SkyrimSE - SKSE64 alpha
Posted: 2017-11-01 11:31pm
The Silverlock team have finally released an alpha build of SKSE64, currently up to v2.0.4, for modder testing.
Apparently there was a hell of a lot more work involved than anyone had anticipated, plus the members of the team have full time jobs coding, their work schedules didn't leave them a lot of free time to work on the project.
A plethora of existing SE mods have been updated, many more are no doubt currently in testing.
But most importantly SkyUI 64 5.2 has been released. No more fugly vanilla UI and we get our precious MCMs back
Probably won't be seeing mods like Racemenu 64, etc until we're into the later, more stable beta releases. But progress has been made.
CBBE64 also released, not merely ported like UUNP, but completely rebuilt from scratch, the new body replacer has 6 times the mesh resolution of the Oldrim version and more than 20 times that of the vanilla body.
There's recently been quite a few nice texture overhaul mods, I'm particularily impressed by the look of the Skyland sets, despite being only 2k they look fifty times more detailed than Beths poorly upscaled "HD" textures.
Just finished downloading a few gigs worth of updated & new mods, time to completely rebuild my load order from scratch and do a little mod testing ....
Apparently there was a hell of a lot more work involved than anyone had anticipated, plus the members of the team have full time jobs coding, their work schedules didn't leave them a lot of free time to work on the project.
A plethora of existing SE mods have been updated, many more are no doubt currently in testing.
But most importantly SkyUI 64 5.2 has been released. No more fugly vanilla UI and we get our precious MCMs back

Probably won't be seeing mods like Racemenu 64, etc until we're into the later, more stable beta releases. But progress has been made.
CBBE64 also released, not merely ported like UUNP, but completely rebuilt from scratch, the new body replacer has 6 times the mesh resolution of the Oldrim version and more than 20 times that of the vanilla body.
There's recently been quite a few nice texture overhaul mods, I'm particularily impressed by the look of the Skyland sets, despite being only 2k they look fifty times more detailed than Beths poorly upscaled "HD" textures.
Just finished downloading a few gigs worth of updated & new mods, time to completely rebuild my load order from scratch and do a little mod testing ....