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Console Lagg
Posted: 2003-04-07 03:31am
by Cal Wright
First off, as much as this pains me, don't bother mentioning anything less than 32-bit.
Do you remember the days when five 2D sprite enemies would make your NES lagg to all hell and back? When your blast processor located in your Genesis just couldn't push that Blue Hedgehog past the speed of light? When the phat Italian plumber just couldn't string together that 100th Goomba? Heh. My cousin and I laugh now when we're on a Next-Gen system and cause it to lag. There are times when we actually try. Take the Dreamcast for instance. If we can get all four people together and get enough rockets and rails going in the same spot on Quake III Arena the place gets choppy. Or in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes. Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine and Juggernaut on screen at the same time doing hyper moves against Captain Commando, Jin and Cable doing hypermoves. Granted we've done it with less, but whew, pushing to many damn FPS to keep it up. The N64 is a great example. Having too many people in Perfect Dark and experiencing Perfect Lagg. Heh.
Just a minute ago while being sucked into The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker, I fell into a spot and about 30 keese descended on me. I used a certain attack that actually LAGGED my Gamecube. It was more than just noticable. It was fucking LAGGED. Hol-e-shit Batman. I need to try that on my PS2 and see what it takes to make that bitch come to a complete stop.
So what Next-Gen games have you guys gotten to lagg up your overpriced systems?
Posted: 2003-04-07 03:37am
by Gandalf
The only lag I've ever experienced was on Goldeneye with 4 people.
Posted: 2003-04-07 10:21am
by Ghost Rider
PS2...ZOE2...mulitple times
Posted: 2003-04-07 10:26am
by Exonerate
Gamecube... Super Smash Brothers Melee, with LOTS of Pokeballs flying around...
Posted: 2003-04-07 10:27am
by XaLEv
Me + three cousins + Perfect Dark + 8 darksims = Teh lage
Fun, though.
Posted: 2003-04-07 11:37am
by Cal Wright
I'll have to try that SSBM trick. We never got a true chance to pull that stunt. Perfect Dark was in development for so damn long, that it is really just waaaay to powerful for the Big N to handle. Which sucks, because there's a high res mode you can choose when playing, but if you have more than two people in multi, it's a crawl. eww.
I've been wanting to get ZOE2, didn't know it would set up a lagg session. Heh. Can't wait.
Posted: 2003-04-07 12:30pm
by Tropen
Heheh having two Capt. Commados with all of their buddies jumping onto the DC screen totally lags MvC2. Or even watching all the rings you took forever to collect scatter in Sonic Adventure. More recently, some of the dogfights in Robotech Battlecry (PS2), with several enemies on screen and shooting salvo after salvo of missiles at them.
Posted: 2003-04-07 12:38pm
by Zoink
There are a few XBox games that can lag a bit, its usually a result of a poor graphic engine or level design (overdoing the engine).
I was playing Indiana Jones and had a whole bunch of enemies on the screen, and the system started swapping to the hard drive (ran out of RAM), it cleared as soon as a few of the bad guys were killed, but it sure was annoying when it happened.
Posted: 2003-04-07 12:47pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
400MHz PII Ratboat with a 32Meg Geforce2 + Quake 3 + _REALLY_ Big Level with 20 players = T3h OMG LAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
wait, you were talking about Consoles?
Posted: 2003-04-07 01:06pm
by Cal Wright
Yeah, lagging a fucking PC isn't a problem Ein. I had a AMD 400 on dial up and trudged through Q3. So yeah this is strictly console. More importantly the Next Gen systems. Your GC, XBox, DC, PS2, I've even mentioned the N64 as well, just because PD is the prime example of lagg on a console. Now a days it's tuff to make these bastards slow up a pace. They're are dedicated game machines. Crafted solely to put hell to high water in the palm of your hand. Sort of like jerking off with better visuals.
Posted: 2003-04-07 01:36pm
by XaLEv
Cal Wright wrote:Crafted solely to put hell to high water in the palm of your hand. Sort of like jerking off with better visuals. ... rator.html
Posted: 2003-04-07 01:44pm
by Cal Wright
It should be mandatory that everyone learns the meaning of WRONG in the dictionary.
Posted: 2003-04-07 03:04pm
by Dalton
One time, playing Clayfighter on the N64, we managed to do SOMETHING to the processor. The game stopped and a white bar appeared on top of the screen, and when we hit the buttons on the controller commands would scroll across it...
