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The fight for the uncomfy chair: A GOT mod Crusader Kings 2 AAR

Posted: 2016-03-18 12:38am
by adipose1913
Greetings, Knights, dwarfs, and backstabbing nobles.

When I first discovered what an After Action report (or AAR) is, I wanted to do one. Part fanfic and part Let's play, they are always fun to read, but, unfortunately, they are not done very often anymore.

I hit on the idea of doing Crusader kings 2 because it is a slow paced game, so not very compatible with a video format, but intrigue runs rampant throughout as you vie for power against other lords while trying to keep your own vassals in line, making for organic storytelling. Religion complicates things, as do factions and assasination plots. All in all, battles aren't the only source of juicy tension and story here.

All of this makes for a very good read, but how do you make an even bigger political minefield, with even more scheming vassals and general shit to deal with?

The answer is simple: move the game to Westeros.

Ladies and gentlemen, sharpen your swords, mount your horses, and raise your banners in hate of Jeoffery, 'cause Monday, 8 pm PDT, my after action report for The Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 2 begins.

Re: The fight for the uncomfy chair: A GOT mod Crusader Kings 2 AAR

Posted: 2016-03-18 11:55am
by The Vortex Empire
All hail Stannis of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, One True King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Re: The fight for the uncomfy chair: A GOT mod Crusader Kings 2 AAR

Posted: 2016-03-18 12:53pm
by Thanas
Could you edit your pictures to a maximum of 900 pixel width so that you do not break the format?

Re: The fight for the uncomfy chair: A GOT mod Crusader Kings 2 AAR

Posted: 2016-03-18 05:30pm
by adipose1913
Thanas wrote:Could you edit your pictures to a maximum of 900 pixel width so that you do not break the format?
I will work on it. sorry for the mistake.

Re: The fight for the uncomfy chair: A GOT mod Crusader Kings 2 AAR

Posted: 2016-03-18 05:44pm
by adipose1913
Okay, I can't edit that first post (is there a timer on how long until you can't edit?), but I will do the rest of them at 900 pixel width.