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Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-21 02:39am
by Havok
Man, it is boring, but I like it.
Give my pawn some cool stuff guys.
The world is awesome and looks great. I love the scope even though it is relatively small, but considering the apparent lack of horses, understandable.
My guy looks like Conan. My pawn surprisingly, doesn't look like a complete prostitute, although she has the most pantyish looking thing on I can find so far for pants go.
Speaking of prostitutes, Fable set the bar pretty fucking high with gang bangs and this damn game doesn't have one woman to have sex with my studly Conan dude. I mean, there is the flirty merchant and I was all, "man, she is gonna give it up for the escort and probably some rare item.". NOPE!. Oh Bioware, where have you gone?
Anyway, pretty good so far, but I suspect using Los and Stark's pawns if fucking up the grading curve just a bit.
Give my pawn cool stuff.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-21 05:37am
by Alkaloid
Dude, you're already buying slaves, do you really need to up the anti with sexual assault and running a protection racket?
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-21 05:38pm
by Havok
Well duh.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-21 05:57pm
by Ford Prefect
Man you can romance a guy that literally dies as part of the plot ... after he dies.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-21 06:13pm
by Havok
Well don't spoil it. Also, as Conan, there will be no romancing of guys. Only crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentation of their women.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 05:10pm
by Havok
Thanks to whoever gave me 22,000 rift crystals.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 05:22pm
by Stark
Nobody gave them; they're apportioned by the cosmos when someone uses your pawn to do stuff. If someone uses your pawn for ages and ages, when they release it you'll get ridiculous piles of rift crystals.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 05:32pm
by Havok
Ah I see. Well is saw her used before and I only got like 100.
You and Los are probably gonna get a lot of rift crystals then.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 05:34pm
by Stark
We've already got millions so it's no problem. :V
I'm prolly going to restart for hard mode, and I believe the reward is by 'progress' (ie exploration, quest completion) so I could handicap myself by taking your dude and get you asstons. Not that you'll ever need to pay for pawns anyway - ones from your friends are free.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 06:13pm
by Havok
Yeah, that is actually kinda lame. Running around the world with a a 79 and 89 level character takes away a lot of the difficulty. You should have to pay for them.
Give me cool armor and stuff man!
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2012-12-23 06:55pm
by Losonti Tokash
The game does lower your XP reward if you use hilariously overpowered pawns but it's barely noticeable if you're not looking for it.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-05 08:36pm
by Havok
Anyone got Ophis' Badge of Amenity? I killed her stupid cyclops and can't finish the quest.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-06 12:05am
by Stark
Why do you even want it?
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-06 03:03pm
by Havok
Why do you try to get inane achievements for shit games?
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-07 09:26pm
by Stark
Way to get what you want, dumbass.
It does basically nothing and is only involved in one sidequest everyone breaks by killing the cyclops because completing Ophis' requirements is poorly explained. You're not missing anything.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-08 01:57am
by Havok
I know that, but I like to complete shit. It is just sitting there in my my quest que, or was. I just finished the game. Pretty underwhelming.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-08 11:11am
by Losonti Tokash
Did you actually beat it beat it or did you only kill the dragon?
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-08 03:55pm
by Havok
You mean did I become all powerful GAWD, (which you clearly aren't) and spent about 2 minutes wandering around Cassadiris and Grand Soren as a ghost picking people up and throwing them before I got bored and killed myself so that my pawn could steal my credit rating? Yes.
Both "endings' where underwhelming.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-16 09:54am
by Lord Woodlouse
I just wish it had more than 2 honest to goodness settlements and the actual settlements had more to them. The insides of nearly all the buildings are pretty spartan, which is a shame when the overall game world looks pretty lush.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-16 04:40pm
by Havok
Yeah the world certainly gets smaller as you continue to play. I look at games like Saints Row and GTA and remember the world expanding as I play not shrinking.
Hopefully the upcoming expansion rectifies this somehow.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-17 04:23pm
by Havok
So I saw some articles and screen shots from Dark Arisen.
There is a big Gandalf wizard hat and something that looks like a Bane mask (The Dark Night Rises) at first glance as there is talk about a lot more equipment. Also they said it would be available in May 2013 in Japan and that while on disc in Japan it is expected to be DLC in the States. They said that since the game had a worldwide release date that it was probable the expansion would as well.
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-17 10:28pm
by Zinegata
Cool. More incentive for me to stop being lazy and finish this game
Re: Dragon's Dogma
Posted: 2013-01-18 12:39am
by Havok
Hey Starkles, you gotta check out my pawn now. Ultimate Schwarzenegger Conan.