ATTN: Quakers! Custom Config Scripts I Use and Recommend :)

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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ATTN: Quakers! Custom Config Scripts I Use and Recommend :)

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I have here various snippets of Quake 3 Script Code, some of which I made myself. Most of which I poaced from aka The Bind: Arena.

Code: Select all

//Com HunkMegs Setting

com_hunkmegs 128
Set this to 2/3 your Total RAM

Code: Select all

//FPS Gauge

cg_drawfps 1
Recommended to turn this on.

Code: Select all

//PunkBuster Enable

DEFINITELY recommended!

Code: Select all

//OldSk00L Railtrail

cg_oldrail 0
Sets your Railtrail to the Quake 2 Spiraly trail. W00tage.

Code: Select all

//Teammate Messages and Commands

bind y "say_team"
bind o "say_team Roger"
bind p "say_team Negative"
bind d "say_team ^2DEFENDING BASE/FLAG"
bind a "say_team ^1ATTACKING ENEMY BASE!!"
bind n "say_team Enemy Flag Carrier Sighted At #L ! Watch Out, #F !!"
bind m "say_team Whoops! They got me again at the #C ... ^1Someone Get a Spatula and Scrape My Guts Off the ^7Ceiling!!!"
bind , "say_team Dude! Where's Our ^3Flag?!"
bind . "say_team ^1G^3O^2O^5D ^4J^6O^1B^7!!!"
bind b "say_team ^3Base is ^1PHUCKED!!! ^3Need Defense NOW!"
bind c "say_team ^7Base Clear!!! ^6The Cockroaches have been ^5EXTERMINATED!!!"
bind k "say_team ^3BANDITS ^4HIGH ^7HIGH ^1HIGH!!!"
bind l "say_team ^3BANDITS ^4LOW ^7LOW ^1LOW!!!"
bind j "say_team ^7Status Report!"
bind h "say_team ^7My Status is #h #a and I'm at #L with a #W!
bind z "say team ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^1 DEFEND THE BASE!!; say ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^7( ^80^7 )^1_^7( ^80^7 )"
Self Explanatory.

Code: Select all


bind q say "^7ALL YOUR BASE ARE ^1BELONG TO US!!!"
bind g say "^1G^3o^2o^5D ^4G^6a^1m^7E!!!"
bind f say "I R ^131337 ^2 C4mp1nG ^6PH4GG0T!!! :D"
bind r say "Grab Your Partner Do Se Do! Everybody Line Up In A Row! ^1RAILGUN TIME!!"
bind w say "^1N^31^2C^5E ^4S^6H^1(+)^7T #D !!!"
Also Self Explanatory.

Code: Select all

//Rail Rainbow

set d1 "set color1 1; set color2 3; set changecolor vstr d2"
set d2 "set color1 3; set color2 2; set changecolor vstr d3"
set d3 "set color1 2; set color2 4; set changecolor vstr d4"
set d4 "set color1 4; set color2 6; set changecolor vstr d5"
set d5 "set color1 6; set color2 5; set changecolor vstr d6"
set d6 "set color1 5; set color2 7; set changecolor vstr d7"
set d7 "set color1 7; set color2 1; set changecolor vstr d1"

set changecolor "vstr d1"

bind mouse1 "+attack; vstr changecolor"
Changes the Railtrail color each time you fire the Railgun. Very neat!

Code: Select all

//Screenshot Toggle

bind F11 "cg_draw2d 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; echo ^7Screenshot Taken!"
//use for 'Owned!!!' screenies

bind F12 "screenshot;waitt;echo ^1Screenshot Taken!"
//use for Score Recording
Easy 'Clean Screenshot' Script for those special 'Pwned!!!11' pics!
New F12 Mode for Record Keeping.

Code: Select all

//Snaps Select (Adjust for Low Ping)

set SetSnaps1 "set snaps 10;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps2;wait;echo Snaps ^110"
set SetSnaps2 "set snaps 20;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps3;wait;echo Snaps ^320"
set SetSnaps3 "set snaps 30;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps4;wait;echo Snaps ^230"
set SetSnaps4 "set snaps 40;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps1;wait;echo Snaps ^740"
vstr SetSnaps2

//Rate Select (Adjust for Low Ping)

bind = "vstr SetSnaps"

set SetRate1 "set rate 20000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate2;wait;echo RATE ^120K"
set SetRate2 "set rate 25000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate3;wait;echo RATE ^325K"
set SetRate3 "set rate 30000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate4;wait;echo RATE ^230K"
set SetRate4 "set rate 35000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate5;wait;echo RATE ^535K"
set SetRate5 "set rate 40000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate6;wait;echo RATE ^440K"
set SetRate6 "set rate 50000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate7;wait;echo RATE ^650K"
set SetRate7 "set rate 60000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate1;wait;echo RATE ^760K"
vstr SetRate4

bind - "vstr SetRate"
Set this to above the server's for a 20-100millisecond decrease in ping (I have no idea why this works, it just does!)

