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Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-29 11:16am
by Vympel ... es-vision/

Turning an isometric action/tactics game into an FPS without pissing all over everything that made the original game readily recognizeable (i.e. art direction, music, background)? Thank you.

(I might actually try a hand at the 4-player co-op mode with missions inspired by some of the ones from the original game)

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-29 11:44am
by Rabid
Never played the original Syndicate, so can't compare. On it's own, though, if the trailer is an accurate representation of what the final game will look and feel like, I may try my hand at it. Looks like some fun as a shooter - hope it won't be too linear.

I'm waiting for this thread to get Strakked - I'm generally a good public (understand : I have the ability to enjoy shitty games), so I'm curious to hear what criticism could be made from what has been revealed here.

Anyway, it already looks more interesting than DE:HR (as a cyberpunk game).

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-29 12:26pm
by LaCroix
GAH! Another cool game converted into an FPS.

We didn't have enough of them, right?

They could have tried an made the original idea into something that really rocks, but no, we get a generic shooter, with some new skins...

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-29 01:50pm
by Vendetta
Hilariously, if they'd done the kind of squad based nonsense they're doing for Not-X-Com for this (but with combat drugs for the magic instead of loosely justified magic for the magic), it would actually be a really cool update of Syndicate, which was a squad based shooter anyway.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-29 11:21pm
by Tasoth
That actually looks really neat. Hopefully the cyborg death machine action we see in that movie actually comprises the a good portion of the gameplay.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 12:00am
by Alyeska
That felt more like the original than X-Com is managing. Similar concept, set in the same type of future. Similar abilities. And they even managed to bring back some of the Syndicate theme music.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 12:59am
by The_Saint

Mostly because to take a stab in the dark it appears it may be less resource intensive than DE:HR...

Now to find a Macintosh to load up my original copy of Syndicate.... (yes, a Macintosh, don't ask)

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 02:39am
by Spoonist
That actually looks really decent.

I remember playing syndicate for days and days way back then, but I wouldn't want anyone to make a "copy" of that old game - it has not aged well. So this progression is kinda nice, with a nod back to the olden days but still keeping it slick.

Didn't like the score though, it didn't feel 'future' enough. But that is just probably me.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 06:03am
by Stark
It's a giant lol that it looks way, way more 'transhuman' than Deus Ex. I think it looks like assloads of fun, and I await the DJ Hero minigame.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 09:01am
by Ford Prefect
I'm a sucker for this kind of thing, but it really does look neat. I mean if those abilities shown off in the trailer get a lot of actual play it seems like it could be a blast, it has a cool 'clean cyberpunk' look, Miles Kilo is an awesome name etc

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 09:12am
by SilverWingedSeraph
Goddamn this is sweet. :D I was a big fan of Syndicate and Syndicate Wars when I was younger and played both to death, and this looks like it does justice to the setting. Not to mention that it looks cool as hell.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 04:13pm
by Stark
Ford Prefect wrote:I'm a sucker for this kind of thing, but it really does look neat. I mean if those abilities shown off in the trailer get a lot of actual play it seems like it could be a blast, it has a cool 'clean cyberpunk' look, Miles Kilo is an awesome name etc
That's one of the things I like, too; it's got that 'corporate sterility' thing going on. And ghosthacking!

The only think I think even the fattest of nerds could complain about is the lack of a team; it appears to be a single-player, hero game... which arguably is a shame. It looks liek a riot (insofar as trailers can't be trusted).

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 04:43pm
by Stark
If, as it's apparently announced, the game has 4p coops, that'll be pretty boss.

It's a shame the best thing out there about the game at the moment is nerdrage. :lol:

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-09-30 06:13pm
by Anacronian
I freaking loved Syndicate back in it's day and I'm goddamn stoked for this one, It kind of looks like Deus Ex Human revolution except exiting shit happens.

