Speed Demos Archive's Charity Gaming Marathon
Posted: 2013-07-11 10:44pm
Seeing as these guys do good things in the world and I'm too poor to donate towards any of it I am going to do my best to promote this for them. Their last marathon was in January and raised $448,000+ for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, while their upcoming summer games done quick is raising it for Doctors without Borders. The first link is a video archive of their last marathon and is worth viewing by itself.
Seeing as these guys do good things in the world and I'm too poor to donate towards any of it I am going to do my best to promote this for them. Their last marathon was in January and raised $448,000+ for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, while their upcoming summer games done quick is raising it for Doctors without Borders. The first link is a video archive of their last marathon and is worth viewing by itself.