Finishing a Dwarf Fortress Epic. (56k Warning)
Posted: 2012-04-03 09:30pm
Since I know there are a few DF Fans here, I thought a few of you might appreciate this...
Also link to the DF Archives HERE So you can explore the map on your
So without further adieu,
The History of Roadtruss
In the year 699, the low King of the Dwarves gave a powerful command.
“Build a new Mountain Home worthy of Dwarfish people to usher in the new century a place where Dwarves could be proud of for
the next 100 years and beyond!” This was the creation and genesis for what would become Roadtruss!
In the spring of the year 700. A small party of Seven Dwarves set out form the mountain home to a location deemed suitable for the
new city.
The royal surveyor had reported back that much of the hills were comprised of Chalk and marble, and deposits of Tin, Nickel, and
Copper seemed in abundance. But most important of all where vast deposits of Magnetite, which promised an endless wealth of
Iron and eventually Steel.
The Dwarves dug fast, spurred by their most noble and important goal. To build a new Mountain Home. Work started on a primitive
and temporary fort built into the side of the hills below a waterfall. Here the work crew would be housed while the vast City was
carved from the deep rock within. At the same time, the vast amounts of rock, mostly granite, were transported out for
construction of what would become the great fort, and eventually the mighty tower.
The Tower was one of the visions of the Low King. He had called for a monument to be seen from above as well as bellow. While
the new city would be a fitting symbol of power for Dwarves, the planned Tower would be an unmistakable symbol of Power for all
surface dwellers, able to be seen from miles around and shinning with the wealth of the Dwarven people.
As the years progressed the excavation of the city progressed. The first level of the city was almost completed, and works began
to move into the newly completed great Halls. Walls and Towers grew as the excavated stone was hauled out from the mountain
and put into the constructions going on. The Fortress grew higher in the sky as the Dwarves delved deeper into the Earth.
Eventually they pierced the first level of the Underworld and took in its expansive beauty. It was discovered in this first layer, a
colony of Giant Caveswallow People were living. At first the colony, deemed to be nothing but savages, where to be pushed out or
exterminated. But a scout digging over their nest discovered something that would change the fate of the whole layer. The corpse
of a lost terror, a Forgotten Beast was found amid the nest. The discovery that they had felled such an ancient and mighty Terror so
impressed the Leader of the expedition that he deemed no Dwarf would enter into the layer that it should be left in respect to
these Mighty Savages.
(see The Saga of Dahbulothla The Giant Caveswallow Man.)
In a time before time, the great beast Ramstom Sedmengathi roamed the underworld...
Long, long after that, others came into the underworld. Among them many smaller more simple creatures and people. Among these
were the Caveswallow men, often considered to be the most noble and savage of the denizens of the underworld.
In a time during the very first years of the founding of Roadtruss, an Epic battle played out that would go unnoticed for years...
The forgotten beast Ramstom Sedmengathi came upon them, there in the darkness, the simple birdfolk defended themselves
as best they could.
Using nothing but wooden spears and blowguns they gave battle to the beast from beyond time. Together they tried to overcome
it, two sisters, Nest mates, rose up and attacked. But the beast would not be so easily taken, wounded and enraged, it ripped the
wings from one before gutting the other. The once peaceful nest site of the Cave people ran red with pools of Blood and Gore!
Enraged at the site of their deaths. Dahbulothla picked up the discarded spear and charged at the beast. The forgotten beast
Ramston was shocked at the ferocity of the attack! Dahbulothla knocked the beast to the ground and made ready to plunge the
spear in deep! But the Beast fought back, striking the spear from his wing and crippling his grip. Wounded the spear dropped once
more. All that lay between Him and death was a simple Towercap Shield.
Yet even now Dahbulothla would not yield! The beast seemed to pause to gloat over it’s next kill, yet in the brief moment,
Dahbulothla bore down with all of his might. Brining the shield down into its brain and ending it once and for all!
Wounded and disheartened, the savage returned to his life, living in the Darkness. Never knowing that others would immortalize his deeds.
Digging deeper they came upon the second underground layer.
Here they found an immense underground sea. Water to sustain in the deep and a forest of different fungus and mushrooms to
gather. The layer held vast open caverns and spaces, and soon a small barracks was set up as a waypoint for those traveling to the
deep. Lower still a third and more twisted layer was uncovered. The heat here was immense, and the reason soon discovered.
Directly under the third layer was the fabled Magma Sea. An unending ocean of the living Blood of Armok.
Here at last was the life blood of what would fuel the power of Roadtruss. For it was also within the Magma Sea that the true
treasure was found. The Living Rock of the world, Adamantine.
So began a new chapter for Roadtruss. Legions of Dwarves hauled ore and rock down into the depths. Huge rows of smelters and
forges where constructed as the industry of the city began in earnest. But such riches where not without their price.
In exploring the depth, the Dwarves began to stir up the foul beasts of the underworld. The small militia was sent on regular
patrols to keep roving Crundles and Dratha in check. From time to time more dangerous beasts arouse… Eventually the time
came for the city to face down a terror form beyond time.
The Saga of Zuspo Aruanu Zumzust! The Mangy Night of Guts
Zuspo Aruanu Zumzust! The Mangy Night of Guts has come!
A huge pterosaur with lidless eyes. It has a round shell and it squirms and fidgets. Its rust scales are block and overlapping.
Beware its deadly blood!
The beast rose up in the very lowest levels of the underworld. Close to the great forges themselves. The new industry was far too
important to risk loosing to such a terror. Many workers were conscripted, picking up whatever they could find. Mining picks, work
axes, smelting tools. All were lifted as the order came to keep the beast from entering the forges no matter the cost!
The battle was intense and savage…
Many younger recruits ran up quickly, spurred by their own fires and pride of their work they attacked furiously. The beast fought
back, claws raking across many, spilling blood upon the cavern floors. Yet as the wounded were pulled back, more took their place.
Word had spread above and now every able-bodied Dwarf seemed ready to take their place to defend the forges!
The ancient Terror found itself slowly overcome simply by the mass of Dwarves.
Falling to the floor, an Axe Dwarf leapt upon it. Young Paddlesilver a recent migrant, was the one to deliver the killing blow.
Lodging his axe deep into the creature’s belly, blood pouring out till it lived no more!
The fledgling city of Roadtruss rejoiced as it thought the worse was behind them.
While many where wounded from the Ancient Terror, none were slain. Those in the Hospital seemed to suffer from a lingering
illness, yet seemed to heal overtime. The victory with no loss of life was hailed as a Miracle and life returned to “Normal” in the city.
Work progressed on the Fortress and all seemed well.
However… the Beast would have a final revenge upon the City…
The illness that had afflicted those that fought the great beast seemed to slowly be spreading. No Dwarves died, yet all effected
where stricken with constant, disabling vomit spasms. Attempts to cure those effects by cleaning them only spread the illness.
