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Recomendations on learning OOP in Python 3?

Posted: 2019-01-18 02:55pm
by SolarpunkFan
So it's been weeks of studying and trying to use classes and objects in Python 3 and I still can't figure them out. I honestly think I need a more in-depth learning resource because, while I know some very basic concepts, my understanding is otherwise complete shite.

I will be trying this in the near future, but I would like to know if there are any other resources anyone here could recommend.

Caveat: I can't learn from watching videos.

Re: Recomendations on learning OOP in Python 3?

Posted: 2019-01-18 05:02pm
by madd0ct0r
Oop was a headfuck for me. Had to sketch it out as a cartoon of robots capable of driving around the favtory and modifying other robots (compared to the normal conveyor belt)

Automate the boring stuff is good as a free resource that ties into immediately useful projects to hang concepts on.

Re: Recomendations on learning OOP in Python 3?

Posted: 2019-01-18 08:05pm
by SolarpunkFan
madd0ct0r wrote: 2019-01-18 05:02pm Automate the boring stuff is good as a free resource that ties into immediately useful projects to hang concepts on.
I'll take a look at it then. Thanks!