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Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 02:20am
by The Yosemite Bear
a dangerous world of cloaks daggers, smiliy's, persian cats, etc.

1. form your organizations (like for example Thanas could form S.E.A.L. (Society of Evil Autocratic Lawyers) <just an example we need an acronym for each group> than others could join the various groups or allinaces. (the bear has got to stop it with the spy books), then we can build our secret bases, plot our plots and blow shit up. (either that and do the more realistic modle and set up honeytraps and black mail people with their illigitamate offspring....

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 05:13am
by The Romulan Republic
Sounds fun. Are we limited to real world capabilities, or can we use more fanciful things?

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 07:46am
by The Yosemite Bear
our agencies and thier goals are somewhat limited into real world motivations, our equipment is after all from thr super spy genre unless you want your agency to be more grounded (like say a bunch of folks who kidnap war criminals and human traffikers (slavers) whose Agency was started just after WWII,)

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 08:42am
by Demiurgas
Hmmmm. How about a Watchmen type Superhero group?

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 01:58pm
by The Yosemite Bear
The Idea was more a bunch of competting Agencies with after first round of agencies were declared with Motives, Financing, etc.

basic format using one of my two suggestions

Financing: Blackmail, evil lawyer shit, etc.
Goals: World Domination for Thanasians
methods: Corperate sabotage & Espionage
Specials (non present day abilities): cyborgs (oh and killer seals with frakkin lasers)

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-09 02:03pm
by The Yosemite Bear
note that the more specials you take the HIGHER the profile your agency is. High profile groups are easy to spot, sabotage, and infiltrate. or are possibly wanted as well (like the aforementined Watchmen (super hero vigilantes, persons of mass destruction) come to think of it you don't get much higher profile than persons of mass destruction....

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:09pm
by Esquire
Haven't got the time for it, but how about DINO? The Dangerously Incompetent and Neurotic Organization, founded when an American and a Soviet spy realized they had both been assigned to infiltrate a spy network that didn't exist, is composed entirely of double agents working for one outside agency or another.

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:11pm
by The Yosemite Bear
ahh, so they had to create one, and make more money off it...

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-13 11:27pm
by Esquire
... and once it existed, other agencies tried to infiltrate the new agency on the block.

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-14 12:19am
by noncredible
This sounds like something I could join. Where would this supposedly take place? Just in one city, or all of America, or the entire world? Possibly with Moon colonies and satellites?

Re: Agents of SDN (Role Play Idea)

Posted: 2012-03-14 12:45am
by The Yosemite Bear
lattermost of course since the idea is ripping off spy movies.