Code: Select all

//Auto-Strafe Controls 

bind DEL "+left"
bind PGDN "+right"
bind INS "+moveleft"
bind PGUP "+moveright"
bind HOME "+forward"
bind END "+back"
My Direction Controls for Southpaw Quakerz. Sorry, no righty version available :)

EDIT: FiX0red Amazingly Stupid Typo in Thread Title.

*rails the 'A' key on his keyboard*

EDIT2: Updated Scrip Code from better understanding of OSP Chat Tokens and Name Effects

EDIT3: Updated the Teamsay commands, and fixed an embarrasing Double Bind in the Taunts.

EDIT4: New Screenshot mode for Record Keeping.
Last edited by Einhander Sn0m4n on 2003-04-17 11:31pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Quake Color Coding

Normal (Vanilla) These apply to Railtrail colors as well as written text!

1: RED

OSP Colors


OSP Text Effects

^B or ^b = This makes your text blink
^F = Only makes the text visible the 1st half of a second
^f = Only makes the text visible the 2nd half of a second
^X[rrggbb] = Gives the text color. Replace [rrggbb] with the hex value of the desired color. Example: ^XFF0000 is red and ^X777777 is some kind of grey.
^N = This resets all the ^ controls, making the text behind it look like normal again

OSP Chat Tokens

#A - Armor
Current armor value (lower-case "a" will print the value
with color coding, depending on the level of the value)

#C - Corpse
The location where you last died
/say_team "Overrun at #C"

#D - Damaged by
The last player to score a hit on you
/say_team "#D is here and he's heavily armed!"

#F - nearest Friend
Reports closest teammate in team-based gametypes.

#H - Health
Current health value (lower-case "h" will print the value
with color coding, depending on the level of the value)
/say_team "Hurting bad - #H/#A"

#I - Item (nearest available)
Shows the nearest "significant" (weapon, armor, powerup, or MH)
available item, and that includes dropped items. Note, you must
be able to *see* the center of the item (not just an edge).. this
requires you to be facing in the general direction of the object.
/say_team "#I available here"

#K - ammopacK (nearest available)
Just like #I, except it reports only closest available ammopack.

#L - Location
Many maps have terrible target_location entities
e.g. PG on PRO-DM6 shows as YA
"(pF.arQon) (YA): Weapon available" is a bit crap, neh?
This shows the nearest "significant" item spawn
(weapon, armor, powerup, or MH), whether the item is there or not

#M - aMmo wanted
Lists all types of ammo for weapons you have that are empty or
are nearly emptry (between 0 and 5 ammo).
/say_team "Need #M"

#P - last item Picked up
Reports last item picked up. Useful for reporting when you pick
up an important item (i.e. quad).

#R - health/aRmor (nearest available)
Just like #I, except it reports only closest available health/armor.

#T - Target
The last player you hit
/say_team "#T is weak - finish him!"

#U - powerUps
Lists all powerups you currently possess

#W - current Weapon held
Prints the abbreviated name of the weapon you are currently holding
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Cal Wright
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Post by Cal Wright »

So that's how you make it blink! When I was playing Quake III on the DC online (and subsequentally, against my friends now) i had the name $p@arky. It was hillarious. A green dollar sign, and the other letters were in yellow, and the @ symbol was blinking red. God I loved that.

Were you born with out a sense of humor or did you lose it in a tragic whoppy cushion accident? -Stormbringer

"We are well and truly forked." -Mace Windu Shatterpoint

"Either way KJA is now Dune's problem. Why can't he stop tormenting me and start writting fucking Star Trek books." -Lord Pounder

The Dark Guard Fleet

Post 1500 acheived on Thu Jan 23, 2003 at 2:48 am
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Cal Wright wrote:So that's how you make it blink! When I was playing Quake III on the DC online (and subsequentally, against my friends now) i had the name $p@arky. It was hillarious. A green dollar sign, and the other letters were in yellow, and the @ symbol was blinking red. God I loved that.
It was a ROYAL BI0TCH finding that info, too! Hiding it from t3h N0o0o0bZ I guess!
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Post by Stormbringer »

Stop bumping. Either it gets posts or not. If no one cares, no one cares.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Stormbringer wrote:Stop bumping. Either it gets posts or not. If no one cares, no one cares.
Okay. Sorry. Lata and Happy Fragging!

