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Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-15 09:48am
by Lord Revan
sometimes when I try to watch a Youtube it gives me a page not found error for something called "" page, anyone know what this means and more importantly how to fix it.

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-15 10:11am
by madd0ct0r
it's not loading an advert. How often do you get the error and can you replicate it?

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-15 10:36am
by Lord Revan
not that often but when it does hit it tends to be presistent and as replicating it, no, not really.

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-15 12:35pm
by Mr Bean
Lord Revan wrote:not that often but when it does hit it tends to be presistent and as replicating it, no, not really.
Something odd happening on your computer?
1. Scan for malware
2. Scan again in safemode
3. Start troubleshooting

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-15 01:16pm
by Lord Relvenous
In the meantime, have you tried installing Adblock and seen if that helps?

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-20 06:48am
by PhilosopherOfSorts
I started getting this same problem yesterday.

Re: Wierd YT problem

Posted: 2014-05-20 07:42pm
by PhilosopherOfSorts
And AdBlock seems to have fixed it.