The longer it lasted, the more Dwarves vomited and grew nauseas. It was not long before Dwarves stopped their appointed tasks,
vomiting themselves unconscious.
The city ground to a halt as Dwarves tried to simply make it from day to day, collapsing in uncontrobale nausea. The City became
covered with the sick of others.
A dark time decided upon Roadtruss that became known as:
Roadtruss, The Flooding of Vomit!
From inside the city, the floors became covered in the sick, pools lay everywhere, impossible to clean with every Dwarf rendered
unable to do even the simplest of chores:
Outside in the harsh light of the sun, the sickness was even worse. Several Dwarves nearly died in accidents on the Great Tower as
many nearly feel to their deaths from the illness.
The City of Roadtruss seemed to suffer a fate worse then death.. Rendered impossible to complete any work at all, yet undying,
living in constant agony and suffering from the Flood of Vomit.
The Arrival of Grieger the Merciful
After almost a year of suffering, when all Dwarves had given up hope of ever living a normal life again, a wondering stranger came
into the Jungles surrounding Roadtruss.
Greiger Aratamun has been quite content lately, he has been caught in the rain lately, he helped a friend recently.
He is a dubious worshiper of Youh the yellow fruit, he is a casual worshiper of Velos of the wind.
He is a founder of the Heroes for Hire and citizen of the Rocky Penninsula.
He is incredibly muscular and tall. His horns are long, his wings are somewhat long, his tail is somewhat broad, his nose is
somewhat long, he has a scratchy voice. His scales are red, his eyes are crimson.
He is mighty, basically unbreakable, and slow to tire.
Greiger Aratamun likes greatswords, cobaltite, adamantine, and lions for their manes. When possible, he prefers
to consume cow meat, and cod. He absolutely detests vegetables.
He has a great sense of empathy and good focus, but lousy creativity, little patience, and a very bad
He tends to avoid crowds, he is unassertive, he loves a good thrill, loves to defy convention, and is mostly unaware of his own
emotions and rarely expresses them.
He is a master swordsman, knowledgeable of monster lore and competent in first aid.
A medium sized reptilian humanoid fond of dragons and swords.
Seeing the Mighty, yet unfinished fortress, the Dragon was moved by the sturdy and unyielding spirit of the Dwarves.
Grieved by the state of the City and its sickness, he used strange unfathomable magic’s to cure the people of Roadtruss!
Slowly over time, the people recovered. The vast seas of Vomit and sickness seemed but a distant dream.
Grateful beyond measure to the Dragon Grieger, they revered him and gave praise to his name.
As a sign of their favor, they engraved his image upon the Mighty Tower itself.
Constructing his likens in Living Adamantine, the color of his Sword skills.
From above his likeness would be forever remembered to the Dwarfen people.
After that time the Dragon stayed in contact with the people of Roadtruss, watching as the city continued to grow.
The Years passed and the City continued to grow. The City saw its numbers grow faster as word spread among the Dwarves that
the mighty new capital neared finishing.
One day, a messenger arrived at the City with stunning news.
It had been deemed time for the Crown of Dwarven Civilization to be moved.
The King would be coming.
As the city neared compilation, the citizens were informed that the Low king of the Dwarves. Asen Oslansazir would be
making the journal at last to Roadtruss for it to officially become the new center of the Dwarven World and be proclaimed
Mountain Home.
In preparation for this event, Royal areas were outfitted for his arrival.
The Royal Throne Room
A hall befitting a king was needed and constructed with no expenses spared.
Lined with Steel and Iron, Inlaid with Blood Bauxite and Emeralds. In the middle of the room is the throne itself, carved from
Raw Living Adamantine, it is truly a Kingly chair:
Behind the throne are Masterwork Glass Windows, the Civilization symbol for the Kings Domain (yes our civ, the
Hollowed Hatchets, had a window for it's symbol) showing all who enter, whom the King represents.
Royal Bed Chamber
Behind the Throne room is a secluded passage that leads up to the Kings personal chambers. Here the true wealth of Roadtruss
is lavished upon the king to show his standing and power.
The chamber is inlaid with Black Bronze and Rose Gold, the twin symbols of Roadtruss. The Masterwork bed is surrounded with
the four most valuable Statues in the City. Each one an Adamantine Statue showing some of the most Epic moments both in the History of Roadtruss and in Dwarf history:
On the appointed date the King arrived with but a few meager servants. The king, single and a humble King, came upon the
city and saw it for the first time. Awestruck to see his vision made manifest at last, he was moved to tears at the wondrous site.
Soon He came to his royal quarters and the King, Asen Oslansazir, was now home.
The Saga of Asen Oslansazir, Low King of the Dwarves
Born on the first of Granite in the year 570, he was of humble origins, born to farmers in the hamlet of Clashcaves.
In 589, at just under 20years old. Asens hamlet was attacked by the Giantess Slatsu Goalfu. The beast was well known for
terrorizing the smaller Dwarf towns. It had slain well over a hundred Dwarves in its time, stealing food from the hungry and gold
from the poor.
Asen and the Giantess grabbled and fought savagely, and while the beast was not killed, it was driven away by the young Asen,
saving his small village.
This heroic act drove the young Asen into a more active Life. He sought his fortune in the Mountain Home and began to run in politics.
In the year 627, he became King of the Hallow Hatchets.
For the next 70 years he ruled over his civilization with a firm Dwarf y hand.
In the year 699, Asen gave orders for a new Mountain Home to be constructed to represent his people far and wide.
At almost 130 years old he was the oldest and longest-lived King in the civilizations history and showed no signs of slowing down.
In 706, as construction was reaching completion, The King settles in Roadtruss Moving himself and his people to the new
Mountain Home.
Once there, The King was entranced by the new life in the new city. As if slowly waking from a long sleep, he began to become
more active despite his great age. He yearned to join in battle now with those recruits defending the under world from beasts and vermin.
By Royal Decree he was to be trained and outfitted by the very best Roadtruss had.
As King, he was given truly Kingly amour. The end result of the most skilled crafts dwarfs in the entire world.
Wearing the wealth of a small nation upon him, he donned the most treasured armor in all of Roadtruss:
Even with such Weapons and arms, the King was not sent into danger so soon. While he had fought a Giant, it had been over a Hundred years ago.
Much to the Kings dismay, he was sent to the military barracks, honing his skills fighting small beasts.
Finally, after practicing on smaller vermin and beasts, the King Asen went forth to face his first true challenge.
One of the mighty and deadly Elephants that roam the Jungles around Roadtruss!!!
As if some great talent that had lain dormant for decades was suddenly unleashed, the King embraced his new found blood lust!!!
Bolstered not just by the success of slaying the beast, but cutting its head clean off, King Asen was embraced into the patrols of the
Underworld facing smaller but more deadly creatures.
Two months later King Asen found himself facing down a Voracious Cave crawler.
The Horrific worm injured two recruits in the melee, but the King dealt the killing blow to the beast, cutting it’s head clean off.
