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Using Maptool and other computer aids in Deathwatch

Posted: 2011-12-11 06:24am
by PainRack
I was just wondering whether anyone has any experience in using Maptools in a Deathwatch campaign and could impart any advice.

The group of friends I planning to play this with are all Deathwatch newbs and only a couple of us including me has any experience in traditional RPGs. I never used maptools before, but the old maps from battletech sufficed for a freeform fantasy and Mechwarrior campaigns I used.

Re: Using Maptool and other computer aids in Deathwatch

Posted: 2011-12-11 04:43pm
by Bakustra
First, there's a macro set you can get here[/quote] that automatically sets everything up for Fantasy Flight Games' 40k games, up to Black Crusade. You'll need to fiddle with it a bit, probably, but it should include default setups for charsheets and the like.

Secondly, there's a 2GB [url=]torrent
of useful images, though the sci-fi ones aren't as organized.

But here's a Dundjinni forum dedicated to modern and sci-fi objects and backgrounds, and RPGMapshare also has some in its galleries.

Do you have any specific questions about Maptools?