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Backboard/presenter drawing software?

Posted: 2014-11-27 09:48am
by Zixinus
My father is a QA instructor and found a cheap tablet that helps him massively during presenting. It's called Power Presenter RE II and it came with a Medion E82006 drawing tablet. He really likes this software and has brought multiple such tablets as gifts because of it.

It is essentially a digital blackboard and simple drawing software. It is very intuitive and easy to use. It is not as powerful as say, Artrage in terms of drawing, it is however more than good enough for teaching. Aside choosing to draw on a black or white background, you can also draw on current display. This is what makes it useful during presenting.

An example of its use.

I have tried to use it with a Wacom Bamboo or on a Wacom PenEnabled laptop. The software refuses to start.

So, I am asking: does anybody know similar software? I tried looking but I mostly find paint-esque software rather than this sort of blackboard/presenting aid. What I really need is it to be universally compatible so we don't have to keep buying these Medion tablets that keep braking.