Less then a day later the King faced down a Jabberer as well, letting its head sail off with such force it splattered into gore against
the cave walls.
For the next few months little of interest happened. But then, in the middle of winter, the Forgotten Beast Sedast, The Midnight of Sin came to Roadtruss!
A great feathered Lion twisted into Humanoid form! It Squirms and fidgets. Beware its fiery breath!
Here was something the King felt he had been waiting for all of his life, as if making up for letting the Giant live over 100 years ago.
Here was a beast worthy of a King!
Heading down, not just with recruits, but the elite warriors of Roadtruss. Two Axe Dwarves and two Spear Dwarfs of valor and
renown joined the King Asen who felt a fire burning in him to do battle. Upon meeting of the Beast, it rose up, greeting the
warriors with monstrous gouts of flame.
One warrior was caught by the fire and dove into the cave lake, alive but in agony. The others dodge but where scattered now as the
great Beast bore down upon the other Axe Dwarf. The Dwarf counter attacked, driving his *Steel Axe* into the Beasts arm sending
it back. The Dwarf managed to get away before the Beast came back, now turning it’s eyes on the king himself.
As if sensing a true threat, the beast unleashed another great fireball upon the King that seemed certain to consume him!
With the clouds of flame and smoke surging against him, the king held his Masterwork blue shield aloft… As though the very hand
of Armok reached down to protect him, the flames parted and surged down either side of him, leaving the king in the eye of a
flaming whirlwind!
Scrabbling for his very life, the King Asen struck upwards with all his might. The great Adamantine Axe sailing upwards!!!
With a splattering of blood, the fell beasts head was flung clear of it! With an unearthly gurgling noise the creature succumbed
to the Kings onslaught and lay defeated!
From that day on the King was a true legend indeed. Not just as leader, but now Warrior.
With the mighty King ruling over his people, Roadtruss seemed at least complete and whole. The armies of the city pacified the
surrounding lands and unified the smaller towns under its Steel heel. The riches of the City grew and grew and the Dwarves reveled
in their power and joy.
Yet all was not well.
A group of Humans, disgruntled and angered at the Dwarves might, sought to humiliate and humble their mighty City.
The most recent Saga of Roadtruss was one that would indeed bring the mighty down…
The Saga of Rosatkidet, the enraged Elephant!
The Following tale regards the events late in the year 706 regarding a newly tamed Elephant. The tale is recounted here as excerpts from the Journal of 1st Migrant Osustral:
14th of Limestone 706.
A Human caravan has entered into the fortress today from one their remote cities.
Among the goods they have brought was a great caged Elephant. They insisted on selling. At first I was dubious, the City has as
many as we could ever need. The great beasts have been tamed and serve us well.
However the Human leader insisted deeply, saying that the beast was unique among all others, that it would be a true War Beast
for us. He said it had even been given a name Rosatkidet
Impressed by his vigor I agreed and ordered the beast placed amongst the other caged animals.
Upon his departure it was reported he was heard laughing heartedly, though this could not be confirmed…
15th of Limestone 706
The beast Rosatkidet was no tame creature! The moment it was let from it’s cage to join the others, the Dwarves around it
were seized with an uncontrolled terror! The Beast it seems is under some sort of foul magick by the human scum! Even our brave
warriors seem unable to life weapons against!
The beast ran quickly into the Fortress itself. If we are quick we can keep it from getting into the City. Perhaps we can buy some
time to find out how to deal with this unnatural terror!
16th of Limestone. 706
What we thought was a reprieve has turned into an even deeper disaster!
The beast fled into the Fortress walls, and there we thought we had trapped it in a store room. Yet to our Horror the room had a
passage up to the roofs of the Fortress! As if somehow sensing a way to further spread its chaos, the best has marched up one of
the great towers of the Fortress, its weight causing the floor to buckle and crack under it. We thought for a moment it would crash
to its death:
yet the beast has escaped unscathed and made it’s way to the very top of the Tower!.
17th of Limestone 706
An emergency council has been called forth to deal with the issue.
The City itself is on lockdown, no one dares to venture outside. From it’s perch atop the tower, the Beast can be seen from almost
any place outside, making it all but impossible to do any form of work! The beast seems aware of its panic and terror and parades
itself around, trumpeting at all hours as if to taunt us!!!
The only safety is inside the City as we struggle to come to terms with this threat.
Currently we are struggling to overcome whatever dark magick keeps our warriors from targeting its foul form.
18th of Limestone 706
Today is the Day we take our City Back!!!
We have sent out our best archers to surround the tower where the Beast seems intent to remain, mocking us. We have blindfolded
all of their eyes, unable to see the beast, they seem immune to flee in terror from it. We have ordered them to fire blind, our only
hope, yet so many do we have that we are confident that the beast shall be slain!
The Attack seems to slowly be working! To our delight we heard cries of agony coming from the cursed beast. We were able to look
upon it to see it’s hide covered in the iron and steel bolts of our archers! The spell seems to have lifted at last and our arches were
able to focus their fire and pour death into the beast!
19th of Limestone 706.
The Low King himself declared a day of celebration as the carcass of the beast fell from it’s hated place high atop our towers! We
have spent the day feasting off its flesh and drinking deeply of our wine and beer! Today shall forever be remembered for our
victory of the Dread Beast Rosatkidet
With the vile beast no more, the Dwarves of Roadtruss once more returned to peace.
And here the story ends, for now. The history of the future of the city yet to be written…
And thus ends the “official” history of Roadtruss.
The city is for all intense purposes “finished” there is still more one could do…
Breach Hell, flood the world, collapse the mountain… But such things may be left for future generations.
What now follows is the physical record of the great city…
Raw Facts
Here we begin with an overview of some raw numbers of Roadtruss.
The point of the fort from the start was to make a real Dwarf “City” and clocking in at over 200 Dwarves I more then accomplished this. With an Army of almost 80 Dwarves all clad in full plate Steel, with the Elite among them given Candy Armor, the military force could counter almost any threat in the world.
Next we have a rough idea of the vast scale of construction.
In terms of granite alone, the primary building material for the Fort itself… not the Tower but just the fort walls, over SIX THOUSDAND stones bitches!
Not blocks, but just stones! Some of the other numbers, over 3000 orthoclase, 2500 olivine, and over 2000 Microcline stones.
(Microcline, soooo sick of mining Microcline in the end!!!)
And Finally, I give you a true measure of the dedication not just to the construction of the Mighty Tower, but also to the symbol of
the Hallow Hatchet civilization….
Over FOUR HUNDRED Windows were used in the Construction of the City, and over 200 of those are Clear Glass Windows.
For all the Elf haters out there I want you to drink in the fact of how many forests of wood were burned and turned to ash to make this huge amount of glass!!!
The Great Tower
This is a Legendary Art-Deco Dwarven Sky Scraper, all craftsmanship is of the highest quality!
It’s encrusted with Steel, diorite, gabbro, granite, mica, raw adamantine, and platinum.
