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Bizarre Uses of Magic in D&D

Posted: 2003-04-22 07:19pm
by Iceberg
What are some of the weirdest (not necessarily useful, either!) uses of canonical D&D magic spells you've seen in games?

I'll start with:

A Suneite cleric (Forgotten Realms) using Hero's Feast to create a cheesecake bar.

Posted: 2003-04-22 07:28pm
by Alyrium Denryle
using ray of frost rods with unlimited uses to create an ice box9casts it on rods in strategic places, using temp as an activation)

Posted: 2003-04-22 07:28pm
by Beowulf
Gate to slice a character in half... There's no save either... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-04-22 08:14pm
by Sr.mal
Using disintigrate on support colums to kill the damn Pk'er. He loved being a backstabber. Now he's just mush. To qoute: "DM:You notice the sorcerer begin to cast a spell. PK: Oh hes just getting Mage armor up. DM: Wrong you now notice, too late, that spell was a disintigrate spell. It collapses the support columns causing the roof of the building to collapse upon you. You die. PK: Don't I get a saving throw. DM: Sure....... DC 100,000" That was awesome.

Posted: 2003-04-22 08:22pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
One of my players casting Ice Storm. In a 10x10 room. His familiar lived. He did not.

Posted: 2003-04-22 08:24pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Well, kinda on topic, I tortured an unconsious ally to get my spells for the day.

Posted: 2003-04-22 08:31pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I was a mage, and was trnsported through a tempoal rift into the future...when the Gov Gunships(repulsorcraft) where chasing us on our dragon ally, I used Tensers floating disk and took out the gunner(I was out of spells, but had a skill called "channel magic" which enbled me to cast spells I had not prepared , or didnt have spell slots for) I had an idea, and cast Tensers floating Disk in front of the gunship, the impact of the disk(a planar section) hitting the quickly moving gunboat acted like a monofiliment(sp) and sliced through the gunboat damaging the engines, injuring the pilot, and killing the gunners :twisted:

Posted: 2003-04-22 08:50pm
by Kelly Antilles
Guy playing a mage. He'd never played one before. 10' wide hallway 20' long. HE'S BLINDED. "I'm going to cast fireball" We explained for TWENTY MINUTES that it wouldn't work. He kept insisting "I"m going to cast fireball". So, we let him. Half the party is on the floor unconscious.

Posted: 2003-04-22 09:24pm
by SirNitram
Let's see....

Cast Enlarge on the knife as it's entering a creatures back.

A delayed Enlarge on something the victim just ate.

Gate as a means of a porta-potty.

Time Stop for those intimate moments with the King's Daughter.

The joys of erotic illusions and their effect on stupid guardsmen.

Creating a Demiplane with the initial conditions: Full of Chocolate.

Posted: 2003-04-22 09:41pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Casting an epic versio of enlarge on an arrow as it is about to hit the enemy...Using prestdidigtion to create a banana peel against charging cavalry

Posted: 2003-04-23 12:53am
by Typhonis 1
A paladin having continouous light cast on his teeth

Posted: 2003-04-23 01:03am
by SirNitram
Typhonis 1 wrote:A paladin having continouous light cast on his teeth
A Netherese group did that on their hair, apparantly.

It's a religion thing, I think.

Posted: 2003-04-23 02:05am
by Keevan_Colton
Cunning use of invisibility plus a wonderful portable hole.....

Turning a very quiet ranger invisible, getting the other ranger to stand in the hole with a box so he can see out when he needs to....the other ranger snuck towards the enemies carrying the hole, refreshing the air every few minutes.....he'd either lay the hole at a good sniping spot and step back or lay it beside a bandit and let the other ranger pull them in by thier ankles and mug them......

Also fun was when we deliberately filled the hole with water and then put it behind people, pushed them in and let them drown....

Posted: 2003-04-23 02:52am
by Enforcer Talen

Posted: 2003-04-24 01:51am
by The Yosemite Bear
Using "Dig" against a Fortress of Adamantine and insdestructable magical metal "So, what If I can't breacher your walls, gravity is STILL a bitch, especially if the whole area of about 20' below your fortress suddenly ceases ot exist....

Posted: 2003-04-24 01:54am
by The Yosemite Bear
researching spell varients for Sex.

a throwing "Other" mastery in a thief, using just about every cursed object in existance....

Posted: 2003-04-24 02:01am
by SirNitram
I still say The Demiplane Of Elemental Chocolate is high on the list.

I shall simply explain it such: Pregnant Sorceress With Cravings.

And elves are pregnant for two years... Well, I'll just say that when she wanted chocolate, you didn't say no. Those who did got a Meteor Swarm rammed up their asses.

Posted: 2003-04-24 11:21am
by The Yosemite Bear
I know the building a Chest with temporal stasis on all contents while the chest is closed. now putting a portable hole in the bottom of the chest. Put a bag of holding on the top.

Close chest.

now leave chest in any dungeon. Someone is going to come around and eventually open up the chest creating a microsecond black hole killing everything within 90' of the chest when it's opened.