P.S. do you play Quake? If yes, the Clan could use a guy like you.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Stop bumping. Either it gets posts or not. If no one cares, no one cares.
Okay. Sorry. Lata and Happy Fragging!

P.S. do you play Quake? If yes, the Clan could use a guy like you.
I haven't played any Quake past the original. I prefer DOD and Dark Force 3 now days.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Stormbringer wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Stop bumping. Either it gets posts or not. If no one cares, no one cares.
Okay. Sorry. Lata and Happy Fragging!

P.S. do you play Quake? If yes, the Clan could use a guy like you.
I haven't played any Quake past the original. I prefer DOD and Dark Force 3 now days.
Oh ok. Lata and Happy Fragging!
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Cal Wright
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Post by Cal Wright »

Le bump.

I just reinstalled Quake 3. Ein, your time is drawing near...

Were you born with out a sense of humor or did you lose it in a tragic whoppy cushion accident? -Stormbringer

"We are well and truly forked." -Mace Windu Shatterpoint

"Either way KJA is now Dune's problem. Why can't he stop tormenting me and start writting fucking Star Trek books." -Lord Pounder

The Dark Guard Fleet

Post 1500 acheived on Thu Jan 23, 2003 at 2:48 am
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King of Democracy
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Post by Stormbringer »

No thread bumping.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Stormbringer wrote:No thread bumping.
But I didn't bump...

oh... Dammit Cal, I already bumped this twice :D

BTW this thread also saved my ass when I forgot to backup my config file when I reinstalled WinDOS. :)
Cal Wright wrote:I just reinstalled Quake 3. Ein, your time is drawing near...
Bring it on, muddafucka! :mrgreen: I'll have you ridin my rail in no time and lovin it!! :twisted: :twisted:
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Update: Improved Quake3 Config again...

Code: Select all

//Com HunkMegs Setting

com_hunkmegs 128

//FPS Gauge

cg_drawfps 1

//Speed Gauge (For Bunnyhopping ;)

cg_drawSpeed 1

//PunkBuster Enable


//OldSk00L Railtrail

cg_oldrail 0

//Teammate Messages and Commands

bind y "say_team"
bind o "say_team Roger"
bind p "say_team Negative"
bind d "say_team ^2DEFENDING BASE/FLAG"
bind a "say_team ^1ATTACKING ENEMY BASE!!"
bind n "say_team Enemy Flag Carrier Sighted At #L ! Watch Out, #F !!"
bind m "say_team Whoops! They got me again at the #C ... ^1Someone Get a Spatula and Scrape My Guts Off the ^7Ceiling!!!"
bind , "say_team Dude! Where's Our ^3Flag?!"
bind . "say_team ^1G^3O^2O^5D ^4J^6O^1B^7!!!"
bind b "say_team ^3Base is ^1PHUCKED!!! ^3Need Defense NOW!"
bind v "say_team ^3All Uruk'hai ^4ATTACK! ^7ATTACK!! ^1ATTACK!!!"
bind c "say_team ^7Base Clear!!! ^6The Cockroaches have been ^5EXTERMINATED!!! >:D"
bind k "say_team ^3Flagwhores ^4HIGH ^7HIGH ^1HIGH!!!"
bind l "say_team ^3Flagwhores ^4LOW ^7LOW ^1LOW!!!"
bind u "say_team ^3Flagwhores ^4LEFT ^7LEFT ^1LEFT!!!"
bind i "say_team ^3Flagwhores ^4RIGHT ^7RIGHT ^1RIGHT!!!"
bind j "say_team ^3Requesting Status Report! Base Defenders, ^2Please Report In!"
bind h "say_team ^1I GOT THE FLAG! I GOT THE FLAG!! ^7Request Immediate Escort at #L!!"
bind z "say team ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^1 DEFEND THE BASE!!; say ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^7( ^80^7 )^1_^7( ^80^7 )"

//Other Stuff

bind r "say Grab Your Partner Do Se Do! Everybody Line Up In A Row! ^1RAILGUN TIME!!"
bind w "say ^3EXCELLENT ^1SH^7(+)^1T #D !!!"


bind q say "^7ALL YOUR BASE ARE ^1BELONG TO US!!!"
bind g say "^1G^3o^2o^5D ^4G^6a^1m^7E!!!"
bind f say "I R ^131337 ^2 C4mp1nG ^6PH4GG0T!!! :D"
bind r say "Grab Your Partner Do Se Do! Everybody Line Up In A Row! ^1RAILGUN TIME!!"
bind w say "^1N^31^2C^5E ^4S^6H^1(+)^7T #D !!!"