By the way i believe that the four team co-op is supposed to feature remakes of old Syndicate missions which sounds kind of neat.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-05 07:25am
by Lord Woodlouse
I can't pretend I'm not disappointed to not see a squad based tactical Syndicate game being made, but this DOES look like a respectful FPS remake of the originals at least. :)

If it's successful maybe they could have a squad based spin-off... um... called Syndicate Wars. :p

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-08 06:30am
by Zaune
According to this page on Joystiq, Richard Morgan is writing the script. Yes, that Richard Morgan, the one who wrote Altered Carbon and Market Forces.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-13 06:18pm
by Anacronian

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 04:24am
by Zaune
Well, it doesn't look too bad, even if it's transplanted the plot of the original Syndicate games to something closer to System Shock gameplay-wise. The hacking mechanic is a bit cheap; I wasn't expecting Uplink or anything, but making it take longer than three to five seconds would have been nice. Still it's an early level and they probably had the difficulty dialled low, so I'll reserve judgement on that.
The AI doesn't seem all that smart though, and you'd think all the gunfire would have triggered some sort of security response a bit sooner no matter what Technobabble-powered camoflauge you allegedly possess. How close is the game supposed to be to finished, anyway?
And it's dystopian cyberpunk, so having a colour palatte that consists almost entirely of shades of brown is actually thematically apt for once.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 07:56am
by Ford Prefect
Zaune wrote:And it's dystopian cyberpunk, so having a colour palatte that consists almost entirely of shades of brown is actually thematically apt for once.
Uh, what? Did you watch the video?

Anyway, the on-the-fly breaching stuff is really cool; it's not something you do before a fight to set things in your favour, or something you do afterwards to get more cash, but rather something which has a more or less seamless effect in combat.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 08:30am
by Stark
Every time someone criticises a game for firefights that don't prompt a massive security response I laugh. Remember Deus Ex: Human Revolution, where crushing a man's skull two feet from a cyborg didn't raise an alarm, and where throwing grenades around didn't alert people beyond 10m? It's utterly typical, an this is the last game I'd expect 'realistic' stealth.

At least that mission (the only one shown anywhere, since the announce trailer was just clips of it) looks just like 'Deus Ex, only not amazingly boring and pretentious'. I'm not sure how anyone can treat this as a bad thing.

The emphasis on combat (ie not boring as shit save/load whoring... I mean stealth) and the fluid nature of powers (ie not eating fucking candy bars and crouching behind a dude for two minutes to recharge) makes it look pretty solid, but I'm worried about the story which appears to be amazingly generic 'agent cut off from support questions his mentor and turns his powers against his employer after leveling up' stuff. There appears to be quite a few skills, but it sounds like you only get a specifc skill from each executive you eat, so I'm not sure how it'll branch out. I think integrating the vision mode with a consumable and buffs is a good idea; it prevents Arkham Asylum lols and makes it more super than routine.

I'm interested to see how dynamic the breaches are; I was originally afraid it was heavily scripted or limited, but they suggest it just makes guys go nuts.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 08:52am
by SilverWingedSeraph
So far the only thing that bothers me about it is the use of the word "dataverse", which sounds really fucking silly. Just something about the word makes it difficult for me to take it seriously. The breaching mechanic looks like it could be really fun. Unfortunately the person playing the ten minutes in this latest video seems to take things very cautiously, slowly walking around for the most part and not really charging in. I was hoping to see how some of the more aggressive tactics shown in the trailer would actually play out.

I dunno what Zaune is talking about re: Colourscheme consisting entirely of brown. There seems a fair amount of colour, lots of blue and white, some yellows and browns, a fair bit of red. I've seen much less varied colour palettes in dozens of FPS games, so that doesn't bother me too much.

The plot will probably not be too great, but as long as it's not downright stupid I probably won't mind too much. I'm kind of hoping that the Dart upgrading and advancement is more customisable and less linear.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 09:38am
by Zaune
I haven't had the money for a new video game in about five years. That's a fairly good colour palette by FPS standards these days?

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 10:02am
by SilverWingedSeraph
Zaune wrote:I haven't had the money for a new video game in about five years. That's a fairly good colour palette by FPS standards these days?
At least in my experience? God yes. Hell, its positively colorful compared to some. Still some parts of it were as bad as the norm.

I don't play lots of shooters, so I could be wrong, but in the last few years, FPS and Third Person Shooters have started to tend more and more towards the horribly washed out and often very brown environments.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 12:37pm
by Zaune
Word truly fail me. It looks a little better on the second viewing, mind you; the washed out brown fog outside actually makes sense in-game what with the world being an anarcho-corporatist shithole, and would be really atmospheric if there was more contrast between it and the inside of the corporate headquarters.

Still, I've got quite high hopes for this game overall. I can't think of anyone better-qualified to write the story and gameplay-wise it has a lot of potential even if some elements are a bit by-the-numbers.

Re: Syndicate trailer

Posted: 2011-10-14 04:28pm
by Ford Prefect
Do you even know what the colour brown is? There's no 'brown fog' at all, it's just the sun shining brightly through cloud cover.