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Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 AAR
Posted: 2012-10-08 09:53am
by darthkommandant
Hello all I will be exhibiting the air units in rpm modded into Their Finest Hour by myself for the RPM team. THe original tech tree and event system was done by 1alexey but i got it working for the mod and added component and model names for germany. I also got the models to upgrade with some bhelp from the rest of the team bit I did get the modded air units to work for TFH single handed over 3 days. but this is currently in internal alpha but if I get enough demand I might push for a early release of the air units to the general public.
So far Germany is the most complete with upgrading models and components
The following countries have models that upgrade but no components yet
Research is done for Italy but it is not coded yet.
The air changes are basically as follows
Air units are much cheaper most are less than half the original price in industrial capacity (IC)
They also have a new condensed tech tree but some of the techs are much more difficult to research IE airframe and engine.
They also have a much higher attack rating and more detailed component list.
Finally we added twin engined fighters like the p38 lightning and the me 110 ad a new unit called twin engined fighters (TEF for short) they also cover the night fighter models like the p61 black widow and the heinkel 219 uhu.
As the title suggests we will be playing Germany 1936 to be exact.The first thing I did after I loaded the game up was to re organize my armies into a system of 3. 3 divisions pe corps, 3 corps per army, and 3 armies per army group.
I grouped my planes like this, 4 tactical bomber wings (50 planes per wing hereafter referred to as TACs ) in Berlin 4 TACs in Breslau and 3 interceptor fighter wings (100 planes each hereafter referred to as INTs) in wilhelmshaven. Than I went to the tech menu.
The new air tech tree
My current research.
As this is a Luftwaffe AAR I am researching all of the air techs available to me. I am also improving my light panzers to get medium panzers and some land doctrines.
My production is mostly geared to get as many interceptors in the air as possible, as well as compete the large capital ships i need to keep the royal navy off my back and for historical reasons as well. I usually can build more and still be comptitive on land and in the air especially with the fact that due to the way practicals work the battleships will finish the same time as the battlecruisers.
When they are built i will probable seperate the battleships and battlecruisers to enable the battlecruisers to use theiir biggest advantage their speed to full effect. I am also doing a moderate industrial expansion to represent the 4 year plan.
Not much to say here other than i put schacht and goebbles in charge of industry and the interior respectively. I chose them for for schachts 10 % IC bonus and GOebbles 5% leadership bonus IC will enable me to build more stuff while leadership will improve my officer ratio making my units fight better, research more techs (very important) and get spire so ican anchluss austria faster. It also allows me to do diplomatic actions.
I finally set my spies in austria to the highest priority and set them to support the nazis in austria to pave the way for the anschluss. Before I unpause the game
Soon after I reoccuppy the rhineland which enables me to...
get mixed industry (nice IC efficency production bonus plus supplies for slightly higher consumer goods) and 3 year draft which has no real downsides as far as i can tell.
With this new free ic I start 2 runs of 4 CAS Is (hs123) and a run of 4 TAC Is (JU 86s)
By march Graf Spee and the new destroyers are deployed (the level 1 starting subs are cancelled) and 2 runs of new INT Is (he51) are started
At the end of march I get a surge of volunteers at the recruiting stations 10 % manpower bonus.
At the end of April the Spanish Civil War starts. Of course we intervene immediately.
In may the first 2 of our many interceptor wings are completed and our transport aircraft blueprints are completed.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-08 05:15pm
by Blayne
I don't know to what extent you'll get interest here as opposed to the Paradox forums so I wish you the best of luck regardless; some constructive criticism I have would be to post images resized with tinypic's resize feature down to the 600 by 500 resolution so it can be seen without sideways scrolling.
I usually play Arsenal of Democracy myself (and modded the game to use the Darkest Hour map) and so far play as the USSR in my Hoi3 games so I have some questions, why are you building IC as Germany when you have so few limited amounts of time before the war starts? (Potentially in 1938?)
