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[STGOD]Xeno-psych Durandal's Empire

Posted: 2003-04-29 10:21am
by Alyrium Denryle
It may become a necessity to know how the people in Durandal's Empire think.

The peole in Durandal's Empire[henceforth refered to as DE) value 3 things. Intellect, Secular "humanism", and new technology.

DE is a relativve newcomer in space, and in life in general. From the point they reached sentience, their technologica growth has been massive, and quick. Partially because of their keen intellect, and partially because they never developed any forms of religion to hamper scientific progress.

Their system of ethics is based off of something similar to Earth's "secular humanism" and is based of critical intelligence, and the scientific method. Very critical and arguementative, they will not ever hesitate to let their minds be spoken, and will rail on anyone who tries to silence them or remove their humanoid rights in any way.

Their love of technology has contributed to their ability to terraform otherwise uninhabitable planets and turn them into a giant sprawling metropolice. However, their love of natural beauty prevails on their homeworld of Duradalia, there are only small pockets of dense population, and he rest is left wild...a testement to how quickly in their history they began colonization.

Another biproduct of their paranoia. They lack social skills as a group and are not so much xenophobic as wary of everyone's intentions. This is attested to by the fleets of ships, and defense platforms that protect their panets.

However that doesnt mean they are not diplomatic, they welcome trade and military alliances with other empires...They just have a healthy dose of skepticism whenever anyone offers them anything. And to hide their identities...when off world they wear hooded robes, and what type of race they are is imossible to determine. Oddly enough, the head of state is human...And the Minister of Sin...Looks human...

Posted: 2003-04-29 01:36pm
by Sea Skimmer
If this is suppose to be STGOD related then it should have [STGOD] in the thread name.