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Star Wars Galaxies
Posted: 2003-04-18 06:29pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
My name is Shun Cetun Ki I represent the Imperial Legion. Imperial Legion is a just released Star Wars Galaxies Player Association. Who's Goals are to build a dynasty and empire in this upcoming Star Wars MMORPG.
If you have any questions on Imperial Legion or Star Wars Galaxies reply either in this forum or through our forums
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:28pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Clan whore + n00b
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:30pm
by Beowulf
*zaps the n00b trying to recruit with the ion cannon*
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:35pm
by Coaan
How about you tell those pratts at swg to make their pos free...maybe they'll get players then
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:40pm
by Keevan_Colton
Easy there my rabid ewok friend....he's just representing a clan...dont eat the poor fellow.....
As for the clan-whore-goodness....with a gaming forum did we expect any less? As long as there's no spamming of should be alright.....and now....
Condsier thyself poked....
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:44pm
by Coaan
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:51pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
lmao this is true i mean no harm, but if you do have jediknight outcast let me know ill do some harming. I am here because I want something great and Star Wars Galaxies is wher ei plan to achieve it. No need to be player haters, hating my stilo cuzo.
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:53pm
by Coaan
Sith tendancies taking over there for a moment...
Seriously though, if it weren't for the fact that galaxies is an arm and a leg a month to afford, I'd be interested in signing up
Posted: 2003-04-18 07:59pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
I agree coaan it definetly adds up, but it is trully worth the 12-15 a month. I a veteran beta Tester so i have in game knowledge and im up to date on most news so thats fine if you can not join. Yet if you have any questions ask.
Posted: 2003-04-18 08:04pm
by Beowulf
I prefer not to pay a fee every month to play a game which i may not even be able to play the month that they're charging me...
Posted: 2003-04-18 08:10pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
I respect that and your ideas this game hits a different crowd of players, but if you ever get the chance at release to test game id test.
Posted: 2003-04-19 02:02am
by Cal Wright
who are you again? Hey Tropen, get a load of this guy. Looks like the Dark Guard's army will be needin' those weapons caches you'll be producin. Tyranny at it's finest.
Posted: 2003-04-19 02:04am
by Sea Skimmer
*Crushes newbie with MBT, backs up to grind the corpse into the mud and earth*
Re: Star Wars Galaxies
Posted: 2003-04-19 02:14am
by Utsanomiko
Shun CetuN Ki wrote:My name is Shun Cetun Ki I represent the Imperial Legion. Imperial Legion is a just released Star Wars Galaxies Player Association. Who's Goals are to build a dynasty and empire in this upcoming Star Wars MMORPG.
If you have any questions on Imperial Legion or Star Wars Galaxies reply either in this forum or through our forums
Too late, boy.
ASVS and already has The Cleaners as a SW:G group.
Better luck next time.

Posted: 2003-04-19 12:22pm
by Lord Pounder
More whoring and more bad grammer. Can we get a few n00bs who can fuckign type and spell next time. Can we make that a prequisite to signing up that you have to send Mike an essay on why you want to join. It won't matter what the essays say just as long as they have proper spelling and grammer.
BTW The Cleaners Staked their claim 1st.
Posted: 2003-04-19 01:19pm
by Tropen
*mass produces blasters for SDNet and DGFleet*
Posted: 2003-04-19 02:57pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Darth Pounder wrote:More whoring and more bad grammer. Can we get a few n00bs who can fuckign type and spell next time. Can we make that a prequisite to signing up that you have to send Mike an essay on why you want to join. It won't matter what the essays say just as long as they have proper spelling and grammer.
BTW The Cleaners Staked their claim 1st.
Its spelled "grammar".

Posted: 2003-04-19 04:00pm
by Sothis
Bah, on SW:G, I shall be the loner who joins the winning side in a battle, should be come across a fire fight, then leave again. I want everyone to hate me

Posted: 2003-04-19 05:42pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
Thats awesome that you guys have a SWG PA "cleaners". Yet, I call those who do not want to be with the cleaners because for whatever reason im calling you. Yet it was ncie to know that theres going to be an elite group of kids, playing swg, I hope your with the empire, or you life expecancy on the field will be a short one.
Posted: 2003-04-19 10:07pm
by Darksider
Shun CetuN Ki wrote: I hope your with the empire, or you life expecancy on the field will be a short one.
::::: pokes newbie :::::
Bah, the Empire's Tyranny will be abolished and the stormtrooper hordes shall be decimated
Posted: 2003-04-19 10:40pm
by Coaan
Darksider wrote:Shun CetuN Ki wrote: I hope your with the empire, or you life expecancy on the field will be a short one.
::::: pokes newbie :::::
Bah, the Empire's Tyranny will be abolished and the stormtrooper hordes shall be decimated
The tribe goes where people feed them to go. *nods*
Posted: 2003-04-19 11:32pm
by Shun CetuN Ki
I will not tolerate poking of any nature it is against moral and the empire...
Posted: 2003-04-19 11:42pm
by Sea Skimmer
Shun CetuN Ki wrote:I will not tolerate poking of any nature it is against moral and the empire...
We don't tolerate bad grammar or annoying newbies
*Three corps artillery brigades tear Shun to peices with a five thousand round barrage*
Posted: 2003-04-20 12:07am
by phongn
Enough of this. Shun CetuN Ki, next time please ask if you want to advertise your clan. The rest of you, no more ++postcount for you!