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Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 01:33am
by weemadando
Seeing as how Legendary Edition is 8 bucks on Steam, how many folks would be interested in a Blood Bowl league?
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 03:08am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Oof... I am tempted. I never picked up the Legendary upgrade, but for $8 there's not much reason not to.
Bear in mind I am not much of a board game/turn-based player, so I don't anticipate doing very well. Still, I'll throw my hat in the ring.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 04:22am
by Nephtys
Yes and more yes!
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 06:18am
by Archaic`
Don't get a lot of time lately to play games (and I'm not sure I even have the thing installed currently), but I'd certainly be up for a go.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 06:56am
by Zablorg
I will not play but I want to have a player named after me. Actually, if you could name all the players after me that would be great.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 07:38am
by GuppyShark
I'm in
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 08:17am
by 2000AD
Assuming there aren't any problems with playing across time zones and scheduling around work then count me in.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 08:26am
by The Jester
I think I can be in when I get my Internet up and running
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 08:47am
by weemadando
We may have numbers for an Aussie 8 man league if some of my old BB league hop in too.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 01:41pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
I have the game and I know a few people who do. No idea if they'd be in but I could try to make some time.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-01 10:26pm
by LadyTevar
Nephtys wrote:Yes and more yes!
I came in a tie for third several years back (the last time I got to play) Witchelves are so much fun.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-04 03:31am
by Keevan_Colton
I'd certainly be interested in playing in a league.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-05 05:48am
by The Jester
Alright. I finally have home Internet and Steam up and running. PM me if you want my Steam ID for organising a game.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-05 12:40pm
by Slacker
Oh I am beyond down. My schedule is whacky but if we can get something going Green Orcs 'n Ham are in.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-18 03:27pm
by weemadando
Given current responses:
Australian Conference:
Guppy Shark
European Conference:
Keevan Colton
US Conference:
Bro-Cap Gaius (? - can't recall your real location)
Grand Master Jogurt
Lady Tevar
I may have some RL Blood Bowl buddies who are in, so we might have enough for just an Aussie league. Any one else got friends/recruits?
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-18 04:50pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Yup, I'm in the States.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-18 09:27pm
by GuppyShark
I'm liking the notion of regional divisions. We could run the playoff games on weekends to minimise the impact of timezone clashes.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-19 06:24am
by 2000AD
We need more Euro's, 3 people isn't really enough for a league.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-19 07:31am
by weemadando
Got a possible additional 3 from Australia.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 02:33am
by Zablorg
Shit dude, I wasn't kidding, I don't even have the game.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 02:58am
by weemadando
Sorry. I just put everyone who had posted in the thread down.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 06:37am
by GuppyShark
Public Service Announcement: Does everybody know how to port forward?
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 07:07am
by weemadando
STRAYAN CUP is live.
p/w is straya
Just going to run an 8 team STRAYAN event to iron out the kinks.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 07:29am
by GuppyShark
Applied. League minimum was set at 1K which means some builds that keep cash on hand won't be legal.
Re: Blood Bowl League
Posted: 2011-10-20 07:34am
by weemadando
I can still tweak that.