Posted largely without comment because the video speaks for itself. I wasn't planning to get the new PS4 but damn if this doesn't tempt me.
Re: SW Battlefront VR
Posted: 2017-01-01 04:12pm
by Joun_Lord
Between this and the new Zelda game my wallet is starting to cry, and the fact I'd need to buy a tv to play them don't help any either. Pretty much since the onset of motion controls and then VR the thing I've been wanting really, REALLY bad is a good Star Wars games for them (though I've been wanting that in general). Even if the game isn't all that great minus the VR/motion control shit it'd still be worth it just to feel like you really are swinging a lightsaber, shooting stormtrooper, flying an X-Wing to shoot the exhaust port that everyone seems to think was actually a design flaw when it only managed to be used to kill the Death Star by literal magic being involved.
Of course the only thing we've have so far is some shitty game where you dance to the Han Solo song. Its no wonder the fucking Kinect and Playstation Wii-mote sold so shitty.
Maybe motion controls will make a come back now that VR is starting to become popular and the tech has had a few more years to mature.
But either way my good that Battlefront VR looks fucking awesome.
Re: SW Battlefront VR
Posted: 2017-01-01 06:10pm
by Kojiro
It really, really does. I know it doesn't come through on a 2D screen but it must be awesome to see something like a star destroyer and have your senses tell you it's there and it's fucking *massive*. I'm old enough to have played the old vector graphics SW games in the arcades and it just amazes me to see how far we've come.
And fuck yeah, who on this board hasn't imagined flying down the Deathstar trench and taking that shot?
Re: SW Battlefront VR
Posted: 2017-01-10 08:05pm
by Vain
Star Wars Trials on Tatooine is my go-to demo for when I am showing people my Vive. I tell them 'It's a Star Wars game. Just watch the opening crawl and then follow the instructions.' and they lose their fucking minds.