This is a bit of a necro, but it's still on the front page and I'm annoyed, so sorry either way.
I remember bitching about "The Combat Zone" because you could tell it was setup to be something more than an interior cell to kill Raiders and recruit Cait. So,
Combat Zone Restored comes out and I can't tell you how much it pisses me off when shit like this gets cuts to put in more.... I don't fucking know.. workshop bullshit?
Gist of the mod:
You walk in after killing the exterior "guards."
Tommy asks you to fight Cait.
You beat Cait up (well, I did, easily, for reasons I'll go into).
Then you get a new (shitty) place to crash and can fight whenever you want.
Or (and this is important):
You can bet on fights, sit the fuck down, and watch the violence unfold.
It's content like this that makes a game feel like a living (if not horrifically violent) world rather than point A,B,C through Z where you shoot red dots on your minimap. You know, the whole "video games are art" bullshit line? To me, this is the "art" part because it's world-building. It makes me feel like this is an actual place where Raiders (the lowest scum on Earth) kick back after a hard day of murderin.' Because: "Hey, this guy/gal in Raider Leathers must TOTALLY not be a scumbag like me because I know the face of every other raider in the Commonwealth. MURDER HER!" actually made my highlight list of "This is moronic. Someone should have stopped this from happening."
Some programmer thought about this, put it in the game, and I have to assume was tarred, feathered, beaten, THEN fired by Todd Howard and his gaggle of Beth boardmembers while they screamed "Here's your Combat Zone you little bitch!." Then after the poor bastard crawled out of the building, bloodied and broken, the following exchange happened:
"Hey, you know, that's actually not a bad idea."
"Yea, let's do that and sell a shittier version of it as DLC."
And that's how Wasteland Workshop was created.
The whole thing is voiced by the vanilla actors mind you. There's a few bugs, Tommy calls you "Mr." in the first dialog no matter what and for some reason Cait wouldn't attack me, this is a known bug. The bartender has dialog, but won't sell me anything (no idea if intentional). But this also means everything was basically done and it got cut. I get shit gets cut all the time in games, but damn it, in an open-world murder-fueled shithole like Fallout: little set pieces like this
add so damned much to the game. Much more than cash-grab settlement, babies first mod, DLC.