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My first bout with CnC: Generals

Posted: 2003-04-27 02:28am
by Shinova
Before any of you ask me to join the Generals division of the SDN clan, the copy I the one that can't do multiplayer (hint hint).

Anyway, I think it's pretty awesome. I'm on mission 5 of the USA campaign and I'm getting owned by the SCUD storms :cry: :mrgreen: Though I'm gonna try a different approach the next time I play.

One question though: is the single-player campaign worth playing through or should I just jump to skirmish games?

Posted: 2003-04-27 02:51am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The campaigns blow ass. Get the patches too. FSKING CHINA NERF THEM DEAR GOD

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:21am
by Strafe
Saying the campaign blows ass is like saying shit smells bad. It doesn't do justice to just how poor the campaign is. :D

If I were you Shinova, I'd play the campaign simply as practice, then go to multiplayer/skirmish when you're ready. There is no plot at all to the campaign which is just...poor.

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:35am
by Gandalf
I played it for the first time the other day, in multiplayer, I tried to apply the old RA1 principle of lots of tanks with little else. I got owned in half an hour. Though I held my own for a little while.

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:54am
by Cpt_Frank
Bwhahahahahaha Type-69 and Gatling tanks 0wnz!

Posted: 2003-04-27 07:13am
by Companion Cube

IMO, the US intelligence centre should be a little more expensive, considering the advantage it offers...

Re: My first bout with CnC: Generals

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:35pm
by phongn
Shinova wrote:Before any of you ask me to join the Generals division of the SDN clan, the copy I the one that can't do multiplayer (hint hint).

Anyway, I think it's pretty awesome. I'm on mission 5 of the USA campaign and I'm getting owned by the SCUD storms :cry: :mrgreen: Though I'm gonna try a different approach the next time I play.
Bah. USA campaign is easy even on brutal difficulty.

What you need to do is pound the enemy base in the first stage of the mission as soon as possible, but leave something alive!. I captured all but one building and sucked the available resources dry.

Then I captured the remaining building and prepared for attack. I used Pathfinders to silence the Stinger Sites (flashbanged Rangers can do it, too - in Hummers no less). Watch for minefields with Predator-upgraded vehicles. Comanches can wreak havoc as long as you silence the enemy air-defenses.

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:41pm
by phongn
Cpt_Frank wrote:Bwhahahahahaha Type-69 and Gatling tanks 0wnz!
Not when I particle beam them they don't.

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:49pm
by Cpt_Frank
phongn wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:Bwhahahahahaha Type-69 and Gatling tanks 0wnz!
Not when I particle beam them they don't.
Yes because I put them all in one location and don't move them away whem the beam comes down.

Posted: 2003-04-27 03:59pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Romonov and the mighty Soviet Union, wielding Apocalypse Tanks and Kirovs, come in and own all three of these pansy nations.

Don't fuck with RA2.