As Germany I've largely gave up in AoD on IC constructive to focus on getting as many Armored and Motorized units in the field before invading Poland with some infantry, basically going for Guderians ideal instead of what happened. Wouldn't you be better served constructing a larger ground army from the get go? The USSR AI I know for instance will swarm you.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-08 05:46pm
by darthkommandant
Based on my many play throughs with the full mod and vanilla in the war always starts in 1939 august in time for me to finish my IC builds my fleet and most of my initial air and my panzers, motorized, and waffen ss divisions (yes TFH has unique units including the waffen ss). In this game ive played up to feb 39 and am still at peace with czechoslovakia in the Reich with an effective IC amount of 300 or so. I also let the AI handle the ground forces on "der ostfront" but i will command all air naval and other land forces manually including the attack on France. Ive also prepared a few suprises for the british as well.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-08 09:48pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
darthkommandant wrote:Based on my many play throughs with the full mod and vanilla in the war always starts in 1939 august in time for me to finish my IC builds my fleet and most of my initial air and my panzers, motorized, and waffen ss divisions (yes TFH has unique units including the waffen ss). In this game ive played up to feb 39 and am still at peace with czechoslovakia in the Reich with an effective IC amount of 300 or so. I also let the AI handle the ground forces on "der ostfront" but i will command all air naval and other land forces manually including the attack on France. Ive also prepared a few suprises for the british as well.
Heh. I've been screwing around with TFH, and in my current game the Allies started the war in December '38. Which is pretty bad for me as Germany, since it effectively caught me in an ironic infantry meat grinder along the border with France.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 07:53am
by darthkommandant
How the hell did you manage that?
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 08:33am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Pretty much everything was on the eastern front dealing with Czechoslovakia and preparing to invade Poland except for some reserve infantry along the French border (I wasn't mobilized because it was 1938 and I didn't in a million years expect the Allies to start the war, much less early). So those (too few) reserves had to hold alongside some quickly re-deployed Fallschirmjäger while I execute a half-baked hasty offensive against Poland to knock it out as quickly as possible so I can bring everything back over to France.
It's 1939 now and the body count against the French has been ridiculous in a World War I-style slugging match. It's April and I've only just now gotten Guderian & co. through the line in an armored push for Paris. The whole thing has been a hilarious clusterfuck so far.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 12:46pm
by darthkommandant
Update time
The frogs get the popular front decision. This enables them to be a bunch of leftist hippies I guess? It sure as hell wont stop my Luftwaffe
or my panzers.
Some new techs are researched. New smallarms for the landsers some anti techs because I need some thing to upgrade my peircing attack for my tank destroyers (TD's) and finally a good medium tank design.
200 more He 51 interceptor fighters are deployed. The formula for the number of air wings I use is the strength number 100/the number of engines on the particular model of plane. I got this from some one who supposedly heard it from one of the paradox devs.
An impromptu inspection of one our new stukakorps under the command of Lt. General Kesselring. This is a good time to show the hidden techs that show up on the units and are activated by a hidden event when a tech is finished on the tech tree since this is in internal alpha and no country has any starting techs but the ones we did not change, the techs are all at level one. However German planes all have unique component names even at this level unless the historical model did not have a certain component (in this case cannons and defensive weapons) or the component can be generically named (all airframes and fuel tanks). It adds a lot of immersion and i was helped immensely by Karelian on the paradox forums during the research process especially for the bombers and the cags.
Our second waffen ss division is created. Medium panzers will be added later to make it a panzer division.
10 august Our infantry builds are finally started while a bit later than I like the troops I gain during the anschluss will help me have enough to guard the west wall and still kill Poland relatively quickly.
The 1936 olympics and the Nazis get egg on their face. One of the new flavor events added. others incluce the destruction of the Hindenburg, thr war of the worlds broadcast, and the disappearance of Emelia Earhart.
More upgrades for our landsers in the field this time for their support elements.
No picture for this but on September 11 (ironic isnt it) Peenemunde
is operational and the first rocket tests are carried out. This frees up a whopping 28 IC.
