf) is a service manual. It lists components and how to disassemble safely everything. It is a manual used by the technicians that fix the product.

User manuals are rarely of any use, and the one of this model wasn't an exception.

Although what I'm looking for is knowing what kind of laptop GPU card can it support (other than the one currently in use), and other stuff I can upgrade.

Re: Service manuals of acer Aspire 5230

Posted: 2011-08-08 10:25am
by spooky spice
someone_else wrote:Although what I'm looking for is knowing what kind of laptop GPU card can it support (other than the one currently in use), and other stuff I can upgrade.
Ah, in that case

*runs away*

Actually I have a tame geek in my basement, I'll ask him and see if he knows :)