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Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-03 06:20pm
by HMS Sophia
Naturally not sure where to put this, here or Sci-Fi.
Anyway, the debate on SST reminded me of this. Has anyone ever played the D20 starship troopers RPG?
If you have, what are you thoughts on it? Any horrible bits?
I own it and love it, but i'm curious on other points of view...
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-03 06:50pm
by weemadando
If it's d20 I'm automatically skeptical.
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-03 07:02pm
by HMS Sophia
Some of the rules are very abstract and sometimes awful... but the background, gear, setting etc (it expands on the CGI tv show/Movie/Book) are great...
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 07:38am
by edaw1982
D20 RPG? I remember the one with the minatures/figures of the different models. The powersuits, the Grizzly suits(?), and the Marauder Suits, and the 'More Deathtastic than an Imperial Guardsman' movie models (which I'm guessing by game-standards is the cheapest-and-most-numerous army'.
Did the RPG have the bugs-able-to-shoot-people like in the books, or were they 'RAWwrrr-get-into-melee-range-against-soldiers-who-don't-get-the-concept-of-firearms' bugs from the movies?
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 08:33am
by HMS Sophia
They have the warriors from the movie's (Scissor mouths), they have the tankers from the same...
But there are bugs that shoot. Flying ones that shoot poison tipped needles, ones that spit acid, the big ones that shoot space ships etc
There is a huge range. Mabye... 30 odd species, though probably more. Psychic bugs, camouflage bugs, bugs that can get into MI armour and pretend to be a trooper, control bugs, all the bugs

even cockroach bugs...
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 08:40am
by edaw1982
barnest2 wrote:They have the warriors from the movie's (Scissor mouths), they have the tankers from the same...
But there are bugs that shoot. Flying ones that shoot poison tipped needles, ones that spit acid, the big ones that shoot space ships etc
There is a huge range. Mabye... 30 odd species, though probably more. Psychic bugs, camouflage bugs,
bugs that can get into MI armour and pretend to be a trooper, control bugs, all the bugs

even cockroach bugs...
Holy Crap!
Time for a Bloodtest, McReady!
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 08:41am
by edaw1982
Of the Powersuit, is it powered armour in the sense that it aguments strength...or is it semi-powered armour (as I understand the term), in that it it only carries the weight of the armour but doesn't enhance the wearer's attributes?
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 08:49am
by HMS Sophia
The basic armour is man sized, and increases the wearers strength a bit, as well as giving them jump jets, snoopers, and some protection to damage. There is also light (movie) armour, not used by the MI but by light armour battalions, draft troops created after pluto to bolster numbers. There are exo-suits, which carry heavy weaponry, and are strong, and are still small enough to be worn. There is also marauder armour, which isn't worn but piloted (so is a vehicle) but carries loads of weaponry, is well armoured and are basically the equivalent of tanks.
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-05 06:25pm
by Tasoth
These are the bog standard powersuits from the Tabletop/RPG. Some jump jets, climbing lines, etc. There is a special variant called a Pathfinder that is effectively powersuited LRRPs.
The Grizzly/Kodiak, which is a step between powersuits and marauders. Bigger, stronger, deadlier, but more expensive.
The Ape and Chickenhawk Marauder. They operate as powersuit squad support. Add a huge amount of firepower at cost.
The movie Cap Troopers were explained as a huge recruitment drive for the push to Klendathu. Poorly armed and armored, but making up for it with numbers and the nuke launcher.
The game rules for the tabletop handled anything from powersuit units to straight marauder units with setups in between. An interesting thing about the Warrior bugs is you can buy them as an infinite unit, meaning whenever the unit gets removed from the table, it can come back in as reinforcements on the next turn.
Re: Starship troopers... RPG?
Posted: 2012-05-06 07:38am
by HMS Sophia
I never actually played the tabletop game, but it always looked fun. But yeah, they were drawn from the same set of 'canon'. Indeed they were made by the same set of people, mongoose publishing.
But yeah, that's a good overview of the different armour options, though I know the exosuits as Grizzly's and cougars rather than Kodiaks