//Clan P1mp4ge

bind F8 "say ^1We are ^7Clan {SDN}, ^1the ^2StarDestroyer.Net ^7Quake 3 Clan! Our web address is ^3www.StarDestroyer.Net ^7and our Board is ^5BBS.StarDestroyer.Net."

//Fast Name Switch

seta namea "set name ^B^7{SDN}^n^X88FF00^bEinhander; set nameswitch vstr nameb"
seta nameb "set name ^B^7{AFK}^n^X88FF00^bEinhander; set nameswitch vstr namea"
set nameswitch "vstr namea"
bind F5 "vstr nameswitch"

//Rail Rainbow (Yes, this one works, as the <-gLu-> PeepZ know. :D )

set d1 "set color1 1; set color2 3; set changecolor vstr d2"
set d2 "set color1 3; set color2 2; set changecolor vstr d3"
set d3 "set color1 2; set color2 4; set changecolor vstr d4"
set d4 "set color1 4; set color2 6; set changecolor vstr d5"
set d5 "set color1 6; set color2 5; set changecolor vstr d6"
set d6 "set color1 5; set color2 7; set changecolor vstr d7"
set d7 "set color1 7; set color2 1; set changecolor vstr d1"

set changecolor "vstr d1"

bind mouse1 "+attack; vstr changecolor"

//Screenshot Toggle

bind F3 "cg_draw2d 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; echo ^7Screenshot Taken!"
//use for 'Owned!!!' screenies

bind F4 "screenshot;wait;echo ^1Screenshot Taken!"
//use for Score Recording 

//Boss/Husband Key (aka the Big Red Eject Button)

bind F12 say "Good Game, GuyZ! ^1Lata and ^7Happy Fragging! wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;quit"

//Snaps Select (Adjust for Low Ping: If Your Ping is High, Try bumping this up a couple notches)

set SetSnaps1 "set snaps 10;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps2;wait;echo Snaps ^110"
set SetSnaps2 "set snaps 20;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps3;wait;echo Snaps ^320"
set SetSnaps3 "set snaps 30;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps4;wait;echo Snaps ^230"
set SetSnaps4 "set snaps 40;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps1;wait;echo Snaps ^740"
vstr SetSnaps3

bind = "vstr SetSnaps"

//Rate Select (Adjust for Smooth Gameplay: If your framerate stutters or gets choppy, try lowering this a bit)

set SetRate1 "set rate 20000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate2;wait;echo RATE ^120K"
set SetRate2 "set rate 25000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate3;wait;echo RATE ^325K"
set SetRate3 "set rate 30000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate4;wait;echo RATE ^230K"
set SetRate4 "set rate 35000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate5;wait;echo RATE ^535K"
set SetRate5 "set rate 40000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate6;wait;echo RATE ^440K"
set SetRate6 "set rate 50000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate7;wait;echo RATE ^650K"
set SetRate7 "set rate 60000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate1;wait;echo RATE ^760K"
vstr SetRate3

bind - "vstr SetRate"

//Auto-Strafe Controls: Uses the six keys above the arrow keys; this is optimized for Southpaw Quakers.

bind DEL "+left"
bind PGDN "+right"
bind INS "+moveleft"
bind PGUP "+moveright"
bind HOME "+forward"
bind END "+back"

//FILE: Einhander.cfg "Einhander Sn0m4n's Custom Quake 3 Config" Version 0.1a 
//Copyright (C) 2003 Dale Cox alias E. Sn0 -+31337+- alias Einhander Sn0m4n (t3h 31337 P1nK H4t H4x0r)

//Known Bugs: No Right-Hand-on-Mouse Version. Trying to use a WASD layout to rectify this results in keybind conflicts.

//This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

//This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//Lesser General Public License for more details.

//You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA//

// See GNU Lesser General Public License here at

//Gr33tZ to my husband and life partner Dave who bought me Quake and gives me his love every day, Clan <-gLu-> for their EXCELLENT 
//InstaGib CTF Server and Wonderful website/forum at , and Fileplanet for letting me l33ch so 
//much Quake 3 shit, Orange Smoothie Productions ( for the Totally Excellent OSP Mod, and Last but not 
//Least: id Software for making such a totally awesome series of games, from the first Wolfenstein 3D and DooM through Quakes 
//1, 2, and 3, to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, all the way to the upcoming DooM 3 and Quake 4! KEEP QUAKE ALIVE FOREVER!

//Lata and Happy Fragging!
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