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Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-29 08:28pm
by Stark
Better than Blands 2 anyway. :v
Not only have they got actual decent controls, but the combat flows in a pretty neat way, with quick shots and melee and dramatic slides and aimed fire working together. The wandering laser and recoiling reticle makes shooting easy but difficult to consistently get headshots, which makes the combat much more frenetic than repetitive 'put dot on head' play.
Despite what hilarious IGN articles might say, the three stories aren't that different in play. The enemies are, and after starting Chris's story with hordes of fragile Javo, switching to Leon's story with the much stronger regular zombies is a big change. However there's lots of gunplay in all of the stories, with the limiting resource generally being health.
I haven't been paying a huge amount of attention to the story, but it's full of great shit like exploding harriers and spooky zombie fogs and paratrooper zombies. It's still silly Resident Evil plotting but plays with a much aster pace than usual.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-29 08:48pm
by Feil
Does it actually play like a shooter, now, rather than... whatever RE5 was supposed to be?
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-29 08:53pm
by Stark
It's still got some Japanese wierdness, but the controls are shooter. Better inventory than most shooters too. :v The combat works because the controls are good and emphasise different types of attacks etc, so you can stun a guy with a QuickDraw and give him a diamondcutter to kill him before sliding over his corpse and head shotting fools.
I mean aiming and moving?!??! People tell me it ruins the game. Melee not a weapon but available all the time?!?!? Melee is stamina limited, and it takes 3-5 regular attacks to kill (which is enough to run out) but a single attack from behind will kill, and attack when a guy is reeling will knockdown, coming up behind a guy in cover will drive his head into the cover, sprinting melee always knockdown, etc. The sprint sliding is my favourite though.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-29 09:28pm
by CaptHawkeye
I liked the demo a lot and I've never cared for the RE games. The Japanese can have some really neat ideas about shooters from time to time and this is one of those games. I give them credit for trying different things than just using cone fire again.
I think this game might be unique as far as RE games though. I don't recall the RE games previously having this much shooting gameplay between the player and enemies since it seemed like a lot of zombie rush stuff. It's emphasized in the demo at least that the guys you're fighting are biologically enhanced soldiers and not just zombies. So maybe they're ditching old patterns completely in favor of what is basically at heart a shooter now.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-29 10:12pm
by Stark
What I've picked up on the story is totally actual bioterrorism by terrorists, and not 'bioterrorism' by super villains like Wesker etc. I mean, zombie soldiers parachuting down from cargo planes in Rastern Europe? It's boss.
They also changed the genre from the stupid 'survival horro' shit fatnerds love to 'dramatic horror' which to me indicates a change from no bullets tension to exciting plot events and player action.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-30 05:18pm
by CaptHawkeye
I got a kick out of the control arrangement. I like the idea of RT being the melee button when your gun is off duty IE: not being aimed. Makes hipfire a bit of a pain but they have a way to do it. Can't seem to figure out how to get into low cover though. The game has a fantastic non-sticky cover system for corners but strangely not for low cover.
And I read IGN's article. They can kiss my ass. It's all just nostalgic fatties whining the demo wasn't what they thought it would be. Because RE5 gave them exactly what they wanted and everyone hated it anyway. Capcom seems pretty keen to ignore them though.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-30 05:39pm
by Stark
The hip fire is sweet because it has a special use to put guys in a vulnerable state. And low cover is aim + a, or a when dashing.
The article is best because it condemns Leon's demo for being too resident evil, and Chris's demo for being not enough resident evil.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-09-30 05:42pm
by CaptHawkeye
That's too bad because i'm impressed with the fact that they managed to make 2 different games in one package without spreading themselves too thin. But you know how the media types are. All Old Boys Club who want every game to conform to their pre-conceived image of how it should be.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 05:52am
by Stark
Now that other people have the game, the agent hunt mode is pretty cool. It's a bit random how much fun it is, since you can't pick a level; my first hunt was in the catacombs where I was either a stumbling slowass zombie or a shrieker, and that wasn't so great. Being a J'avo and getting awesome mutations, on the other hand, is pretty much entirely great. You also get the Mindjack experience of being able to watch people play a normally single player game and suck really bad at it.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 08:01am
by CaptHawkeye
lol Resident Evil 6 does Gears of War better than Gears of War does.
Reviews are pouring in massively negative scores across the board. Sorry it wasn't Resident Evil 4 again idiots.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 08:21am
by Stark
Best review comment so far - 'this story does not belong in Resident Evil'. Because its never been about fighting global bio terrorism, right? :v
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 09:11am
by CaptHawkeye
Looks like Capcom forgot to sign some checks. At least they're a big company and have a history of ignoring fan complaints anyway. Not like Obsidian Entertainment.
I get a kick out the multiple character narrative thing. If you don't like one character's narrative or gameplay style play a different character. Leon's mission was solidly old style RE while Chris's missions are Call of Zombie and Sherry's are a mix of both.
