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New Fire Emblem game to have gay relationships/marriage

Posted: 2015-06-24 10:41am
by Crossroads Inc.

Nintendo has revealed that Fire Emblem Fates allows for a same-sex marriage. In a lengthy statement, the company said that this will be possible between the player-created character and another character in the game.
Additionally, we have official confirmation that Fire Emblem Fates will be sold as two products in North America. The two versions are called “Conquest” and “Birthright” in the west. There are also plans to distribute a third story as DLC.
Read on below for Nintendo’s statement in full.

“We can confirm that Fire Emblem Fates for Nintendo 3DS, which launches in Japan on June 25, 2015, and is coming to the U.S. and Europe in 2016, includes the possibility for a same-sex marriage to take place between the main character created by the gamer and another character in the game.”
“Fire Emblem Fates comes in two different versions, called the Conquest and Birthright editions. In the U.S., Conquest and Birthright will both be sold separately, as is already the case in Japan. For those who have purchased either the Conquest or Birthright edition, a third edition will be made available as downloadable content at a later stage. Details on how the three storylines will be made available in other regions will be announced at a later date. In the Conquest edition of the game, there is a male character that the game’s player may have his/her male main character marry after they bond in battle. Similarly, the Birthright edition features a female character that a female main character may marry after bonding in battle. Both of the aforementioned characters can be encountered in the third edition of the game.”
“We believe that our gameplay experiences should reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate and, at the same time, we will always design the game specifications of each title by considering a variety of factors, such as the game’s scenario and the nature of the game play. In the end of course, the game should be fun to play. We feel that Fire Emblem Fates is indeed enjoyable to play and we hope fans like the game.”
Pretty cool all considered . News has been all over my local "Gaymer" group.
The mechanics of what they did is interesting.
Rather then making certain people gay, straight or bi... Basically everyone in the game is "Bi" so depending on how you play or who you interact with, you can "choose" what sort of relationship you get into.

As you can imagine... Certain people are already shrieking about how "horrible" this all is :P

Re: New Fire Emblem game to have gay relationships/marriage

Posted: 2015-06-24 03:55pm
by TheFeniX
I think it's funny this is even as issue in 2015. I remember it passing in Fable with zero comment, then again I don't recall Moly building it up at all when he was praising the game as the next coming of Christ. Juhanni got a "whatever" amount of press, but that might have been due to her bi-sexuality (as opposed to being gay) bug. On a semi-related topic, the whole cross-dressing Cloud bit from FFVII is mostly forgotten. Only thing I can figure is Mass Effect blew the lid off for having the potential to show 10 seconds of PG-13 ass and that was too much for the dumbasses at Fox News.

Mass Effect really kicked of this whole debate (I'm holding nothing against the game) as morons used it as a crutch to rant about a medium that was largely ignored as a waste of time until is started making billions of dollars. LGBT themes have always been under-represented in video games (among other mediums), but no one used to care either way and I think the medium was much better for it.

"Have you ever played Mass Effect?"
::Mocking laugh:: "No."

To this day, that interview never ceases to make me laugh at the rampant stupidity and misinformation.

Re: New Fire Emblem game to have gay relationships/marriage

Posted: 2015-06-25 02:13am
by Jub
Good on them for including non-straight relationships in their game. I'm glad to see more companies going the BioWare route and including people of all sexual preferences and genders as options that people can enter relationships with.