I'm sort of ambigious about getting it, since it was delayed so long, and because Gearbox is making it -- not good signs for fun playability, from my experience with Duke Nukem Forever, in which Gearbox kept disabling the PC console, and made it so that if you wanted the cheat codes like infinite ammo or health, or slowing down the game; you had to beat it first on "normal", which was a Catch-22 for players like me.
But enough of that. It made me start thinking of how IP rights for big name franchises are used in games; because from what little of the hype I've heard about Colonial Marines, and the screenshots now up on Steam leave me kind of underwhelmed.
It just seems to me like another Generic Aliens Game [tm] that hits every checkbox for the Corporate Suits:
- Sulaco Level. If it's not Sulaco, a ship exactly like her.
- Hadley's Hope level. Or one just like it.
- Hive Level.
- Powerloader battle.
- Story that is virtually exactly like Aliens -- oh no, colony went off the radio, we show up, everyone's dead. WHOOPS TOP SECRET WEYLAND YUTANI BIOWEAPONS PROJECT WAS RESPONSIBLE.
A little thought in the design phase have helped a lot.
Consider why LT Gorman did what he did, and how the Marines in Aliens did what they did.
He was inexperienced, and this was the first time that the USCMC had ever encountered xenomorphs. They really did not know how lethal xenomorphs would be in very cramped quarters; so they didn't think much about going into the AtmoProcessor.
But what about when the CMC has had enough institutional experience to deal with xenomorphs? They wouldn't be sending Marines into cramped hallways on fetch quests to turn back on the main power in a colony full of xenomorphs hiding in dark halls. (Aliens Versus Predator remake from 2010)
No, that's a job for Synthetics, or simpler combat robots.
Intellectually, I can come up with logic for that -- a standardized design is used across US-controlled space to save money and logistical costs, but to my brain it just feels...lazy and a blatant attempt to score points with fanboys.
I'd like to see more of the universe explored besides hyperfocusing on Xenomorphs and LV-426 style environments.
What do the 'bughunts' mentioned by Hudson look like?
What other powers are there in Human explored space?
What's it like working/living on a colony in human space?
You can explore these issues through a variety of ways:
- Make the opening training level a bughunt against purple man-eating zebras or some alien lifeform that is NOT a xenomorph.
- Make the main plot center around a non-US colony that gets hit, and your ship is the closest that can respond to the distress call.
- Make the colony not be overrun when you get there. Hadley's Hope only happened because of extremely limited firearms available to the colonists -- remember the line about sesmic charges as improvised weapons? It could be that while the colonists on Wu's World can hold off the Xenomorphs when they attack; they just don't have the equipment or manpower to deal with the infestation at it's core, particularly if it's on a world with local wildlife, so the aliens are not totally reliant on 1 alien for 1 human.
But hey, fanboys just love being Hudson.
Checkboxing applies to other IPs as well.
Look at how many Star Wars games are just simply JEDI JEDI JEDI FORCE POWERS JEDI JEDI JEDI.