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WWII mod for Op Flash
Posted: 2003-04-28 10:12pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The first playable material is just coming out now:
I've yet to try it myself, I'm downloading it as I type this.
Posted: 2003-04-28 11:22pm
by Sea Skimmer
Looks intresting.
Posted: 2003-04-29 12:05am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
OK, I just had a blast screwing around in a mission* I made. Its a welcome change from the standard Op Flash stuff. There are also some cool additions, including the ability to assemble/disassemble machinegun positions (through the use of a Loader, who carriers the tripod much as an AT Soldier would carry a secondary anti-tank weapon), as well as being able to ride on the back of tanks (AI has trouble shooting them though). Only vehicles available thus far are the Kubelwagon, Tiger, and Sdkfz 251. All the major US and German firearms are there, and a few important variants thereof. Only thing that's noticeably missing are Stielhandgrenaten.
*By mission, I mean crap-thing I put together in the editor to try out the I44 stuff which consisited of a platoon of 82nd Airborne vs. a hodgepodge German force of 1 Fallschirmjaeger sniper, 3 riflemen, a PzVI, an Sdkfz 251 and accompanying squad. There were no objectives, simply two crude waypoints making the Germans advance into the awaiting paratroopers.