I've never seen so much polarity in the industry before though. Game Informer and Game Trailers loved the game but Gamespot and G4 hated it. I'm tempted to read all the reviews and see if "journalistic integrity" is just some words.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 09:25am
by Losonti Tokash
Gamespot's review is fantastic. Lots of "this game isn't enough like other Resident Evil games" while complaining about staples of the series.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-02 09:33am
by Stark
The stories cross over each other in a variety of cool ways, and I'm astounded to know that when this happens the game will try to find another player using the other pair to multi you up with. Apparently you can have 3p (in sections with Ada) and 4p (where two pairs team up). I doubt it's very practical given the timing required, but it's a cool idea.
Leon's stuff is so old school they actually make jokes about the absurd puzzles they are forced to solve. But not enough like RE2 for obsessives. :v
Comparing the events to RE5 is interesting, because it was sort of an incoherent James Bond movie, where you stop the scenery chewing bad guy befor he can do anything so it's all talk. In RE6 militarised biowespons are deployed in a variety of ways throughout the game, so it actually sells the idea that the BSAA isn't just Chris shooting people he doesn't like and that the world is in peril.
There is a monitor in the game depicting what can only be called TOTAL GLOBAL SATURATION.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-03 12:47pm
by Losonti Tokash
So last night I played a couple chapters of Leon and one of Jake, and this is my favorite game in the series. I even got paired up with some people playing Chris' campaign for a big set piece in Jake's chapter and it was pretty awesome. Leon's campaign so far has been a solid mix of over the top action and a whole lot of stuff that was actually creepy instead of "oh god so scary." Jake's just been a great smartass and from what I saw of Piers he is the angriest man alive so that should be fantastic.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-03 07:33pm
by CaptHawkeye
I know it's been a staple of the series for years but i'm totally digging the Thing-like transformations enemies go through. Where's R.J. MacReady when I need him?
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-03 07:37pm
by Stark
A lot of players don't know you can destroy the cocoons, so it's awesome when you spawn as a J'avo, get killed, enter a cocoon, an later emerge as a super powerful armoured mutant of doom.
I'm really upset the J'avo 'wave machete around like maniac' thing doesn't actually seem to be an attack.
The flow of Agent Hunt is great too; once you kill the player, you're moved on. You can't hang around and get someone stuck forever, the way you could in Mindjack. I've also been joined by OTHER monster players, which was totally wicked.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-04 08:51am
by Losonti Tokash
My only wish is that there was a bit more feedback for the human player. Not anything showing you which enemy they are, but letting you know when you've killed them or if it was their attack that killed you.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-04 04:52pm
by Stark
I'm a bit surprised there isn't a medal for 'get killed by hunter' so you can at least tell later. The game tracks how many agents you kill, but not how many times you're killed by invaders, which is a shame.
On the other hand, Veteran difficulty is where it's at. Its not harder (the only difference I've noticed is that the timing for melee counters is much tighter) but the badguys do much more interesting stuff and you can't be as casual as you can on normal.
This said, in Agent Hunt I've seen guys unable to react appropriately to their NPC saying 'lets open this door', preferring to run back and forth down corridors, and Los read a review that complained you don't have enough ammo in a sequence with infinite ammo miniguns they simply didn't use, so average player intelligence is clearly quite low.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-08 01:05am
by Stark
After a slow weekend of playing, Los and I have now killed upwards of six thousand zombies each. I've been killed awesomely 65 times. I've killed a dozen guys with wasps for a head. We've got more headshots than kills with some weapons. The deadly Whopper Supreme is our greatest threat.
Its really surprising, but RE6 has way more replayability than Blands2. I'm sorry I kept a copy of Blands2 at all and Los is only holding on to his to see what happens with the DLC. RE6's compelling and complex narrative, which adds surprising depth to longstanding characters, stands is stark contrast to the pile of dick jokes and retcons that passes for a story in Blands2. A story so bad Sherry basically stopped playing because it was so forced and stupid.
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-08 01:21am
by Flagg
How much longer are you guys gonna be playing this? I mean Dishonored and Xcom come out Tuesday so is it pointless for me to get this as opposed to one of those?
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-08 01:30am
by Stark
I'll be trying XCOM (when it eventually comes out in the rest of the world), but Los and I have already sunk 40 hours apiece into RE6. The multiplayer stuff is Japanese so it's very random and low numbers (ie Mercs is only 2p) but apparently the DLC stuff is capture the flag and hunter modes so maybe they'll be for more people.
I didn't really like Mercs in RE5 because the controls sucked, but in RE6 it's like an unlimited action movie of awesome, even when hung over and cranky. The joke outfits just add to it, and I can't wait to unlock Piers' F1 driver outfit. :v
Re: Resident Evil 6 is pretty choice bro
Posted: 2012-10-08 08:10am
by Losonti Tokash
Yeah, the DLC modes are supposed to be 6 players for the bunch. I'm seriously looking forward to Predator mode, where 5 people are up against 1 person playing as the Ustanak. Siege mode looks pretty cool, too. 6 people up against an endless number of zombies (I think J'avo also), last human standing wins. But if you die, you respawn as a zombie until you kill 2 humans, then respawn as a human again.