I use this free IC to build up the airbases in the west at Euskirchen, Koln and Hannover as well as anti-tank and Anti-air brigades.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 01:39pm
by fgalkin
Do they finally get a "get a massive hit to TC because trains are transporting Jews to be gassed" event?
Have a very nice day.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 02:16pm
by darthkommandant
No paradox will not touch the holocaust in any way.
I was honestly surprised the waffen ss was Germany's given paradox interactive's reluctance to touch those bunch of war criminals. However much the historian and commander in me wants to see them in game, I am still a little uncomfortable with their suppression bonuses since we all know how they suppressed the population in the east and occasionally in Italy and the west as well.
Also terror bombing is not supposed to be brought up on the forums but strategic bombing affects national unity. If that isn't a reflection of terror bombing I don't know what is!
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 09:11pm
by xthetenth
What is this mod, and what are the main changes with it that you're trying to highlight?
I'm reasonably interested because I'm familiar with HoI, but I don't really know enough about your mod to have a good idea of what to look for to get me into it.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 09:27pm
by Blayne
I believe pdox is making a distinction between strategic bombing of industry and infrastructure versus the fire bombings of Dresden. As for the Waffen-SS I believe the German censorship laws may allow depictions of them so long as the Swastika isn't there but some other generic symbol.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 09:51pm
by darthkommandant
This is the Realistic Progression Mod that was founded after For The Motherland came out. It started as an improvement of the models and components in the game but quickly grew and soon acquired a decision based armored systen, an event based air system, and decision based naval as well. When TFH came out I noticing that air was unchanged basically messed around with the files until i got a working air system.
The full mod has
Decision based Armor for GER UK and SOV
Decision based Naval for UK and GER
Event based Air for GER (complete) UK SOV FRA USA
HPP doctrines which are set path doctrines but are up to the player.
New leader traits that make the old guard generals actually useful
And a redesigned tech tree and many new units.
Now here just the Air tech tree and the air units made it through so far. One of the other team members toild me that the traits are also working in TFH but I dont have them yet.
The air units here are much cheaper than in vanilla with most being in the 3 to 5 ic range except for strats
They also have higher attack values but i do not know the ratio.
The result is that all sides have huge airforces that take up a lot of officers and absolute carnage in the air.
We also added a Twin engined fighter unit to represent the ME 110 in this case but all nations have we've researched models for it so far. They make good high speed CAS or as i call the Blitz Bombers.
Hope this answers your questions and glad to be of service.
@ Blayne I understand that but i still think the national unity hit is too reminiscent of the thinking of the effects that the bomber commands wanted to cause. I just makes me a little uneasy but not enough to not do it myself
. I still dont like the supression bonuses for thew waffen ss though but i dont mind their presence in a historical wargame.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-09 10:47pm
by Blayne
Honestly I don't really think it makes much sense either, bombing of civilians, at least in most history books I've read hardened resolve not weaken it; at least except as maybe a very long term culmalative effect.
If this is a mod you specifically had to fiddle with to work for TFH can you rar up your changes and upload them for me? I'ld be interesting in trying them out as USSR for my next playthrough, thanks!
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-10 02:28am
by PeZook
Wait, if I am reading this right, in HoI 3 you have to muck around with every division, putting it together from individual brigades?
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-10 04:46am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
PeZook wrote:Wait, if I am reading this right, in HoI 3 you have to muck around with every division, putting it together from individual brigades?
If you want to. There's a bunch of presets and customizable templates for brigade composition of a new division. E.g., set up a standard infantry division of 3x infantry brigades + 1 artillery brigade (or whatever), save the template, and then you can build a zillion of that same configuration if you want to.
The only thing I find unnecessarily fiddly is having to manually build and assign brigade attachments to my higher HQs (mostly so they won't drive ahead of their own divisions and insta-lose battles, which is very annoying)
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-10 07:31am
by darthkommandant
@ pezook no I just did it for my support brigades and for a waffen ss brigade later in game. When we ( the rpm mod team ) get the combined support brigade workIng I will not have to do this for my infantry divisions at least.