The tower menaces with spikes of platinum and gold
The Tower is adorned with hanging rings of iron, platinum and steel and held fast by bands of finely worked Steel.
On the Tower is an Image of Dwarves in refined Adamantine, and gabbro. The Dwarf is making a mocking gesture.
The image relates to the construction of Roadtruss the Mirror of Soaring, a Dwarven City. The image is mocking all those that question the power of the Dwarven civilization.’
On the Tower is an Image of the Half Dragon Swordsmen Greiger and Dwarves in Refined Adamantine. The Dwarves are surrounding the Half Dragon making a pleading gesture.
The Image relates to the aid and saving of the Dwarven people by the Half Dragon Swordsmen Greiger throughout the history of Roadtruss.
The Great Tower was a central part of the Low Kings vision for the new capital.
While a grand new City for Dwarf kind would be made, it was decided to have an equally impressive symbol of Dwarf Power for surface Dwellers to see.
The Great Tower was constructed to be more then just a symbol. In some ways it is a city unto itself. The lower floors are full of
opulent rooms designed for visiting nobles and diplomats. Knowing that not all visitors to Roadtruss would be Dwarves, or would
be happy sleeping in the Deep Dark, the tower was filled with airy light filled rooms.
Just above the main base of the Tower, a special viewing platform was constructed.
Adorned with great statues, here visitors could look out over the surrounding Fortress and beyond into the vast Jungles
surrounding Roadtruss and the might Tower.
Even higher up, rooms and storerooms were still built into the Tower. Reading rooms, library, conference rooms, offices.
The upper floors were likes a busy hive full of the governmental duties of the grand city and its visitors.
At the very top of the Tower was the Grand Viewing platform.
60 levels above the ground, here the views of the world were truly breathtaking as visitors looked out from behind the safety of
+Steel Wall Grates+. Of course just above them was the central Golden spiral. Another seven levels of Solid gold adored the very
top of the mighty Tower. A shinning beacon of Dwarfish civilization.
((A bit more about the tower personally. This Tower has existed in several attempted forms in forts going all the way back to 40d.
It started off long before that as a design for an Art Deco Tower I fell in love with as a kid. I’ve always loved buildings like the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building. When I first learned about Mega Construction in DF, I suddenly thought HEY! What
would an Art Deco skyscraper look like if Dwarves built it?))
The Great Gates
Entrance to Roadtruss is no small feet.
The outer walls are made of solid Steel, the lifeblood of the fort.
A sign of both its wealth and power, the outer walls contain more Steel then some nation's whole armies! Lining the top of the walls,
again as if to flaunt it's wealth, are countless Copper fortifications. Gleaming like gold in the light, blinding to travelers even from afar.
The inner gates are no less formidable, made of hardened Granite and towering over all who would approach. Anyone foolish
enough to try getting through must also face down a small army of War Elephants, fierce and bloodthirsty.
The Grand Entrance
Upon entering the city itself, newcomers are greeted to the Grand Entrance. Engraved with the history of the Early Years of the city,
they are then treated to the sight of the Grand Vault. The trove is where all artifacts are kept upon creation.
Here all members may bask in the most prized works of art that Dwarves can make.
Among these is the prize of Roadtruss, it's single most valuable and important artifact 'Tecakasol an Adamantine Figurine:
Forged of Living Adamantine and symbolizing the foundation of the City.
Next to it is the Great Golden Statue Scourchingbronze
This statue stands proud in the great Vault, also showing the historical creation and founding of the city as well as the electing of
it's first leader, Urist Scourchingbronze Who still watches over the City.
The order for Roadtruss was to create a City where hundreds of Dwarves could live and feel proud of the owner of the Dwarven
people. The completed City more then fills this roll.
The Main Drag
Once in the city itself, a massive circular drag connects the city together, a walkway allowing Dwarves to navigate the countless
shops and markets around the outer ring (Yes shops, I originally planned this hoping that Economy, and thus shops would be
added back in. All the boxes around the ring are 5x5, the size of a shop, sadly it was not to be the case, so I started filling the
space with workshops)
Points of Interest
The interior of the great City is full of places where Dwarves do their daily work. Several eateries line the entrance for workers to eat and rest.
The Public Bank
To the upper left, the great City Bank can be seen with its store of Gems, Gold, Coins, and the private wealth of it's citizens.
While there are many vaults of treasure in the City, here is where it’s citizens may deposit their private goods.
Library and School
Above that is the public Library, open for all Dwarves to learn the history of their people, old and new. To the above right of the
Library is the School. Dwarves young and old still have much to learn, and this room offers a place to lecture and teach.
Across from the School is the Hospital. Filled with everything needed for keeping the City as healthy as Dwarvenly possible.
It boasts such luxuries as silk bandages and real Soap!
Temple to Armok
To the lower right of the Hospital is the Temple to Armok. While small, it serves as a place of worship for these seeking guidance in
these troubled times. Lined with the hallmarks of Armok, the floors are Blood Red Bauxite, and the statues Dark Red Cinnabar.
The Zoo
Of course there are other points one may visit.
In a well-protected area of the Fort, one may come across the cages keeping captured denizens of the Underworld:
Most are fatted in time to end up as living practice targets for the Cities ever expanding military. Others are deemed too rare..
Or too dangerous to ever be let out…
The City Crypts
When a Dwarf passes from this world, it is their hopes to always be interred in the bones of a mountain from which all Dwarves
come. Far below the Great City, the crypts have been carved out for those brave Dwarves who came to Roadtruss. Grand tombs
line the halls for the original migrants as well as nobles. But even peasant Dwarves still get a statue marking their passage in life.
The Great Forges
Down on the lowest level of the underworld, just above the fabled Magma Sea, the beating heart of Armok, lays the Great Forges!
Where the wealth of Roadtruss was forged over its life. Here untold hundreds of tons of ore and stone have been smelted down to
form a river of molten gold, silver, iron and steel. Countless amounts of weapons, plate amour, treasures and artifacts have come
from these depths. And it is here, where the stockpiles of the most precious of all materials, the living metal Adamantine is also
housed and processed.
The Not so Forgotten Mega Beast Sitheme Ocisanene
In the bowels of the underworld… near the Great forges themselves… A beast of unimaginable Horror and ancient Terror came
upon the Dwarves! While the city had dealt with such Terrors before, a lone scout reported back that the creature oozed a deadly
acidic blood. A single drop would be enough to kill a Dwarf, and the poison could spread to kill the whole of the City!
This was a beast deemed to deadly and too dangerous to ever encounter!
For the first, and we prey only time in the Cities history.. It was decided to entomb the beast in a trap of cunning.
Luring the beast onto a long bridge, a level collapses the platforms on either side, leaving the Fell Beast stranded with Magma baring any escape.
