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MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 09:30am
by Ritterin Sophia
So some people were interested in this game in other threads, there's some new pre-Alpha footage out.

I enjoyed it, not sure on how they intend on releasing it but I want a copy.

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 11:38am
by StarSword
:shock: :wtf:

Okay, now I've seen everything.

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 12:30pm
by VF5SS
Is this just a custom MUGEN build cuz that's what it looks like. It'd be cool if it was. Then you could add poniez to everything :3

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 01:25pm
by evilsoup
According to the FAQ, it's base on Fighter Maker 2000.
(We get asked this a lot)

Q: Is it MUGEN?

A: Nope

Q: Why is it not MUGEN?
A: MUGEN was considered, and discarded early on the project. Fighter Maker 2002 offered us more pros than cons when developing the game; We could achieve the same thing in MUGEN, but it would take us extra energy/time/effort to get it to make what we’d want it to make. Fighter Maker might sound more limited at first, but it really isn’t in areas we consider priority.

Q: Can I port it into MUGEN?

A: not sure that porting from Fighter Maker 2002 to MUGEN is possible, from a technical standpoint; At least not without lowering the quality significantly. It isn’t something we’re too keen on, either, considering High Quality is something we hold as one of our three primary goals. (Good. Fun. Freeware, in case you wonder). We’ve also mentioned it before, both in this FAQ and elsewhere. Crossovers with other franchises (which would, really, be the main idea of MUGEN ports) isn’t something we ever planned for.

Q: Will you port it into MUGEN?
A: Not a chance.

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 02:18pm
by VF5SS
Jeez I thought My Little Pony was all about friendship and sharing. Way to exclude the sharing part :v

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 03:26pm
by evilsoup
Dude, MLP is pretty hardcore capitalist.

But how does not making it on MUGEN reduce the 'sharing' aspect? Or are you referring to how they're not releasing it under an open source license?

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 04:24pm
by VF5SS
evilsoup wrote:Dude, MLP is pretty hardcore capitalist.
Yeah I've heard the Greatest Movie Ever podcast about how the culture of the poniez is very fascinating.
But how does not making it on MUGEN reduce the 'sharing' aspect? Or are you referring to how they're not releasing it under an open source license?
i was being facetious :3

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-10 05:12pm
by evilsoup
Well okay then.

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-15 08:00pm
by Purple
Oh my god! This is like Mortal Combat for Broonies!

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-15 08:24pm
by Flagg
Put Markus Fenix in there with a Lancer and I'm game.

Re: MLP: Fighting is Magic

Posted: 2011-09-16 12:49am
by Executor32
Yes Flagg, we get it, you hate bronies. Why not just add it to your sig so you don't have to go out of your way to mention it? :roll:

Anyway, this looks like it could be fun, kind of like that Pokemon fighting game that's floating around the Interwebs.