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Satellite Reign Kickstarter: Syndicate "Spiritual Successor"

Posted: 2013-07-20 11:56pm
by RecklessPrudence
So I don't know if anyone cares, but remember Syndicate? Not the FPS that came out recently, but this? And this?

Well, in the now time-honoured tradition of "You haven't heard of our company, but we're industry veterans with X years of experience who have worked on [Popular Game #1] and [Popular Game #2], among others" making a "Spiritual Successor, aka we can't get the rights, but we want to make a game like in the old days. Remember the old days? Weren't they great?" nostalgia attack, there's Satellite Reign.

All cynicism aside, the video impresses, they have a sense of humour about themselves (lookit those titles for themselves - "Grumpy Old Man", "Beard Cultivator"), they seem to know some of the failings of the old games (this interview talks in part about everybody just grouping all four agents together as a single Super-Agent, and what they're doing to stymie that) while appreciating their strengths, and the updates to the campaign have been informative, come regularly, but haven't been one-every-two-seconds, look-at-us kind of things.

I'm cautiously optimistic - or at least, that's what I keep telling myself. With how often I check the money tally, and how much I really, really want it to make its target, I may have fallen headlong into "this'll-be-awesome-no-matter-what-indicates-otherwise" territory.

Take a look, judge for yourself. Just know that if it doesn't make its target I will be hunting down every one of you who didn't pledge. :P

Re: Satellite Reign Kickstarter: Syndicate "Spiritual Succes

Posted: 2013-08-09 10:05am
by Cykeisme
I did enjoy Syndicate (and the American Revolt expansion), and while it was a great game for its time, I don't think it had any timeless strengths, if what I'm trying to say makes any sense.

I always had a sense of regret when there's amazingly awesome pictures of the world, but the in-game environments didn't look as cool. It sucks that they conceptualize these awesome environs, but don't have the technology to properly represent it in the game itself.
Obviously that was very, very common back in the 80s and 90s, but the tech has caught up now.

In particular, I'm referring to the second picture in the rockpapershotgun link, where there's a huge cityscape that actually has the upper levels of the giant skyscrapers interconnected till there's a huge roof over the city. It looks awesome.. it looks so much better than the actual in-game visual experience here.

That reminds me of gaming in the 80s and 90s, but not in an entirely positive way.