Here the beast could be safely maintained for all time, it’s deadly horrific toxins rendered impotent as the ancient horror was reduced to mere target practice for the forts archers and Ballista Dwarves. [/spoiler]
Hope you enjoyed the show
Also link to the DF Archives HERE So you can explore the map on your
So without further adieu,
The History of Roadtruss
In the year 699, the low King of the Dwarves gave a powerful command.
“Build a new Mountain Home worthy of Dwarfish people to usher in the new century a place where Dwarves could be proud of for
the next 100 years and beyond!” This was the creation and genesis for what would become Roadtruss!
In the spring of the year 700. A small party of Seven Dwarves set out form the mountain home to a location deemed suitable for the
new city.
The royal surveyor had reported back that much of the hills were comprised of Chalk and marble, and deposits of Tin, Nickel, and
Copper seemed in abundance. But most important of all where vast deposits of Magnetite, which promised an endless wealth of
Iron and eventually Steel.
The Dwarves dug fast, spurred by their most noble and important goal. To build a new Mountain Home. Work started on a primitive
and temporary fort built into the side of the hills below a waterfall. Here the work crew would be housed while the vast City was
carved from the deep rock within. At the same time, the vast amounts of rock, mostly granite, were transported out for
construction of what would become the great fort, and eventually the mighty tower.
The Tower was one of the visions of the Low King. He had called for a monument to be seen from above as well as bellow. While
the new city would be a fitting symbol of power for Dwarves, the planned Tower would be an unmistakable symbol of Power for all
surface dwellers, able to be seen from miles around and shinning with the wealth of the Dwarven people.
As the years progressed the excavation of the city progressed. The first level of the city was almost completed, and works began
to move into the newly completed great Halls. Walls and Towers grew as the excavated stone was hauled out from the mountain
and put into the constructions going on. The Fortress grew higher in the sky as the Dwarves delved deeper into the Earth.
Eventually they pierced the first level of the Underworld and took in its expansive beauty. It was discovered in this first layer, a
colony of Giant Caveswallow People were living. At first the colony, deemed to be nothing but savages, where to be pushed out or
exterminated. But a scout digging over their nest discovered something that would change the fate of the whole layer. The corpse
of a lost terror, a Forgotten Beast was found amid the nest. The discovery that they had felled such an ancient and mighty Terror so
impressed the Leader of the expedition that he deemed no Dwarf would enter into the layer that it should be left in respect to
these Mighty Savages.
(see The Saga of Dahbulothla The Giant Caveswallow Man.)
In a time before time, the great beast Ramstom Sedmengathi roamed the underworld...
Long, long after that, others came into the underworld. Among them many smaller more simple creatures and people. Among these
were the Caveswallow men, often considered to be the most noble and savage of the denizens of the underworld.
In a time during the very first years of the founding of Roadtruss, an Epic battle played out that would go unnoticed for years...
The forgotten beast Ramstom Sedmengathi came upon them, there in the darkness, the simple birdfolk defended themselves
as best they could.
Using nothing but wooden spears and blowguns they gave battle to the beast from beyond time. Together they tried to overcome
it, two sisters, Nest mates, rose up and attacked. But the beast would not be so easily taken, wounded and enraged, it ripped the
wings from one before gutting the other. The once peaceful nest site of the Cave people ran red with pools of Blood and Gore!
Enraged at the site of their deaths. Dahbulothla picked up the discarded spear and charged at the beast. The forgotten beast
Ramston was shocked at the ferocity of the attack! Dahbulothla knocked the beast to the ground and made ready to plunge the
spear in deep! But the Beast fought back, striking the spear from his wing and crippling his grip. Wounded the spear dropped once
more. All that lay between Him and death was a simple Towercap Shield.
Yet even now Dahbulothla would not yield! The beast seemed to pause to gloat over it’s next kill, yet in the brief moment,
Dahbulothla bore down with all of his might. Brining the shield down into its brain and ending it once and for all!
Wounded and disheartened, the savage returned to his life, living in the Darkness. Never knowing that others would immortalize his deeds.
Digging deeper they came upon the second underground layer.
Here they found an immense underground sea. Water to sustain in the deep and a forest of different fungus and mushrooms to
gather. The layer held vast open caverns and spaces, and soon a small barracks was set up as a waypoint for those traveling to the
deep. Lower still a third and more twisted layer was uncovered. The heat here was immense, and the reason soon discovered.
Directly under the third layer was the fabled Magma Sea. An unending ocean of the living Blood of Armok.
Here at last was the life blood of what would fuel the power of Roadtruss. For it was also within the Magma Sea that the true
treasure was found. The Living Rock of the world, Adamantine.
So began a new chapter for Roadtruss. Legions of Dwarves hauled ore and rock down into the depths. Huge rows of smelters and
forges where constructed as the industry of the city began in earnest. But such riches where not without their price.
In exploring the depth, the Dwarves began to stir up the foul beasts of the underworld. The small militia was sent on regular
patrols to keep roving Crundles and Dratha in check. From time to time more dangerous beasts arouse… Eventually the time
came for the city to face down a terror form beyond time.
The Saga of Zuspo Aruanu Zumzust! The Mangy Night of Guts
Zuspo Aruanu Zumzust! The Mangy Night of Guts has come!
A huge pterosaur with lidless eyes. It has a round shell and it squirms and fidgets. Its rust scales are block and overlapping.
Beware its deadly blood!
The beast rose up in the very lowest levels of the underworld. Close to the great forges themselves. The new industry was far too
important to risk loosing to such a terror. Many workers were conscripted, picking up whatever they could find. Mining picks, work
axes, smelting tools. All were lifted as the order came to keep the beast from entering the forges no matter the cost!
The battle was intense and savage…
Many younger recruits ran up quickly, spurred by their own fires and pride of their work they attacked furiously. The beast fought
back, claws raking across many, spilling blood upon the cavern floors. Yet as the wounded were pulled back, more took their place.
Word had spread above and now every able-bodied Dwarf seemed ready to take their place to defend the forges!
The ancient Terror found itself slowly overcome simply by the mass of Dwarves.
Falling to the floor, an Axe Dwarf leapt upon it. Young Paddlesilver a recent migrant, was the one to deliver the killing blow.
Lodging his axe deep into the creature’s belly, blood pouring out till it lived no more!
The fledgling city of Roadtruss rejoiced as it thought the worse was behind them.
While many where wounded from the Ancient Terror, none were slain. Those in the Hospital seemed to suffer from a lingering
illness, yet seemed to heal overtime. The victory with no loss of life was hailed as a Miracle and life returned to “Normal” in the city.
Work progressed on the Fortress and all seemed well.
However… the Beast would have a final revenge upon the City…
The illness that had afflicted those that fought the great beast seemed to slowly be spreading. No Dwarves died, yet all effected
where stricken with constant, disabling vomit spasms. Attempts to cure those effects by cleaning them only spread the illness.
The longer it lasted, the more Dwarves vomited and grew nauseas. It was not long before Dwarves stopped their appointed tasks,
vomiting themselves unconscious.
