Code: Select all
//Com HunkMegs Setting
com_hunkmegs 128
Code: Select all
//FPS Gauge
cg_drawfps 1
Code: Select all
//PunkBuster Enable
Code: Select all
//OldSk00L Railtrail
cg_oldrail 0
Code: Select all
//Teammate Messages and Commands
bind y "say_team"
bind o "say_team Roger"
bind p "say_team Negative"
bind d "say_team ^2DEFENDING BASE/FLAG"
bind a "say_team ^1ATTACKING ENEMY BASE!!"
bind n "say_team Enemy Flag Carrier Sighted At #L ! Watch Out, #F !!"
bind m "say_team Whoops! They got me again at the #C ... ^1Someone Get a Spatula and Scrape My Guts Off the ^7Ceiling!!!"
bind , "say_team Dude! Where's Our ^3Flag?!"
bind . "say_team ^1G^3O^2O^5D ^4J^6O^1B^7!!!"
bind b "say_team ^3Base is ^1PHUCKED!!! ^3Need Defense NOW!"
bind c "say_team ^7Base Clear!!! ^6The Cockroaches have been ^5EXTERMINATED!!!"
bind k "say_team ^3BANDITS ^4HIGH ^7HIGH ^1HIGH!!!"
bind l "say_team ^3BANDITS ^4LOW ^7LOW ^1LOW!!!"
bind j "say_team ^7Status Report!"
bind h "say_team ^7My Status is #h #a and I'm at #L with a #W!
bind z "say team ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^1 DEFEND THE BASE!!; say ^7OMG ZERG RUSH!!! ^7( ^80^7 )^1_^7( ^80^7 )"
Code: Select all
bind q say "^7ALL YOUR BASE ARE ^1BELONG TO US!!!"
bind g say "^1G^3o^2o^5D ^4G^6a^1m^7E!!!"
bind f say "I R ^131337 ^2 C4mp1nG ^6PH4GG0T!!! :D"
bind r say "Grab Your Partner Do Se Do! Everybody Line Up In A Row! ^1RAILGUN TIME!!"
bind w say "^1N^31^2C^5E ^4S^6H^1(+)^7T #D !!!"
Code: Select all
//Rail Rainbow
set d1 "set color1 1; set color2 3; set changecolor vstr d2"
set d2 "set color1 3; set color2 2; set changecolor vstr d3"
set d3 "set color1 2; set color2 4; set changecolor vstr d4"
set d4 "set color1 4; set color2 6; set changecolor vstr d5"
set d5 "set color1 6; set color2 5; set changecolor vstr d6"
set d6 "set color1 5; set color2 7; set changecolor vstr d7"
set d7 "set color1 7; set color2 1; set changecolor vstr d1"
set changecolor "vstr d1"
bind mouse1 "+attack; vstr changecolor"
Code: Select all
//Screenshot Toggle
bind F11 "cg_draw2d 0; wait; wait; wait; screenshot; toggle cg_draw2d; echo ^7Screenshot Taken!"
//use for 'Owned!!!' screenies
bind F12 "screenshot;waitt;echo ^1Screenshot Taken!"
//use for Score Recording
New F12 Mode for Record Keeping.
Code: Select all
//Snaps Select (Adjust for Low Ping)
set SetSnaps1 "set snaps 10;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps2;wait;echo Snaps ^110"
set SetSnaps2 "set snaps 20;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps3;wait;echo Snaps ^320"
set SetSnaps3 "set snaps 30;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps4;wait;echo Snaps ^230"
set SetSnaps4 "set snaps 40;wait;set SetSnaps vstr SetSnaps1;wait;echo Snaps ^740"
vstr SetSnaps2
//Rate Select (Adjust for Low Ping)
bind = "vstr SetSnaps"
set SetRate1 "set rate 20000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate2;wait;echo RATE ^120K"
set SetRate2 "set rate 25000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate3;wait;echo RATE ^325K"
set SetRate3 "set rate 30000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate4;wait;echo RATE ^230K"
set SetRate4 "set rate 35000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate5;wait;echo RATE ^535K"
set SetRate5 "set rate 40000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate6;wait;echo RATE ^440K"
set SetRate6 "set rate 50000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate7;wait;echo RATE ^650K"
set SetRate7 "set rate 60000;wait;set SetRate vstr SetRate1;wait;echo RATE ^760K"
vstr SetRate4
bind - "vstr SetRate"
Code: Select all
//Auto-Strafe Controls
bind DEL "+left"
bind PGDN "+right"
bind INS "+moveleft"
bind PGUP "+moveright"
bind HOME "+forward"
bind END "+back"
EDIT: FiX0red Amazingly Stupid Typo in Thread Title.
*rails the 'A' key on his keyboard*
EDIT2: Updated Scrip Code from better understanding of OSP Chat Tokens and Name Effects
EDIT3: Updated the Teamsay commands, and fixed an embarrasing Double Bind in the Taunts.
EDIT4: New Screenshot mode for Record Keeping.