@ Blayne pm me and I can give you the changes when I get home from work.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-10 06:04pm
by darthkommandant
Update Time
October 1936 sees the completion of 200 more He 51 interceptor fighters bringint our total to over 1300 interceptors all he 51s
I also have 200 hs123 and 500 ju 86 tactical bombers ready to rian destruction down on my enemies.
A unique for RPM unit, twin engined fighters, is completed. 200 of the basic model me 110 c are ordered ( 4 "wings").
On the same day but not shown after that 2 brigades of medium panzers are ordered for the first 2 waffen ss divisions.
As our air techs advance to level 2 we research better artillery, submarines, tank doctrines, and logistical bombing some thing the real Luftwaffe did a lot of and so will I.
By the end of December the Spanish Civil War ends in a nationalist victory yay for the condor legion who retrns home victoriously.
On the same day our first round of IC is completed and deployed in silesia and eastern brandenburg, well out of the range of british bombers.
By first January the Luftwaffe fighter-force is over 1400 interceptors and climbing.
By mid month we start to upgrade our medium panzer technologies.
Nothing much to report in february but in march I start to research multirole fighters which for the germans are some of the me 110 series as well as he ju 88 fighter variants.
I also get this.
It robs me of 10% of my leadership and gives me a huge increase in consumer goods. not a good thing.
Then in May the Hindenburg blows up not a good day for Deutschland inc.
But in June the Anschluss finally occurs.
I get 300 manpower, 100 he 51 inteceptors (1 wing) 2 divisions of mountian troops, 2 divisions of infantry, a motorized division and a waffen ss brigade. I also gain 5 dissent and piss off everyone in Europe who matters and appear more threatening to all countries but this s not necessarily a bad thing. I also get about 24 base IC before modifiers.
New production with the new IC includes 3 Mountain divisions and 300 interceptor fighters (Me 109 D).
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-10 10:52pm
by Blayne
Thanks mate, maybe we should get a MP Ger vs USSR aar going sometime.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-11 07:43am
by darthkommandant
As long as its with the air changes I'd be glad to play my first mp game with you Blayne.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-12 11:09am
by darthkommandant
Another update bringing us to the end of czechoslovakia.
I start playing and I start by allying with japan in the 2nd Sino-Japanese war.
Then I lose 10% leadership for a month. Very annoying indeed.
The rest of 1937 is uneventful.
I get a surge of manpower in Jan 1938.
Japan requests a production license for 200 me 110 c's (2 wings of Multi roles) on the same day Scharnhorst and Gneisenau are completed The nest day,
the mighty Bismarck and Tirpitz the largest, fastest and most modern battleships in Europe are completed. Bismarck is made pride of the fleet for obvious reasons and the 2 will for the nucleus of the new Hochseeflotte.
In march we begin to improve the fleet techs as well as take the first steps twords researching our carriers. As we are doing this,
Two new licensing orders come in one from Hungary and one from Brazil both are approved.
More airplanes are ordered including 100 strategic bombers( He 177 Greiff)
As we order more Me 110s and 12 submarine flotillas the munich agreement occurs.
A few months later we annex the rest of czechoslovakia and release slovakia as a puppet.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-12 12:58pm
by Scottish Ninja
Hmm, it was a HoI2 AAR here that got me into that game, this might finally be what I need to get me playing the copy of HoI3 that I've had since release but barely touched.
Gotta get my friends to do multi and conquer the world as a rag-tag collection of Eastern European nations.
Re: Luftwaffe MAARsch An RPM air unit TFH Hearts of iron 3 A
Posted: 2012-10-12 01:15pm
by darthkommandant
Anyone want to do an interactive AAR when he war starts. Ive played until mid August 1939 and will do a full situational update (or series of updates). These will show my OOB, tech status, operational plans, and my production status.