Posted: 2003-04-07 03:10pm
by Datana
The biggest example I can think of offhand is Front Mission 3 for the PSX (see my current avatar) -- the instant the game goes to split screen (usually happens on a critical hit or skill activation), the game lags like nothing else. Some missions with large objects or a large number of mechs (attacking Tianlei or underneath Okinawa Ocean City, for instance) manage to do this even without the split screen. Capcom vs. SNK 2 for the Dreamcast also manages to lag if one has two Capcom characters tossing a lot of fireballs and supers around (SNK characters don't have as impressive moves in that category); I haven't been able to get that reaction out of the PS2 version, though. Ghost Rider already mentioned ZOE2.
While technically a violation of the conditions of response (32-bit and higher only), does anyone remember running out of a stage in the original Sonic? It only occured under conditions of extemely high character movement speed and high lag concurrently.
Posted: 2003-04-07 03:34pm
by Cal Wright
It might be that I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't recall ever going out of the level. Or do I. Sonic the Hedghog 2 in the Chemical Plant Zone, I think was its name, it was level 2, sometimes I could get going and just like, go the fuck out there. Weird shit. God Sonic was the fucking bomb bitches. All you Mario lovers out there, GET SOME!!!
Posted: 2003-04-07 05:15pm
by Datana
Cal Wright wrote:It might be that I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't recall ever going out of the level. Or do I. Sonic the Hedghog 2 in the Chemical Plant Zone, I think was its name, it was level 2, sometimes I could get going and just like, go the fuck out there.
In the original Sonic (as well as the second), it's possible to trick the game engine into letting you run off the "edge" of the stage. The reason here is that the engine starts ignoring hit detection when you're moving quickly and the CPU is taxed, sometimes allowing one to go past checkpoints and walls without problems. When running off the edge of a stage, either the game acts funky and glitches or you simply fall off the edge and die, depending on the level. I could only do it once myself -- I had a friend back in grade school who could consistently pull it off, though.
Posted: 2003-04-16 04:27am
by Stampede
you wanna talk about some lagg Cal....lemme tell you this. i was playing some Marvel vs. Capcom 2 trying to practice some new shit for the next time i play you and Tropen....well, it got to the point where the i had the Dreamcast lagging so bad that the damn thing just stopped and froze all together. i mean, the damn thing just sat there like my Lincoln does in the back yard....

Posted: 2003-04-16 07:39am
by Gandalf
Cal Wright wrote:It might be that I'm misunderstanding you, but I don't recall ever going out of the level. Or do I. Sonic the Hedghog 2 in the Chemical Plant Zone, I think was its name, it was level 2, sometimes I could get going and just like, go the fuck out there. Weird shit. God Sonic was the fucking bomb bitches. All you Mario lovers out there, GET SOME!!!
Sonic OWNZ Mario
Though Luigi is cooler than Tails
And Bowser is cooler than Dr. Robotnik
Posted: 2003-04-16 03:03pm
by Darth Yoshi
Gaming Forum!
Anyway, Rogue Leader. Y-wing. Fly low. Drop all 20 bombs at once (especially the spread bombs). LAG!
The Hurricane Spin in Wind Waker causes lag, too.
Posted: 2003-04-16 07:12pm
by Raptor 597
Always when playing Vice City. It lags though that is the game's fault.
Posted: 2003-04-17 01:50am
by Cal Wright
Gandalf wrote:[
Sonic OWNZ Mario
Though Luigi is cooler than Tails
And Bowser is cooler than Dr. Robotnik
Sonic owns Mario. Best be believin'.
Luigi? Better than Tails. Imagine, if you will, that the EGM trick last April Fool's was real. That's right. Sonic AND Tails in SSBM. That's right. I can already see Tails doing a double tail slapper on that lanky Italian fucker. Oh yeah. He'd have to do some serious shroom munchin' to get over those ills I tell ya.
Bowser vs Robotnik. Hmm, that's tough. Every time you fought Bowser, he had some crap gimmic. The first time, he just blocked the bridge. Fireballs took care of him. In 3 he jumps down on you and actually beats himself. (Tha little wanker). In Mario World, oh what the fuck, a clown top. At least he keeps you jumping here. Now granted you only got to fight him once. MAYBE he was a wee bit smarter in that regards, all pent up in a castle you couldn't get to without fucking traveling all through the Mushroom Kingdom, or Dinosaur world. However, in Sonic's world, Zeltoid or some shit, and later on Earth, Robotnik appears at the end of each and every stage with some new fucked up way to beat Sonic. All's fair, but there's no way some primitive, turtle controlling dragon is going to contend with Dr. Ivo Robotnik.
Posted: 2003-04-17 07:52pm
by Darth Yoshi
You kidding? Luigi will own Tails. Double or even triple karate chop.
Posted: 2003-04-17 08:21pm
by Stormbringer
Off to gaming it goes.