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MWO video discussion

Posted: 2012-03-09 10:24am
by VF5SS

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 11:14am
by VF5SS
I like how much this guy is just lying

you get to be a scout mech and help out!

That's like saying to your kid brother that he gets to guard the pillow fort

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 01:26pm
by Ryan Thunder
Hey, this looks like fun.

I don't get all the love for the Atlas, though. It's one of the dumbest-looking mecha in the universe...

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 02:54pm
by VF5SS
the Atlas is the best because you can glue the most guns on it

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 03:28pm
by Stark
Dude he determined quality in both his statements using 'looks'

Which is a lol because bt-trained consumers just blind spot all the other robot games that are better and act like WHOA A ROBIT GAME GOTA CHECK IT OUT LOL

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 03:59pm
by VF5SS
Dude check out the video

the guy seems visibly uncomfortable as he has to double-speak about the shittiness of the previous games and how shitty the multiplayer was in the past game

and then does nothing to show the new game is different

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-09 10:28pm
by CaptHawkeye
I love the conflicting agenda baby.

Their is no way you can take Mechwarrior in a new direction without totally rebuilding the gameplay from the ground up. I call bullshit on his claims.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 12:29am
by Ryan Thunder
Stark wrote:Dude he determined quality in both his statements using 'looks'
Well yeah, to be honest.
Which is a lol because bt-trained consumers just blind spot all the other robot games that are better and act like WHOA A ROBIT GAME GOTA CHECK IT OUT LOL
Eh, actually, I'm pretty sure that whatever enjoyment I get out of it will just be nostalgia.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 09:46am
by CaptHawkeye
Someone on the MWO forums brought up the age-old MW problem of legging. Someone responded to him saying that the "new aiming system" will make hitting the legs really hard.

WHAT NEW SYSTEM? It's Mechwarrior a point-and-shoot FPS with giant robots. Blowing off legs was easy to do for years and now not changing at all = it's hard to do now?

It's funny because MW4 actually fixed legging by just making it "gimping". But no we have to please the old fans or something.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 11:13am
by VF5SS
Are they actually going to revert back to MW3's legging problem? Like yeah it'd be weird if you can blow off arms like in the trailer but not legs but unless you add 50% more shaky cam when you aim below the waist, it ain't gonna fix anything.

Unless they mean the new aiming system is parts specific autotracking instead of mouse control but I doubt anyone wants to dumb it down for consoles.

Gimping in MW4 was funny because it meant you had to concentrate your pew pews on the chest :3

It's funny though because I don't think MW4 does damage transfer as far as I can tell since wailing away on a charred left torso doesn't core the center.

I have to keep asking, but did anyone ever research how these games were played or what people did with them?

Gundam has tried almost everything in making games and found that you can offer several different kinds of experiences while still keeping the right feel.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 11:34am
by VF5SS
oh god

this has to be a troll right

does anyone remember the MW3 mechlab was just a spreadsheet right?


also regarding legging

So this game from 1996 just cut up the parts into smaller chunks so while it's not BTECH CANON you can't just shoot the entire leg and remove it.

oh fuck you can just shoot legs anyways

d'oh well

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 02:47pm
by CaptHawkeye
Making missiles fire out of missile ports on your mech was "consolifying" and "dumbing things down".

MW4 fixed so much even if it was still 90s obsolete nonsense, but the fanbase hates it for reasons that totally boil down to "it doesn't play like Mercenaries".

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 02:52pm
by Stark
The changes to mw4 ie legging and mechlab made fans scream blue murder for years

And man I thought they were using partially indirect aiming so they'd be able to avoid the leg bullshit

Ps did it ever make sense that blowing a moving target off was easier than punching through the centre

Why are they obsessed wih damas sponging

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:05pm
by Ryan Thunder
If they're so attached to 'canon' variants, perhaps the Mechlab should just let you mix and match parts from those variants for a given mech. Omnimech weapon pods would each get a max weight and criticals for space, or give you some kind of space puzzle to fit modules in with a maximum weight.

I doubt they'd actually do it of course but I can hope I guess.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:11pm
by VF5SS
I like the guys arguing legging is a "viable tactic"

So is driving to the house of your opponent and breaking his fingers so he can't play the game lawl

The question is whether it is an effective tactic Image

Man the amount of fatty nerdism in that forum is amazing (dohoho irony)

Seriously, do they understand that focusing the entire gameplay onto one single effective tactic means that in end, each Battlemech is simply a really tall box of hitpoints with guns.

Also lawl "color coding = dumbing down"

Yeah that's why traffic lights, hot and cold spigots, and the heating controls in your car are color coded

because the life is just one giant console game

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:16pm
by Stark
Everything should be able to go everywhere even though the fluff is all about how hard it is to change shit sometimes

Hey Ryan are you saying like mixing the arms of a mad cat with the legs of an atlas or the arms of an Atlas B with the legs of an atlas E

Cause seriously lettin people just jam whatever in there is proxy a bad idea, especially for expecting the mechs to have any character

That said the models of a mech are generally totally different and they all have 'laser boat' and 'te clan one' etc

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:19pm
by VF5SS
isn't mix and matching different parts that do different things

just Armored Core :v

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:21pm
by Stark
Armoured core is better than mw lol

But sets of parts for each mech is only an improvement if every mech doesn't have a laser boat

Ls they do

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:24pm
by Ryan Thunder
VF5SS wrote:isn't mix and matching different parts that do different things

just Armored Core :v
if you squeeze your eyes shut and wish hard enough. U
You'd get different parts for different mechs, with IS and Clan Omnimechs each sharing their own set of modules.

Omnimechs might still be possible to laser boat I guess :(

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:27pm
by VF5SS
so then

SLAI (Steel Lancer Arena International) for PS2 :v

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:29pm
by Ryan Thunder
So you'd just be mixing and matching within the mech chassis' variants
VF5SS wrote:so then

SLAI (Steel Lancer Arena International) for PS2 :v
Do you have a better idea?

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:30pm
by CaptHawkeye
Stark wrote:Armoured core is better than mw lol

But sets of parts for each mech is only an improvement if every mech doesn't have a laser boat

Ls they do
AC is my current go-to giant robot game. It's not even particularly good itself, but it's more fun and more interesting than what MW has (or hasn't) become. AC taught me that you can having fucking FIRE CONTROL in a giant robot game.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:31pm
by VF5SS
Ryan Thunder wrote: Do you have a better idea?
jettison all aspects of the IP relating to game mechanics because clearly they are the one thing destroying the franchise

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 03:32pm
by VF5SS
CaptHawkeye wrote:AC taught me that you can having fucking FIRE CONTROL in a giant robot game.
there's a few pre-AC games that had fire control I think. Vortex for SNES is one I can think of off the top of my head.

Re: mw4merkz

Posted: 2012-03-10 05:39pm
by Ryan Thunder
VF5SS wrote:
Ryan Thunder wrote:Do you have a better idea?
jettison all aspects of the IP relating to game mechanics because clearly they are the one thing destroying the franchise
Well yeah, the game mechanics could use a total overhaul. I was just talking about the Mechlab, though.