The city ground to a halt as Dwarves tried to simply make it from day to day, collapsing in uncontrobale nausea. The City became
covered with the sick of others.
A dark time decided upon Roadtruss that became known as:
Roadtruss, The Flooding of Vomit!
From inside the city, the floors became covered in the sick, pools lay everywhere, impossible to clean with every Dwarf rendered
unable to do even the simplest of chores:
Outside in the harsh light of the sun, the sickness was even worse. Several Dwarves nearly died in accidents on the Great Tower as
many nearly feel to their deaths from the illness.
The City of Roadtruss seemed to suffer a fate worse then death.. Rendered impossible to complete any work at all, yet undying,
living in constant agony and suffering from the Flood of Vomit.
The Arrival of Grieger the Merciful
After almost a year of suffering, when all Dwarves had given up hope of ever living a normal life again, a wondering stranger came
into the Jungles surrounding Roadtruss.
Greiger Aratamun has been quite content lately, he has been caught in the rain lately, he helped a friend recently.
He is a dubious worshiper of Youh the yellow fruit, he is a casual worshiper of Velos of the wind.
He is a founder of the Heroes for Hire and citizen of the Rocky Penninsula.
He is incredibly muscular and tall. His horns are long, his wings are somewhat long, his tail is somewhat broad, his nose is
somewhat long, he has a scratchy voice. His scales are red, his eyes are crimson.
He is mighty, basically unbreakable, and slow to tire.
Greiger Aratamun likes greatswords, cobaltite, adamantine, and lions for their manes. When possible, he prefers
to consume cow meat, and cod. He absolutely detests vegetables.
He has a great sense of empathy and good focus, but lousy creativity, little patience, and a very bad
He tends to avoid crowds, he is unassertive, he loves a good thrill, loves to defy convention, and is mostly unaware of his own
emotions and rarely expresses them.
He is a master swordsman, knowledgeable of monster lore and competent in first aid.
A medium sized reptilian humanoid fond of dragons and swords.
Seeing the Mighty, yet unfinished fortress, the Dragon was moved by the sturdy and unyielding spirit of the Dwarves.
Grieved by the state of the City and its sickness, he used strange unfathomable magic’s to cure the people of Roadtruss!
Slowly over time, the people recovered. The vast seas of Vomit and sickness seemed but a distant dream.
Grateful beyond measure to the Dragon Grieger, they revered him and gave praise to his name.
As a sign of their favor, they engraved his image upon the Mighty Tower itself.
Constructing his likens in Living Adamantine, the color of his Sword skills.
From above his likeness would be forever remembered to the Dwarfen people.
After that time the Dragon stayed in contact with the people of Roadtruss, watching as the city continued to grow.
The Years passed and the City continued to grow. The City saw its numbers grow faster as word spread among the Dwarves that
the mighty new capital neared finishing.
One day, a messenger arrived at the City with stunning news.
It had been deemed time for the Crown of Dwarven Civilization to be moved.
The King would be coming.
As the city neared compilation, the citizens were informed that the Low king of the Dwarves. Asen Oslansazir would be
making the journal at last to Roadtruss for it to officially become the new center of the Dwarven World and be proclaimed
Mountain Home.
In preparation for this event, Royal areas were outfitted for his arrival.
The Royal Throne Room
A hall befitting a king was needed and constructed with no expenses spared.
Lined with Steel and Iron, Inlaid with Blood Bauxite and Emeralds. In the middle of the room is the throne itself, carved from
Raw Living Adamantine, it is truly a Kingly chair:
Behind the throne are Masterwork Glass Windows, the Civilization symbol for the Kings Domain (yes our civ, the
Hollowed Hatchets, had a window for it's symbol) showing all who enter, whom the King represents.
Royal Bed Chamber
Behind the Throne room is a secluded passage that leads up to the Kings personal chambers. Here the true wealth of Roadtruss
is lavished upon the king to show his standing and power.
The chamber is inlaid with Black Bronze and Rose Gold, the twin symbols of Roadtruss. The Masterwork bed is surrounded with
the four most valuable Statues in the City. Each one an Adamantine Statue showing some of the most Epic moments both in the History of Roadtruss and in Dwarf history:
On the appointed date the King arrived with but a few meager servants. The king, single and a humble King, came upon the
city and saw it for the first time. Awestruck to see his vision made manifest at last, he was moved to tears at the wondrous site.
Soon He came to his royal quarters and the King, Asen Oslansazir, was now home.
The Saga of Asen Oslansazir, Low King of the Dwarves
Born on the first of Granite in the year 570, he was of humble origins, born to farmers in the hamlet of Clashcaves.
In 589, at just under 20years old. Asens hamlet was attacked by the Giantess Slatsu Goalfu. The beast was well known for
terrorizing the smaller Dwarf towns. It had slain well over a hundred Dwarves in its time, stealing food from the hungry and gold
from the poor.
Asen and the Giantess grabbled and fought savagely, and while the beast was not killed, it was driven away by the young Asen,
saving his small village.
This heroic act drove the young Asen into a more active Life. He sought his fortune in the Mountain Home and began to run in politics.
In the year 627, he became King of the Hallow Hatchets.
For the next 70 years he ruled over his civilization with a firm Dwarf y hand.
In the year 699, Asen gave orders for a new Mountain Home to be constructed to represent his people far and wide.
At almost 130 years old he was the oldest and longest-lived King in the civilizations history and showed no signs of slowing down.
In 706, as construction was reaching completion, The King settles in Roadtruss Moving himself and his people to the new
Mountain Home.
Once there, The King was entranced by the new life in the new city. As if slowly waking from a long sleep, he began to become
more active despite his great age. He yearned to join in battle now with those recruits defending the under world from beasts and vermin.
By Royal Decree he was to be trained and outfitted by the very best Roadtruss had.
As King, he was given truly Kingly amour. The end result of the most skilled crafts dwarfs in the entire world.
Wearing the wealth of a small nation upon him, he donned the most treasured armor in all of Roadtruss:
Even with such Weapons and arms, the King was not sent into danger so soon. While he had fought a Giant, it had been over a Hundred years ago.
Much to the Kings dismay, he was sent to the military barracks, honing his skills fighting small beasts.
Finally, after practicing on smaller vermin and beasts, the King Asen went forth to face his first true challenge.
One of the mighty and deadly Elephants that roam the Jungles around Roadtruss!!!
As if some great talent that had lain dormant for decades was suddenly unleashed, the King embraced his new found blood lust!!!
Bolstered not just by the success of slaying the beast, but cutting its head clean off, King Asen was embraced into the patrols of the
Underworld facing smaller but more deadly creatures.
Two months later King Asen found himself facing down a Voracious Cave crawler.
The Horrific worm injured two recruits in the melee, but the King dealt the killing blow to the beast, cutting it’s head clean off.
Less then a day later the King faced down a Jabberer as well, letting its head sail off with such force it splattered into gore against
the cave walls.
