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Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-26 03:29pm
by Zaune
Are you sensing a "but" coming after the title?

You're absolutely right.
Firefly Online is a social role playing game (RPG) based on Firefly, Joss Whedon’s cult-hit television series. Firefly Online (FFO) is currently in development for iOS and Android, and may expand to include additional platforms.
It's a fucking mobile phone game.

Re: Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-26 03:48pm
by bilateralrope
At least that means it should be different to all the WoW clones out there due to interface limitations. Unless they already exist on mobiles.

Re: Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-26 04:44pm
by Iroscato
First up, this is fucking weird as hell, I've known about this game for weeks and I was going to start a topic on it tonight, so there's that.
With regards to the platform limitations, it says on the site it may expand support to other platforms in the future, so eventually perhaps PC gamers will be able to play it. It's certainly better than nothing. What was spurring me to create a topic about it was the fact that a comic series set after Serenity is also being released, and I heard a rumour about a board game being developed. Which leads the truly desperate Browncoat in me to wonder...why all of this content now? Is Fox testing the waters to see how popular the series is nowadays...?

Re: Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-26 09:49pm
by InsaneTD
The Board game is already out. Or is within a week from the info I've heard.

I'm actually looking forward to this though I doubt it will really take off on phones. Now the iPad and Galaxy Tab/etc, it would probably be good, and should have the battery life for a good session.

Re: Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-26 10:21pm
by InsaneTD
Can't find the edit button...

Checked and can't find a release date for the boardgame but it can't be far off since various blogs are getting copies for review.

Re: Well, We Finally Got That Firefly MMO...

Posted: 2013-09-27 06:57am
by Lagmonster
bilateralrope wrote:At least that means it should be different to all the WoW clones out there due to interface limitations. Unless they already exist on mobiles.
There are already WoW clones on iOS (Gameloft owns the biggest player in that market, because of course they do). Fairly shameless ones, as I understand it, too.