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Interesting Quake Game, or How I Teach Railgunning In Fog!

Posted: 2003-04-13 07:05pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Setting: Clan <-gLu-> Fast Railz II (Texas) 1.32 Server|106ms|, Map MAPEL4B. This CTF map has three bridges connecting the two Bases, connecting over a pit with VERY THICK fog you can walk around in. Now, conventional wisdom sez Use the RL, MG, or GL In The Fog, but I discovered that with a good pair of ears and headphones, you can make Rail Shots through Fog!!

I was on the server, just me and a guy named KLaN_KiLLeR. Nearing the end of the CTF match, we were 4/4 even, and so we decided to start screwing around. I have headphones, he has Surround Sound. I tell him to meet me in the Fog Pit, and start teaching him to use sound to stalk his prey. I asked him to come find me in the fog, and when he could do that reliably, I told him to try Railing me from beyond visual range (BVR). He had to peek into visual range at first to make shots, but I got him to the point he could accurately guess my position from my noises and BVR Rail me. Then, the phun part. I said, "How about trying that with a Live Hostile target?", and started firing in his general direction, still BVR. I told him about his Rail Shots making excellent targeting vectors, and nailed him to prove it! Then he wised up, and nailed me twice in a row! Then we started Fog-Railing each other for fun, but the server's 20 minutes expired, and loaded a new map. It was fun while it lasted! GG!