For the next few months little of interest happened. But then, in the middle of winter, the Forgotten Beast Sedast, The Midnight of Sin came to Roadtruss!
A great feathered Lion twisted into Humanoid form! It Squirms and fidgets. Beware its fiery breath!
Here was something the King felt he had been waiting for all of his life, as if making up for letting the Giant live over 100 years ago.
Here was a beast worthy of a King!
Heading down, not just with recruits, but the elite warriors of Roadtruss. Two Axe Dwarves and two Spear Dwarfs of valor and
renown joined the King Asen who felt a fire burning in him to do battle. Upon meeting of the Beast, it rose up, greeting the
warriors with monstrous gouts of flame.
One warrior was caught by the fire and dove into the cave lake, alive but in agony. The others dodge but where scattered now as the
great Beast bore down upon the other Axe Dwarf. The Dwarf counter attacked, driving his *Steel Axe* into the Beasts arm sending
it back. The Dwarf managed to get away before the Beast came back, now turning it’s eyes on the king himself.
As if sensing a true threat, the beast unleashed another great fireball upon the King that seemed certain to consume him!
With the clouds of flame and smoke surging against him, the king held his Masterwork blue shield aloft… As though the very hand
of Armok reached down to protect him, the flames parted and surged down either side of him, leaving the king in the eye of a
flaming whirlwind!
Scrabbling for his very life, the King Asen struck upwards with all his might. The great Adamantine Axe sailing upwards!!!
With a splattering of blood, the fell beasts head was flung clear of it! With an unearthly gurgling noise the creature succumbed
to the Kings onslaught and lay defeated!
From that day on the King was a true legend indeed. Not just as leader, but now Warrior.
With the mighty King ruling over his people, Roadtruss seemed at least complete and whole. The armies of the city pacified the
surrounding lands and unified the smaller towns under its Steel heel. The riches of the City grew and grew and the Dwarves reveled
in their power and joy.
Yet all was not well.
A group of Humans, disgruntled and angered at the Dwarves might, sought to humiliate and humble their mighty City.
The most recent Saga of Roadtruss was one that would indeed bring the mighty down…
The Saga of Rosatkidet, the enraged Elephant!
The Following tale regards the events late in the year 706 regarding a newly tamed Elephant. The tale is recounted here as excerpts from the Journal of 1st Migrant Osustral:
14th of Limestone 706.
A Human caravan has entered into the fortress today from one their remote cities.
Among the goods they have brought was a great caged Elephant. They insisted on selling. At first I was dubious, the City has as
many as we could ever need. The great beasts have been tamed and serve us well.
However the Human leader insisted deeply, saying that the beast was unique among all others, that it would be a true War Beast
for us. He said it had even been given a name Rosatkidet
Impressed by his vigor I agreed and ordered the beast placed amongst the other caged animals.
Upon his departure it was reported he was heard laughing heartedly, though this could not be confirmed…
15th of Limestone 706
The beast Rosatkidet was no tame creature! The moment it was let from it’s cage to join the others, the Dwarves around it
were seized with an uncontrolled terror! The Beast it seems is under some sort of foul magick by the human scum! Even our brave
warriors seem unable to life weapons against!
The beast ran quickly into the Fortress itself. If we are quick we can keep it from getting into the City. Perhaps we can buy some
time to find out how to deal with this unnatural terror!
16th of Limestone. 706
What we thought was a reprieve has turned into an even deeper disaster!
The beast fled into the Fortress walls, and there we thought we had trapped it in a store room. Yet to our Horror the room had a
passage up to the roofs of the Fortress! As if somehow sensing a way to further spread its chaos, the best has marched up one of
the great towers of the Fortress, its weight causing the floor to buckle and crack under it. We thought for a moment it would crash
to its death:
yet the beast has escaped unscathed and made it’s way to the very top of the Tower!.
17th of Limestone 706
An emergency council has been called forth to deal with the issue.
The City itself is on lockdown, no one dares to venture outside. From it’s perch atop the tower, the Beast can be seen from almost
any place outside, making it all but impossible to do any form of work! The beast seems aware of its panic and terror and parades
itself around, trumpeting at all hours as if to taunt us!!!
The only safety is inside the City as we struggle to come to terms with this threat.
Currently we are struggling to overcome whatever dark magick keeps our warriors from targeting its foul form.
18th of Limestone 706
Today is the Day we take our City Back!!!
We have sent out our best archers to surround the tower where the Beast seems intent to remain, mocking us. We have blindfolded
all of their eyes, unable to see the beast, they seem immune to flee in terror from it. We have ordered them to fire blind, our only
hope, yet so many do we have that we are confident that the beast shall be slain!
The Attack seems to slowly be working! To our delight we heard cries of agony coming from the cursed beast. We were able to look
upon it to see it’s hide covered in the iron and steel bolts of our archers! The spell seems to have lifted at last and our arches were
able to focus their fire and pour death into the beast!
19th of Limestone 706.
The Low King himself declared a day of celebration as the carcass of the beast fell from it’s hated place high atop our towers! We
have spent the day feasting off its flesh and drinking deeply of our wine and beer! Today shall forever be remembered for our
victory of the Dread Beast Rosatkidet
With the vile beast no more, the Dwarves of Roadtruss once more returned to peace.
And here the story ends, for now. The history of the future of the city yet to be written…
And thus ends the “official” history of Roadtruss.
The city is for all intense purposes “finished” there is still more one could do…
Breach Hell, flood the world, collapse the mountain… But such things may be left for future generations.
What now follows is the physical record of the great city…
Raw Facts
Here we begin with an overview of some raw numbers of Roadtruss.
The point of the fort from the start was to make a real Dwarf “City” and clocking in at over 200 Dwarves I more then accomplished this. With an Army of almost 80 Dwarves all clad in full plate Steel, with the Elite among them given Candy Armor, the military force could counter almost any threat in the world.
Next we have a rough idea of the vast scale of construction.
In terms of granite alone, the primary building material for the Fort itself… not the Tower but just the fort walls, over SIX THOUSDAND stones bitches!
Not blocks, but just stones! Some of the other numbers, over 3000 orthoclase, 2500 olivine, and over 2000 Microcline stones.
(Microcline, soooo sick of mining Microcline in the end!!!)
And Finally, I give you a true measure of the dedication not just to the construction of the Mighty Tower, but also to the symbol of
the Hallow Hatchet civilization….
Over FOUR HUNDRED Windows were used in the Construction of the City, and over 200 of those are Clear Glass Windows.
For all the Elf haters out there I want you to drink in the fact of how many forests of wood were burned and turned to ash to make this huge amount of glass!!!
The Great Tower
This is a Legendary Art-Deco Dwarven Sky Scraper, all craftsmanship is of the highest quality!
It’s encrusted with Steel, diorite, gabbro, granite, mica, raw adamantine, and platinum.
