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Is Splinter Cell any good?
Posted: 2003-05-02 10:40pm
by Captain tycho
I was wondering, because I've had my eye on a twenty dollar copy at K-mart, and was wondering whether it would be worth it.
Posted: 2003-05-02 10:58pm
by Agent Fisher
Posted: 2003-05-02 11:43pm
by Sea Skimmer
For twenty bucks yes
Posted: 2003-05-03 12:40am
by Death from the Sea
For a twenty, I would say sure, but be prepared to be fustrated at the level of stealthiness required. I myself am a Ghost Recon/HALO man where you kill everything in sight.
Posted: 2003-05-03 12:49am
by weemadando
You played GR shooting everything in sight?
I loved that game playing it stealthily. Moving everyone in silently, setting up and then in one quick and overwhelming assault taking out a large number of the enemy. Not run and gun.
And if you like GR get the War of Infamy mod. It fucking rocks.
And yes. Get Splinter Cell. NOW DAMNIT! NOW!
Posted: 2003-05-03 01:28am
by DPDarkPrimus
It's not a question of how good it is.
It's a question of why you haven't bought it yet.
Posted: 2003-05-03 02:38am
by Captain tycho
Well, that settles it.
Posted: 2003-05-03 03:11am
by Death from the Sea
weemadando wrote:You played GR shooting everything in sight?
Hell yes
weemadando wrote:
I loved that game playing it stealthily. Moving everyone in silently, setting up and then in one quick and overwhelming assault taking out a large number of the enemy. Not run and gun.
Well sometimes I would do that, but I always try to kill every baddie in the mission.
weemadando wrote:
And if you like GR get the War of Infamy mod. It fucking rocks.
I don't think they have that for the X-Box, but I did play Conflict: Desert Storm, it is similar to Ghost Recon, but not quite as good.
Posted: 2003-05-03 12:10pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Yes, I wish they would release some of the GR PC expansion stuff on X-Box Live for our downloading pleasure. That would be cool.
Posted: 2003-05-03 12:20pm
by Superman
Well, I am going to go out on a limb and say that I didn't like it. I don't have the patience and, when I had to play that stupid traning part where you have to squat and not hit the chain about fifteen times, I just gave up.
Posted: 2003-05-03 02:54pm
by Hotfoot
Superman wrote:Well, I am going to go out on a limb and say that I didn't like it. I don't have the patience and, when I had to play that stupid traning part where you have to squat and not hit the chain about fifteen times, I just gave up.
I did that section all of one time, straight through, no problem. You don't squat, you hug the walls and walk AROUND the chains. Very simple.
Posted: 2003-05-04 12:52am
by DPDarkPrimus
Training section? Bah, I learned all I needed to know from playing the demo about a bazillion times.
Posted: 2003-05-04 02:06am
by Darth Balls
I would say no. Before I bought it everwhere I read people claimed how this game let you complete missions however you want and shit like that. What a crock. I like to blow shit up in the process. You take that route, mission failure. There is a static limit to the number of alarms you can set off. What the fuck!?!
Graphics were nice, but the game itself was fucking boring if you wanna complete it. Add this game to the short list of games I bought but will never complete.
Posted: 2003-05-04 02:57am
by DPDarkPrimus
Guess you didn't like the Metal Gear Solid series either?
Posted: 2003-05-04 03:35am
by Vympel
Superman wrote:Well, I am going to go out on a limb and say that I didn't like it. I don't have the patience and, when I had to play that stupid traning part where you have to squat and not hit the chain about fifteen times, I just gave up.
That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Do you run into many closed glass doors by any chance?
Posted: 2003-05-04 06:38am
by Superman
Shaddup Vympel!
I'm with Balls on this one. I like to blow shit up too. Either blow shit up or strategize (Galactic Battlegrounds, AOE 2, Armada, etc).
On the plus side, I just got the "Godzilla" game for Gamecube and I love it! It's great on a big flat screen TV with another player.