The tower menaces with spikes of platinum and gold
The Tower is adorned with hanging rings of iron, platinum and steel and held fast by bands of finely worked Steel.
On the Tower is an Image of Dwarves in refined Adamantine, and gabbro. The Dwarf is making a mocking gesture.
The image relates to the construction of Roadtruss the Mirror of Soaring, a Dwarven City. The image is mocking all those that question the power of the Dwarven civilization.’
On the Tower is an Image of the Half Dragon Swordsmen Greiger and Dwarves in Refined Adamantine. The Dwarves are surrounding the Half Dragon making a pleading gesture.
The Image relates to the aid and saving of the Dwarven people by the Half Dragon Swordsmen Greiger throughout the history of Roadtruss.
The Great Tower was a central part of the Low Kings vision for the new capital.
While a grand new City for Dwarf kind would be made, it was decided to have an equally impressive symbol of Dwarf Power for surface Dwellers to see.
The Great Tower was constructed to be more then just a symbol. In some ways it is a city unto itself. The lower floors are full of
opulent rooms designed for visiting nobles and diplomats. Knowing that not all visitors to Roadtruss would be Dwarves, or would
be happy sleeping in the Deep Dark, the tower was filled with airy light filled rooms.
Just above the main base of the Tower, a special viewing platform was constructed.
Adorned with great statues, here visitors could look out over the surrounding Fortress and beyond into the vast Jungles
surrounding Roadtruss and the might Tower.
Even higher up, rooms and storerooms were still built into the Tower. Reading rooms, library, conference rooms, offices.
The upper floors were likes a busy hive full of the governmental duties of the grand city and its visitors.
At the very top of the Tower was the Grand Viewing platform.
60 levels above the ground, here the views of the world were truly breathtaking as visitors looked out from behind the safety of
+Steel Wall Grates+. Of course just above them was the central Golden spiral. Another seven levels of Solid gold adored the very
top of the mighty Tower. A shinning beacon of Dwarfish civilization.
((A bit more about the tower personally. This Tower has existed in several attempted forms in forts going all the way back to 40d.
It started off long before that as a design for an Art Deco Tower I fell in love with as a kid. I’ve always loved buildings like the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building. When I first learned about Mega Construction in DF, I suddenly thought HEY! What
would an Art Deco skyscraper look like if Dwarves built it?))
The Great Gates
Entrance to Roadtruss is no small feet.
The outer walls are made of solid Steel, the lifeblood of the fort.
A sign of both its wealth and power, the outer walls contain more Steel then some nation's whole armies! Lining the top of the walls,
again as if to flaunt it's wealth, are countless Copper fortifications. Gleaming like gold in the light, blinding to travelers even from afar.
The inner gates are no less formidable, made of hardened Granite and towering over all who would approach. Anyone foolish
enough to try getting through must also face down a small army of War Elephants, fierce and bloodthirsty.
The Grand Entrance
Upon entering the city itself, newcomers are greeted to the Grand Entrance. Engraved with the history of the Early Years of the city,
they are then treated to the sight of the Grand Vault. The trove is where all artifacts are kept upon creation.
Here all members may bask in the most prized works of art that Dwarves can make.
Among these is the prize of Roadtruss, it's single most valuable and important artifact 'Tecakasol an Adamantine Figurine:
Forged of Living Adamantine and symbolizing the foundation of the City.
Next to it is the Great Golden Statue Scourchingbronze
This statue stands proud in the great Vault, also showing the historical creation and founding of the city as well as the electing of
it's first leader, Urist Scourchingbronze Who still watches over the City.
The order for Roadtruss was to create a City where hundreds of Dwarves could live and feel proud of the owner of the Dwarven
people. The completed City more then fills this roll.
The Main Drag
Once in the city itself, a massive circular drag connects the city together, a walkway allowing Dwarves to navigate the countless
shops and markets around the outer ring (Yes shops, I originally planned this hoping that Economy, and thus shops would be
added back in. All the boxes around the ring are 5x5, the size of a shop, sadly it was not to be the case, so I started filling the
space with workshops)
Points of Interest
The interior of the great City is full of places where Dwarves do their daily work. Several eateries line the entrance for workers to eat and rest.
The Public Bank
To the upper left, the great City Bank can be seen with its store of Gems, Gold, Coins, and the private wealth of it's citizens.
While there are many vaults of treasure in the City, here is where it’s citizens may deposit their private goods.
Library and School
Above that is the public Library, open for all Dwarves to learn the history of their people, old and new. To the above right of the
Library is the School. Dwarves young and old still have much to learn, and this room offers a place to lecture and teach.
Across from the School is the Hospital. Filled with everything needed for keeping the City as healthy as Dwarvenly possible.
It boasts such luxuries as silk bandages and real Soap!
Temple to Armok
To the lower right of the Hospital is the Temple to Armok. While small, it serves as a place of worship for these seeking guidance in
these troubled times. Lined with the hallmarks of Armok, the floors are Blood Red Bauxite, and the statues Dark Red Cinnabar.
The Zoo
Of course there are other points one may visit.
In a well-protected area of the Fort, one may come across the cages keeping captured denizens of the Underworld:
Most are fatted in time to end up as living practice targets for the Cities ever expanding military. Others are deemed too rare..
Or too dangerous to ever be let out…
The City Crypts
When a Dwarf passes from this world, it is their hopes to always be interred in the bones of a mountain from which all Dwarves
come. Far below the Great City, the crypts have been carved out for those brave Dwarves who came to Roadtruss. Grand tombs
line the halls for the original migrants as well as nobles. But even peasant Dwarves still get a statue marking their passage in life.
The Great Forges
Down on the lowest level of the underworld, just above the fabled Magma Sea, the beating heart of Armok, lays the Great Forges!
Where the wealth of Roadtruss was forged over its life. Here untold hundreds of tons of ore and stone have been smelted down to
form a river of molten gold, silver, iron and steel. Countless amounts of weapons, plate amour, treasures and artifacts have come
from these depths. And it is here, where the stockpiles of the most precious of all materials, the living metal Adamantine is also
housed and processed.
The Not so Forgotten Mega Beast Sitheme Ocisanene
In the bowels of the underworld… near the Great forges themselves… A beast of unimaginable Horror and ancient Terror came
upon the Dwarves! While the city had dealt with such Terrors before, a lone scout reported back that the creature oozed a deadly
acidic blood. A single drop would be enough to kill a Dwarf, and the poison could spread to kill the whole of the City!
This was a beast deemed to deadly and too dangerous to ever encounter!
For the first, and we prey only time in the Cities history.. It was decided to entomb the beast in a trap of cunning.
Luring the beast onto a long bridge, a level collapses the platforms on either side, leaving the Fell Beast stranded with Magma baring any escape.
Here the beast could be safely maintained for all time, it’s deadly horrific toxins rendered impotent as the ancient horror was reduced to mere target practice for the forts archers and Ballista Dwarves. [/spoiler]
Hope you enjoyed the show